The architecture of algorithms and robots

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Architecture with robots. How to design a structure based on algorithms

We can see that we live in a world where technology advances by giant steps. The designer requires the help of multiple tools in his design tasks in order to reduce costs, here comes the architecture with robots. Costs and times are reduced, obtaining designs and structures that a few years ago were unthinkable to build.

A challenge was launched … How to build a sturdy wooden structure with as little material as possible? A simple question that would have made any architect or designer “crazy”, but what if we left this dilemma in the hands of a Software. A program that calculates based on algorithms the best option, the most viable, the design that could be almost "perfect".

Well, in Germany, from the University of the Institute of Stuttgart, the building that corresponds to the Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall in Schwäbisch Gmünd has been built where its design and manufacture has been raised from the machines, obtaining a peanut-shaped building covered by a panel of bees.

"Compared to man-made constructions, natural biological constructions have a significantly higher degree of geometric complexity" according to a software programmer.

A unique, organic-looking building that could not have been manufactured if it were not for the design of the computers and the manufacture of its wooden structure via robots. Computers are smarter and robots are more dexterous, being able to achieve goals that were not feasible a few years ago.

The building is made up of 2,700 m2 covered in a honeycomb panel made of wooden modules with a total of 243 unique geometric plates 50 millimeters thick that adhere to each other through 7,600 finger-like joints.

Obviously, in computational design the designer plays an important role. It is easy to assume that a computer generated building leaves little input for the designer and his pencil, but the fact is that even the algorithms must be designed as well as the constraints that will guide and define the building, which in turn become a avenue for creative expression.

From the following video we can see the entire execution process and how robots work in the construction of the structure until obtaining the Building:

Links of interest:

  • Architecture in the face of the crisis
  • The living and ecological urbanism of cities
  • Heating and cooling by algae.
  • How color affects architecture.
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