Pigeon cow. A short for energy efficiency

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Short Vaca Paloma by Paco León

It premieres within the framework of the second edition of Cinergyof the San Sebastián festival on short Vaca Paloma by Paco León. A good representation of a project aimed at bringing energy efficiency closer to the general public through short films.

Can you talk about energy efficiency through a mother, a son and their cow? Paco León proves yes through this short by Cinergía, full of humor, surrealism and advice to maintain more efficient energy consumption.

What is Cinergía

It is an initiative supported by Gas Natural Fenosa in which it tries to bring together the best of our country's cinema to raise awareness about a responsible and efficient use of our energy through shorts.In the presentation of the project we can see many comedians of great caliber who suppose an unquestionable quality in the short films presented for the benefit of social responsibility before the efficiency and savings.

Not only can we enjoy Paco león as director watching the video, in this second edition we find shorts by Isabel Coixet or Santiago Segura that promise us unforgettable laughs. Both trailers of the shorts that also promise a lot in the competition are:

Trailer of the short film A broken heart is not like a broken vase or a vase by Isabel Coixet

Synopsis: How will an expert cardiologist fix her broken heart after a sentimental failure? She apparently has clear symptoms: first, pain in the sternum and then the obsession settles in the brain reviewing the last appointments. Once the diagnosis is made, will you trust your speedy recovery? Perhaps the energy manager who works at your hospital will be able to revive your broken heart.

Trailer of the short Responsible Consumption (Level 7) by Santiago Segura

Synopsis: A community president, quite obsessed with responsible energy consumption, visits his neighbor for a surprise inspection. At once he realizes behind that discreet lady's facade hides a cruel and ruthless waster of watts. We are at the beginning of this story, full of crazy dialogue in which there is tension, emotion, racy jokes and even crime. It promises a lot!

First edition of CINERGÍA

If we review the first edition of CINERGÍA, we met with stories related to the fantasy genre and thriller which were the common threads of the different stories that make up four shorts:

Ultraviolet Short by Paco Plaza

Synopsis: Lola, an art restorer, has to spend the night working to uncover a painting hidden in a painting. His obsession with work and a waste of energy consumption they will take it further than expected.

Short 1:58 by Rodrigo Cortés

Synopsis: A careless driver finds herself in serious trouble when a group of mysterious assailants run into her on a deserted highway.

Short Tenant by Jaume Balagueró

Synopsis: A newly independent couple does not know why it is cold in their apartment and they decide to call a technician. The former tenants will have a lot to do with it.

Short Domonic produced by Gas Natural Fenosa

Synopsis: An advanced intelligent home management system takes control of the house of Gastón, a very capricious man who wastes the resources of his home and who will receive a lesson that we will not be able to forget.

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