Formaldehyde contamination

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The formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound (VOC) that is used in a large part of everyday products. It is a compound that at room temperature behaves like a colorless gas with a pungent odor. However, what many do not know is that its exposure can cause various negative consequences. Furthermore, depending on the concentration and the exposure time, the degree of sensitivity can be very different. Cases have been found of people highly sensitive to this compound and experiencing various reactions. For that reason, it is advisable to minimize its presence in houses.

The use of formaldehyde

Its use has become widespread in products as diverse as building materials, paints, textiles, chipboard or cellulose napkins. Use Insulating materials in buildings it is a good solution to reduce energy consumption, but may contain formaldehyde. Your ideal substitute would be organic paints and treatments. On the other hand, chipboard furniture or plywood they also use formaldehyde as their adhesive. For this reason, it is advisable to let them air after their purchase to reserve them in uninhabited spaces.

In vinyl materials for coatings, the carpets Y synthetic rugs they may contain formaldehyde to make them more resistant to stains. Similarly, the textile industry uses this compound as a preservative and to prevent wrinkles or stains on garments. That is why we recommend looking for garments with ecological and natural fibers. Lastly, the combustion of wood and gas boilers, as well as tobacco, emits formaldehyde.

At the same time, for home cleaning, cosmetics and personal hygiene also incorporate amounts of formaldehyde to combat stains or moisture. Deodorants, lacquers, shampoos, soaps, detergents, disinfectants, and a host of very common products that may contain this compound. The use of these products can be reduced, since we sometimes abuse them.

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