Portable Air Conditioner: 7 Keys to Buy the Best - Super Guide - Green Ecologist

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Portable air conditioners

Within the domestic air conditioning aimed at improving the comfort of homes, especially in get colder stays, a viable, economical and highly requested solution is the use of the portable air conditioning. An option to combat the heat in summer that many users are acquiring.

Although its operation may seem similar to a traditional air conditioner whose main function is to provide cold air to the homeIn truth, these devices have different characteristics that we must know before buying.

If you want a mobile air conditioning unit, which provides some cold and relatively cheap, then you are on the right track!

But … Why does the mobile air conditioner have a tube that goes to the window? Relax, we will explain it later, but, the tubeless models, is directly throwing away the money. We already anticipated that!

You will see that throughout the article we will have to look at many characteristics, so we start with the guide …

Types of portable air conditioners

Between the types of movable air conditioners offered on the market with guaranteed functionality can be mentioned:

Portable air conditioner types Noise Ability to cool a room Installation Price for sale
Monotube or monoblock portable air conditioner high XXX Without works - Only place tube in window €€€
Portable double tube air conditioner high XXXX Without works - Only place tubes in window €€€€ (Hard to find)
Portable split air conditioner medium XXXXX With small work €€€€€ (Very hard to find)
Tubeless portable air conditioner - evaporative coolers low - medium X Without works - Without tube

The range that works best to cool a room are double tube equipment (one for intake and one for air discharge) and the portable split. Unfortunately, they are hard to find and more expensive equipment.

Although in the classification we have seen several mobile air conditionersIn reality, the supply and demand of the market has caused that - speaking for Spain - for domestic use of the home (another issue is industrial) we only find two compact models for sale.

Mainly, we will only have the option of buying a mobile device without a tube (refrigerator) or a portable monotube air conditioner

In stores we will find a range of autonomous tubeless air conditioners (portable evaporative air conditioner) and monoblock or monotube portable air conditioners (with a single hot air discharge tube).

Okay, watch it! We have mainly two compact conditioner models to choose from, but… what difference is there from one to the other? Better to see it in two drawings …

The portable air conditioner without evacuation It is not actually an air conditioner. They are "coolers", thanks to a fan, they make the air pass through a humid element, water or ice, it evaporates and provides a certain cooling thermal power (freshness) even if they try to sell it to us as such.

With the Portable AA with tube IF we blow the hot air out of the room By means of a flexible conduit (diameter between 100 - 150 mm and a length of 1.2 - 1.7 meters) that exits the device, to the window, they are the best-selling portable devices!

Differences AA Portable tubeless (air conditioners) AA monotube / double tube / split portable
Easy to un-install or remove YES YES (But it has a tube connected to the window)
Easy movement and safety YES YES
Cold intake UNDER MEDIUM
Electricity cost UNDER MEDIUM - HIGH
Plugged into a standard socket YES YES
Has compressor NO YES
Has a fan YES YES (Function option in most)
Compact design YES YES
Average sale price UNDER MEDIUM - HIGH
Usage surface <15 m2 (recommended) <25 m2 (recommended) but there are models for everything

In short, if you want a device that cools something, you have to buy monotube, double tube or split type portable equipment.

We are done, nope! Now we have to see what we should look at when buying a autonomous conditioner and later, I will recommend some for sale …

How to choose a portable air conditioner?

To make sure buy the best portable air conditionerDepending on the use that you are going to give it, you must take into account the following characteristics:

1.- What power do I need?

It is silly that we start practicing the calculation of air conditioning frigories to refrigerate a room in the house, we leave that to the engineers!

As much as they tell us, in reality, too many factors influence air conditioning; room size (m2 of surface and height), hours of use, number of occupants, humidity, insulation of the home, location, orientation, etc (See article here).

What you should know is that devices are reflected with the amount of Frigories (fg = amount of heat extracted from the environment = Kcal) and, normally, the mobile equipment that is sold ranges from 1,200 fg to 3,500 fg (fg = frigories).

On average, 100 and 140 frigories are needed for every m2 of surface where we place the appliance in the room

Equivalences for those who want to play with the numbers
1 Frigoria (frigories is the amount of heat that is extracted from the environment = 1 fg = 1 Kcal) equals 1,163 watts (W)
1 kW (that is, 1,000 watts) equals approximately 860 frigories. One frigory equals 1,163 W (watts)
1 watt = 1 watt (W) equals 0.86 frigories
1 BTU (Some appliances indicate BTU - cooling capacity) = 1055 Joules and 1 W = 3.414 BTU

There are three things you have to keep in mind:

  • If we buy a unit of portable window air conditioner too small it will have to operate in excess to keep the room cold in "x" m2 The electricity bill will increase!
  • If you buy a unit a little larger than you need, you have two advantages; It will work at the indoor power level and, in addition, we will have less noise in the environment since it is not operating at maximum power to cool or heat a room.
  • The quality of the compressor that will determine - to a large extent - the air flow (m3 / h) that we are extracting and renovating in a home; living room, bathroom, kitchen, etc, or a business premises, office. For simplicity, the higher the air flow (m3 / h), the better the service!

2.- Energy consumption of air conditioning

The best portable airs have the A +++ energy label, which represents a energy saving which translates into less electricity consumption when in service.

Beware the "Low consumption portable air conditioner", that label of "low consumption equipment" to sell more, is not very real. These appliances consume a lot of electricity So watch out!

Energy consumption is related to the energy label that indicates energy efficiency - refrigeration efficiency of the appliance would be the following:

The energy label regulations, when we speak from a technical perspective and according to the device's operating mechanism, is a mess. Honestly! (We can check regulations HERE).

