How to make Homemade ALOE VERA GEL - EASY and with VIDEO

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Do you want to learn how to make aloe vera or aloe vera gel in a homemade and ecological way? It is very simple and it is worth it, since the more natural the product is, or the less processed it is with chemicals, the more we will take advantage of its properties. Aloe vera is used for countless health and beauty treatments and even as a product to maintain a good state of health of the skin, hair, etc.

If you wonder how to make homemade aloe vera gel, keep reading Green Ecologist and discover with us a very easy way to do it, preserve it, its properties, uses and applications. You only need to have a mature aloe plant at home and little more material. Take note!

How to make aloe vera or aloe vera gel step by step

Commercial aloe vera gels, which can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets, are not always as natural as possible, they are processed and contain preservatives, among other chemicals, which can cause allergic skin reactions and other problems, in addition to its preparation, transport and sale process cannot always be considered ecological. Therefore, we recommend doing it at home yourself.

As we have mentioned, preparing aloe vera gel at home is really easy and useful, as it has multiple applications. If you want to have your own gel in an economical and ecological way, do not miss this recipe for which you only need these ingredients, materials and steps to Make Homemade Aloe Vera Gel:

Ingredients and material

  • Aloe vera or aloe vera leaves or stalks
  • Water
  • Knife
  • Wooden spoon
  • Big glass
  • Large glass jar or jar

The number of sheets will depend on the amount of final gel you want to make, we recommend that you start with two large ones and that, as you see, add more if necessary.

Preparation of aloe vera gel

  1. Stop watering the aloe plant about 5 days before cutting the leaves. After this time, cut the leaves as close to the stem or base as possible. You should cut the most external and mature ones, not those that are in the center of the plant, since they are the newest.
  2. Open the leaves, to do this cut the tip and the two sides, where you will see some small thorns, do it lengthwise to remove the sides completely.
  3. Remove the aloin from aloe vera, we will tell you how to do it correctly in the next section, and keep in mind that it is a process that lasts a whole day.
  4. When the leaf is clean of aloin, peel the skin from one of the flat parts of the stalk with a knife, so that only one side remains with skin. In this way, you will see all the gel that the stalk contains. Before peeling it, if it is a very large stalk you can break it into several pieces to make it more manageable.
  5. With a wooden spoon, remove all the pulp or natural gel from the aloe vera and pour it into the jar or jar in which you will keep the final gel.
  6. Do the same with all the necessary leaves to get the amount you need.
  7. If you want it to last a long time, you will have to do a few more steps that we will explain later in this article, in the section on preserving aloe vera gel.

How to remove aloin from aloe vera

To remove the aloin, which is step 3 in the previous recipe to prepare homemade aloe vera gel, you will need a large glass of water and soak the cut but unpeeled leaves (or each one in a glass if they are large). Leave the stalks to soak for 24 hours, but change the water two or three times throughout the day to remove the aloin.

It is important to remove it because it can be irritating to sensitive skin or those with any condition.

How to preserve homemade aloe vera gel

To get this aloe vera gel lasts as long as possible you just need to follow these steps and tips:

  1. When you extract the pulp or gel from the plant, put it in a blender or blender.
  2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice, you can also add vitamin C if you have capsules (puncturing them and extracting their oily content) or if you have powder and a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. These are great antioxidants that will allow the preservation of the gel, preventing it from oxidizing and deteriorating.
  3. Mix everything well with the mixer or blender, until you see a homogeneous result in texture and color.
  4. Pour the result of the mixture into the container that you are going to use to store the gel. Make sure it is very clean, if it is glass you can sterilize it by boiling it for a quarter of an hour, and use one that has a lid that closes as well as possible or is hermetic. In this way it can last for months.
  5. The day it smells bad or different than usual, you can throw it away, or if it runs out, and make a new one.

Properties of aloe vera gel and its uses

Aloe vera is full of benefits thanks to its properties and, therefore, we use it for many aspects of our daily lives, from health to cosmetics and home care. Contains a high percentage of water, resin and aloin (which are removed for use), proteins, amino acids, vitamins A, group B and C, acids such as folic and salicylic and trace minerals such as calcium, manganese, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, iodine, sulfur, magnesium, among others. Thanks to this composition, its properties are possible, among the main properties of aloe vera or aloe and its uses we highlight:

  • Great moisturizer.
  • Healing and regenerating.
  • Cleaner.
  • Slight laxative.
  • Soothing, refreshing and anti-inflammatory.
  • It helps to purify the environment by eliminating electrostatic pollution, which is produced by televisions, Wi-Fi, telephones, etc.

For all this, between the uses of aloe vera We find curing burns, irritated and inflamed skin, dry skin, eczema or dermatitis of various types, to hydrate hair, treat dandruff, treat mild constipation, and even to clean the home of excess environmental electricity, which it affects our health. Thus, for health and beauty, this plant is used both internally and externally and gives great results for the care of skin, hair, nails, intestinal transit and much more.

In this other Green Ecologist article we will tell you more about 5 practical uses of aloe vera.

How to make aloe vera moisturizer

Prepare an aloe vera moisturizer It is convenient to use it regularly if we suffer from skin problems, such as eczema or atopic skin. It is as easy to make as homemade aloe vera gel. To prepare it you only need:


  • Shea or cocoa butter
  • Homemade aloe vera gel
  • Hydrating and regenerating essential oils (optional)


  1. Get a bigger jar or jar than the one for shea butter or cocoa.
  2. In this pot add a part, for example half, of the vegetable shortening you have chosen.
  3. Add a part of the homemade aloe gel and stir well so that the two ingredients are integrated.
  4. Add both ingredients interspersed until they are completely poured, while stirring and achieving a homogeneous texture.
  5. When you have this cream prepared, you can add a few drops of essential oils that are soothing, regenerating and hydrating, such as calendula, lavender, rosehip or sweet almonds. You can add about 5 drops of each essential oil and mix very well again.
  6. You already have your cream ready and you can use it daily as many times as you need. Remember to keep it in a suitable place, you can keep it in the fridge.

Here you can learn more recipes on How to make a natural moisturizer.

How to make antibacterial aloe vera gel

To finish, we want to explain how to make antibacterial or disinfectant gel with aloe vera, since the aloe vera gel that we have just taught you to prepare is widely used as a base gel to make moisturizing gels and antibacterial or disinfectant gels.


  • 2/3 of 96% sanitary alcohol
  • 1/3 of aloe vera or aloe vera gel
  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil

Essential oils are variable, the important thing is to put a combination of some that have antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Some are: lemon, orange, lavender, and eucalyptus.

Preparation of antibacterial gel with aloe vera

  1. Pour the aloe vera gel into a jar. Do it now in the one you are going to use to store the final gel.
  2. Add the alcohol. You can add more alcohol than aloe vera, since this is much more disinfectant than the gel from the plant. This gel helps the skin not suffer or become too dry during disinfection, apart from helping it. However, keep in mind that the main disinfectant in this formula is alcohol, so it should be more than aloe.
  3. Close the jar and stir well until the two ingredients have been well homogeneous.
  4. Open the container again and now add the drops of essential oils.
  5. Close the bottle again and shake well to mix the gel components.
  6. You can use it now. Remember that before using it, it is good to shake it so that the ingredients stay well mixed with each use.

In this other practical article by Ecologist Verde we show you how to make natural antibacterial gel, with a recipe similar to these and other very effective ones. In addition, we recommend that you also know how to make a natural disinfectant according to use, here you can see recipes for skin, wounds, house floors, vegetables and other foods, etc.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to make homemade aloe vera gel, we recommend that you enter our category of ecological products.

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