Flower Beetles - Plague

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The flower beetle is a beetle that belongs to the Cetonid tribe and that, on hot and sunny days, is very dangerous for the ornamental species, since it totally or partially devours the buds, leaves, buds and flowers. He has a predilection for roses, trees and flowering shrubs. In addition, the larvae of these insects, which correspond to the white worms, and which feed on the roots and stems of many garden and orchard species, are also to be feared. To control them, in their two states, phytosanitary treatments should be applied in a manner preventive or curative.

The plague

To be able to detect this pest it is important to be alert. The beetle it enters the flowers and devours stamens, pistil, corolla, that is, the most tender parts, destroying them in a short time. The clearest symptom of its presence is a large number of petals on the ground. Furthermore, the cocoons of many species fail to open. In other cases, the flower opens asymmetrically and deformed. Sometimes they can also devour the tender leaves and new shoots. In addition, when flying, they move quickly from flower to flower, so a small colony is enough to cause great damage. The flowers of the affected species are totally or partially destroyed, or fall to the ground, losing their ornamental value.

The rose bushes and the beetle

The rose bushes They are affected by a multitude of animal parasites and among them the flower beetle ( Cetonia aurata) and other ketonids. These insects devour the petals and stamens of roses, especially those that are white or with light tones. In these cases, its manual removal in the morning is recommended. But in addition to the roses, the flower beetle also attacks other flower species with primroses, lupines, leuccanthos, bougainvilleas, peonies, lilies, etc … Neither are the flowers spared from its attack. flowers of many trees and shrubs, such as willow, hawthorn or viburnum, as well as the flowers of fruit trees.

Prevent the flower beetle

It is difficult to prevent damage to the flower beetle, in their adult state, but not those of their larvae. By aerating the soil, digging will expose the worms and can be easily collected by hand. Another option is to place pots buried up to the edges with water and oil at the bottom, where they will drown. Acting on the larvae will prevent them from becoming beetles.

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