Exotic fruits that you will love to know

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Fruits are part of the great gif.webpts that Mother Nature gives us daily. They are delicious, they are healthy and they help us to stay in shape, but, in addition, the Planet offers us a great variety of them. Although, to have an ecological behavior, it is necessary to consume local products and fruits, since the carbon footprint left by those exported is enormous, we have the option of looking for those that have been grown organically. In fact, the cultivation of organic tropical fruits is booming. Also, if we travel to some of the countries where they are grown, we will have a great opportunity to consume them. At Ecologist Verde we offer you a list of exotic fruits that you will love to know and try.


This exotic, delicious looking fruit that tastes like a mix between coconut, pineapple and lychee It is originally from malay archipelago. In fact, in this autochthonous language the meaning of its name is "hairy", whose origin is not difficult to guess when looking at the appearance of the fruit. Perhaps because of those messy "hairs" it might seem rambutan not very appetizing, but once peeled, we obtain a fresh and tender fruit with a texture and flavor similar to that of grapes, due to that mixture of sweet and sour. It can be eaten raw, although in some Malaysian towns it is cooked with sugar and aromatic cloves and consumed as a dessert. Despite coming from Asia, rambutan is becoming so popular that it is currently grown in other countries, such as Mexico or Hawaii.


Probably the name does not tell you anything, but it is possible that you have already seen this fruit on some occasion, in international cuisine restaurants or as dessert decoration, since visually it is very beautiful and is perfect for the decoration of dishes. It is actually a tropical plant, typical of warm and temperate regions, a family of Solanaceae. Despite its sophisticated appearance, it is not a fruit as such, but comes from the tomato and eggplant family. It has an acid taste, without being sweet, so, in the end, we will realize that it is not so different from a cherry tomato.

They are originally from regions of South AmericaAlthough they are grown in some areas of Asia, for that reason we have seen them occasionally in Asian restaurants. The best thing about this fruit, in addition to its beauty and intense orange color, is that we can eat it both with desserts (with a chocolate cake and cream they are delicious), as well as salty foods (we often find them accompanying pasta dishes).

Cucumis metuliferus

The name sounds unappetizing, although this fruit is also known as african cucumber. Without a doubt it is a fruit that we should try sometime in life; it actually comes from a flowering plant that comes from the same family as melons and cucumbers. It has a shape similar to that of a melon, but its rind has bumps of different colors. Like the previous one, it can be eaten with sugar (it has a taste and texture that we could define as a mixture between kiwi and banana) or in salad, with salt, which makes it more similar to cucumber.

Is native to africa, but, for some time, it has also been cultivated in other areas, including Almúñecar, in Spain. Also in Israel, Argentina, the United States and Australia.

You will like it for the intense green color of its pulp, which is very rich and juicy; Furthermore, these fruits are a huge source of vitamin C and fiber. As a curiosity, this exotic "cucumber" became popular when appearing in a scene from "Star Trek".

Purple mangosteen

This fruit, which comes from a indonesian tropical tree, can be defined as aromatic, fresh and sweet. It has reminiscences of lemon and peach when we taste it and it is undoubtedly very attractive to the eye. Its texture is also a pleasure for the taste buds. It comes from South Asia and has the popular saying that Queen Victoria said that she would give 100 pounds to the person who could bring her a fresh mangosteen. Possibly, its pulp is so soft and sweet thanks to the rind that protects it, that is why it is not easy to peel.

The mangosteen has become very famous and we could say that today it is something like the queen of exotic fruits. Lovers of this fruit say that you can feel the luxury when you eat it and that they would not change it even for the best of desserts. Today it is grown in upstate New York, where it can be purchased for $ 45 per kilo.

Padanus fruit

The padanus -also know as hala tree- It comes from Australia, Indonesia and some tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean and its fruit makes us think of an exotic-looking pineapple. Of course, regardless of its flavor, its external appearance does not leave anyone indifferent, so that it is sometimes used to decorate houses and tables. The shell is fibrous and hard, which is why it reminds us of a pineapple that produces pine nuts. The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked and is said to be very beneficial for the teeth, that is why some of its parts are used as dental floss. In addition, the leaves of this tree are used to make baskets and bags and are believed to have important medicinal properties.

