We have already built 30,000 km2 on the oceans - Green Ecologist

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The «footprint» of buildings in the oceans

Humans, as a good species that we are, not only dedicate ourselves to throwing everything that is left over to the sea. Our ambition has no limits, and if we do not have enough to destroy terrestrial ecosystems in its entirety, then the sea, which also does not serve to expand our desires or create crazy infrastructure.

Obviously, sometimes they will be urgently needed (Example, obtaining marine energy) and other times, whims. As a perfect and well-known example, the famous artificial islands that began in Dubai, and later, the emirate ended up building an archipelago of 300 islands.

Or the case of the cover image. Which is a NASA photograph of fish farms - 6 kilometers out into the sea - off the coast of northeast China's Liaoning province.

The oceans are the great unknown of the planet in many respects. Not only from an environmental, ecological or biodiversity perspective, but also, how the hand of man is affecting their behavior (See article ocean temperature reaches a record level).

The expansion of marine construction represents one of the most extreme human modifications

The expansion of marine construction represents one of the most extreme human modifications, however, its global extension remains - to a large extent - very little quantified compared to the land surfaces not occupied by water. Without cutting into how these global changes will affect the future.

This week, it was published in Nature and supported by the University of Sydney and the Institute of Marine Sciences. The first cartography that analyzes the modifications made by man on the oceans.

According to the study, physical area reaches approximately 30,000 square kilometers - the equivalent of 0.008 percent of the oceans - They have been directly modified by man-made works and infrastructures.

The extent of the modifications is greater than the global area of some natural marine habitats, such as mangrove forests and seagrass beds.

When calculated as the modified surface, including the effects of currents on surrounding areas, for example due to changes in water flow and pollution, the footprint, is actually 2,000,000 square kilometers, that is, more than 0.5% of the ocean (If we compare surfaces, four times Spain or all of Mexico).

If we calculate the modified surface of the oceans, it would be as large as four times Spain or all of Mexico

Oceanic modification includes areas affected by tunnels and bridges; infrastructure for energy extraction (eg oil and gas platforms, wind farms); maritime transport (ports and marinas); aquaculture infrastructure; and artificial reefs.

According to the project director, Ana Bugnot … "Construction on the oceans is nothing new, but since the mid-twentieth century, the development that is being practiced on the oceans indicates a significant acceleration, producing both positive and negative results"

For example, many of the artificial reefs have been used as habitat to boost tourism. This infrastructure can also affect sensitive natural habitats such as seagrass beds, marshes, etc., which affects water quality, and this is when the serious problems come.

The Marine development occurs mainly in coastal areas, in the most biodiverse and biologically productive ocean environments. So we are destroying a very important part of the oceans and the future is but!

All the Life on our planet (including our ecosystems, society and the economy) depends on water. Marine and freshwater ecosystems perform many vital functions that humans need.

According to the analysis, by 2028 an increase in the occupied area is expected to reach 39,400 km2. Mainly due to energy infrastructures that are on the rise, aquaculture, port extensions, cables, tunnels, etc., which are already palpable objectives for many countries.

Although we still have a lot to analyze, it is not good news from an ecological or environmental perspective: the life of the oceans is in danger! Nor are there any tangible signs that governments are very interested in the issue, for example, from the EU with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, many intentions on paper, but very little real progress.

Remember our article on how to treat waste and practice recycling, it is always good to remember it.

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