Free course energy efficiency in public buildings IVE - Green Ecologist

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Energy efficiency course in public buildings with Impulse methodology

Addressing the issue of energy efficiency in buildings is a complicated issue, and if they are public, the headaches can multiply a lot if we do not follow an adequate methodology.

The main challenge is the insufficient capacity of public administrations to establish reliable and affordable energy efficiency plans for their building stock.

Not to mention the challenges of meeting the demanding requirements of the European directives for the Member States regarding the energy renovation of public buildings.

From IVE (Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación - For the clueless, it is a benchmark Institution in Spain on issues related to construction and building) have just launched a free course in energy efficiency on public buildings based on the Impulse methodology.

The IVE collaborates in different national and international projects. In this conglomerate of initiatives, there is the BOOST, which is a transnational cooperation project of the Interreg MED program, financed with ERDF funds and which has been tested in 6 pilot cities of the European Union.

This project has resulted in an integrated management support system for the planning of energy efficient interventions in public buildings.

The problem in public buildings is the lack of availability of energy consumption data, as well as intuitive decision-making support systems that allow reaching more affordable action plans with cost-effective and realistic solutions. Here! This is where the Impulse methodology plays an important role.

Remember two articles of interest:

  • How to accelerate energy efficiency in buildings
  • 10 predictions about energy efficiency

The main objective of the Impulse project is to tackle all the challenges mentioned above thanks to an integrated system of support for public administrations.

The system allows the planning and implementation of energy renovation projects in public buildings through a practical methodology based on:

  • Classification of the park of public buildings in the municipality "X" (Use of the building, year of construction, built area, number of floors, etc).
  • Energy analysis of these buildings through energy modeling and simulation in different scenarios (From minimal renovation, to almost zero energy consumption criteria)

This methodology allows establishing a plan to improve the energy efficiency of municipal buildings with a technical basis, with a temporary projection (a maximum of 20 years) and economically viable to the real possibilities of intervention and financing of the population.

Obviously, the methodology also contributes the investment cost, as well as the energy savings and CO2 emissions associated with buildings.

In Spain, the project was tested in the city of Elche (Alicante). In the following video there is more information …

The ultimate goal of free course in energy efficiency for public buildings It is to increase the capacities of the technicians involved in the management, planning and action of energy improvement projects and to involve the political leaders with the aim of the energy transformation of public buildings.

From the following link of the IVE we can register in the course that is totally online (distance) and free with a duration of 10 hours. As indicated on the website, it will be open until the end of the year.

We remind you that we also have an article where you can find three active courses in energy rehabilitation and their financing and another on free courses in BIM, with more than six proposals.

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