The fruit of the Monstera deliciosa

Only its name gives us a clue about its great taste. The plant that bears this fruit, called ceriman or Adam's Rib Due to the curious shape of its leaves, it belongs to the climbing family and comes from the tropical jungles of Mexico. It looks more like an ear of corn than a fruit, but we also found a certain resemblance to a pineapple. Those who have tried it say that it tastes like a combination of ripe banana, pineapple and mango.

However, despite its amiable name, the delicious mostera can be toxic. Of the whole plant, you can only eat the fruits once they are ripe, never before. You have to wait a year for it to mature; consuming it before can be very dangerous.


At southeast asia they have it clear. Durium is the "king of fruits", although it is unknown in much of the world. Not many Westerners have tried it, although those who have described its taste as" some custard with almonds. "It has a very unpleasant aroma, often compared to that of A sweaty socks or an onion, although for many people the awful smell is worth it for its incredible taste.

Custard apple

One of the best known on this list, probably because it is sold in many Spanish greengrocers. It is characterized by a smooth texture and a very sweet pulp with large black seeds, which we can later suck on to scrape off the remains of custard apple. We would define it as a cross between the banana (due to its smooth texture) and the pineapple (due to its sweetness), although there are many who say that it has a caramel flavor. On the outside, they look like an artichoke.

Although they are actually native to the Andes, they have long been cultivated in mediterranean climates. A few decades ago, they began to be planted in Italy and Spain, that is why we can see them in our greengrocers, although it is not common to find them in stores in other European countries.

As a curiosity, the great writer Mark Twain wrote about custard apples being "the most delicious fruit a man can taste", do you agree?

Feijoa or guava

This fruit is originally from Brazil, although it is also cultivated in New Zealand, Colombia and even Galicia. It is very resistant to cold and can withstand temperatures of -12 degrees Celsius. Its exterior is green (its interior can be of different colors), oval in shape and has an aromatic and sweet taste. Its medicinal properties are well known, especially its fruit before ripening is considered very beneficial to heal burns. In recent years, The guava It has become extremely popular globally because its health qualities have been proven and almost everyone likes the taste of it. When touched it reminds us of a pear.

Chinese orange tree

It reminds us of an orange for its shape and color, although it is a very different fruit, originally from china. His name literally means "golden orange"In the 19th century, they also began to be cultivated in Europe. Although it may look like it, it is not the same as a medlar. It is a citrus fruit that, therefore, has a high content of vitamin C and fiber. eat raw, but it is very common to make jams with them or use them in salads. If you feel like growing them at home, save the seeds and start growing your own Chinese orange trees.


Thanks to Asian restaurants, this delicious plant is no longer so unknown to us. It is sweet, small, translucent and with a white interior very different from its beautiful exterior. They are grown in South Asia, especially India and Batan. When they are not ripe, they are very bitter, but later they become the sweet fruit that many of us know. Did you know that in Asia it is very popular to eat lychee soup?

Oregon grape

This fruit, scientifically named Mahonia Aquifolium, comes from North America, hence its name. It has a very dark purple color, has a large seed inside and is characteristic for having a very bitter taste.

However, its medicinal properties are extensive. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The extract of this plant has been shown to be very good for skin problems, such as psoriasis, inflammation, itching and irritation. It is also used to treat hemorrhoids, arthritis, or low back pain.

Wood apple

In Spanish, his real name is Limonia Acidissima and belongs to the family of The citrus. Probably, when you see the image, it does not seem very appetizing, because it seems that we are about to eat a piece of wood. Indeed, there are few people who eat it and its taste is not very goodRather, it is a medicinal fruit, whose tree is a sacred symbol for Hindus.

The snake fruit

It is so called because its shell has an appearance that could remember the skin of a snake. It comes from a species of palm tree from tropical areas. Its flavor is similar to that of a pineapple and its fruit is soft and white.


In English it is called the "star fruit"Because of its peculiar shape. It comes from Asia, specifically from countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Vietnam or India. Although it is used to make juices and jams, it is normally consumed raw, freshly picked from the tree. It is crunchy, but very juicy and, if you eat it, it guarantees you a source of potassium, antioxidants and vitamin C.

Dragon fruit

It is known as dradon's fruit because its exterior attracts attention powerfully, because it makes us think of reptile scales and it is usually pink or yellow. This fruit is white inside with small black seeds, it has a sweet taste and its pulp is soft and smooth. Taking this fruit has been shown to greatly aid digestive processes. It is also known as pitaya and pitahaya.

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