First fully solar-powered airport - Green Ecologist

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The India surprise the world again by showing us his first airport that operates solely with solar energy thanks to thousands of solar panels and the evidence of an energy policy aimed at the renewable.

The country of india It is currently considered an emerging country and is a leader among developing countries, although its per capita income level is medium-low. Its projection it makes hope that in 2050 it will become the third world power, behind China and the United States. Currently, with 2,623 new megawatts installed and a total of 25,088 MW. India has surpassed Spain as the fourth country in the world in installed wind power, behind China, the United States and Germany according to the Global Wind Energy Council, and on the subject of photovoltaic energy it is following the same steps.

The idea of introducing renewables started in 2013 and in August 2015 the project on the Cochin International Airport, which is the fourth largest airport in India in terms of international passenger movement and the seventh largest in terms of domestic passenger movement. It is the first airport in the world that works fully with solar energy through its 48,154 solar panels that produce around 12 megawatts of energy per day.

The airport only consumed about 48,000 - 50,000 kilowatts of power. The managers are already thinking of starting to sell the surplus energy, with this, plus the savings represented by not having to pay the electricity bill, it is estimated that in approximately six years they will pay for the initial investment that was 9.3 Million Euros .

Not only do they already have a "Green airport" that does not directly pay the electricity bill, but represents a milestone in the benefit to the environment that will prevent the emission of more than 300,000 metric tons of carbon in the next 25 years.

The sharpness of the airport managers has led them to the water used to clean the solar panels is also used to irrigate a new growing area at the airport itself. Crops such as ash gourd, okra, cucumber, ridge gourd … etc. They are grown in the garden and sold both at the airport and in nearby markets.

Also of interest is the graphical article to understand photovoltaics in the world, Europe and Spain.

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