For mortals, according to the model of Portable AA, We will have on the label values indicated as SEER or EER (Seasonal energy efficiency in cold - Coefficient of refrigeration efficiency). Look for teams with the highest SEER or EER values. These are coupled with the energy rating that is indicated with a letter, example "A +".

As a summary, and as a general rule, we will have:

The higher the energy rating, that is, the letter, the more efficient our equipment will be!

As we normally use them at night, it is advisable to put them into service at a temperature between 23 - 24 degrees, which is a comfortable temperature for sleeping and also we will not force the device, and, therefore, we will have less noise.

Remember that we have three items to reduce the heat from inside the house with cheap systems:

  • Ceiling fan
  • Awnings in homes
  • Sun protection blinds

3.- Noise in portable air conditioners

The noise in air conditioning equipment It has always been one of the biggest headaches for shoppers. They add the label of "silent" in order to sell, but the reality in most devices is the opposite.

The main problem of portable window cold air kitsIt is the compressor, which in traditional appliances is placed outside, but these units, being compact, have everything together. So we have the compressor inside the room, although many call them window air conditioners.

But… When is a noise annoying in a portable air cooler? Noise is designated in decibels (dB) and is indicated on the energy labels of each system, both indoors and outdoors. To better understand the issue of sound level, look at the following diagram:

On average, most devices are at a sound power level (min-max) 53 - 65 dB. Come on, they make noise!

Since we have a general perspective of when a noise begins to bother us and looking at the technical characteristics, they do not seem very quiet … Why do we sell devices with the label of «silent portable air conditioner«?

Models Noise Why they make noise
Portable monoblock or monotube window high It is compact unit and the compressor is inside stay
Portable with double window tube (Hard to buy) high It is compact unit and the compressor is inside stay
Window split laptop (Hard to buy) medium There are two units: One indoor and the other, outdoor, where the compressor is
Portable tubeless - portable evaporative coolers low - medium It has no compressor

As a summary, they sell us the air conditioners (Tubeless air conditioner) that cool little, such as "silent portable air conditioners" (Remember that from a technical perspective, the Air Conditioner is not an air conditioner). But … What can I do to reduce the noise of the device?

  • The window air conditioner It should not be placed near corners, noise is amplified.
  • We can place a simple towel under the device to reduce the vibrations it transmits to the ground and we will have less noise.

Using, for example, a towel under the equipment reduces noise

  • Buy a device with more power (more frigories) than we need so that it does not have to work at maximum power.
  • Buy a team that has the possibility of several speeds (many already come with the serial option) and we can opt for the lower speed, which translates into less noise impact (.

4.- Air evacuation tube

This is not the first time someone has bought a mobile equipment to cool the air in a room and he realizes that he has a tube that has to be attached to the window (Remember that there is also Tubeless Portable Air Conditioner - evaporative coolers).

Although the function of the duct is only to evacuate the hot air from the room, it must be clear:

  • With the tube we extract the hot air, it heats up. So, the closer the mobile device is to the window (at least 50 - 60 cm from the wall must be separated), the better, the less hot tube we will have inside the room! That will bring heat.

it is better that the appliance is located at the minimum distance from the window

  • You have to look at the length of the tube. For example, if we have a window with a piece of furniture in front of it, perhaps the length of the duct is not long enough to connect to the window (that of joining different tubes, forget it!), In that room, we could not use the equipment.
  • Manufacturers provide a kind of extensible connection between the tube and the window, but I already mentioned that for many types of windows, those connections do not work well. Take a good look at your window and the equipment you are going to buy!

5.- That they have a thermostat

Being able to control the temperature we need to cool a room is important. The small device that controls the degrees is called a thermostat, which is also programmable according to time bands (Weeks, days, hours).

With the thermostat we control the operation of the appliance, that is, once the set temperature is reached, the unit turns off and only turns on again when the temperature rises again.

It is one of the best allies to save on electricity consumption for the home or office, which we can also use to make the device work when electricity is cheaper (time discrimination).

6.- With heat pump in cold air equipment portable

Sometimes we forget that there is a range of models that are portable air conditioner with heat pump. And to be honest, for a little more money, we can have a room covered in winter.

There is not much more to comment on in this section. Just keep in mind that there are models that can bring warmth to the traditional AA style.

Even, LG has for sale a portable inverter AA, with a "Dual Inverter" compressor (model LP1419IVSM) of 3500 frigories (The sale price is exorbitant) but in theory it consumes less (See article heat pump inverter).

7.- With dehumidifier, fan and other functions

Many stores already sell all three in one: Cooling, dehumidifying and fan equipment in the same system. Not to mention so many other technological appreciations. An example of a standard model for sale:

Technology advances by leaps and bounds in the mobile air conditioner to make us a more comfortable life, but the more options and accessories you know! Highest price. Even in some high-end manageable equipment they already play with home automation and Wi-Fi to screw them from the mobile.

Low consumption portable air conditioner brands

After considering various reviews of portable air conditioners, we add some examples of the best “low consumption” brands are as follows:

  • Delonghi (De´ Longhi): It has an important class of compact equipment within the variety of household appliances that it sells.
  • Ordegozo: Its electrical appliances are characterized by low energy consumption, in addition to their low noise emission.
  • Olympia Splendid: International company with many years of experience in air conditioning and heating. Good workmanship and adequate performance.
  • Taurus: Wide variety of Portable Air Coolers with high qualities (A +++). Their range is extensive with simple and elegant designs, although at prices that are not cheap, they have specialized in the subject.
  • Cecotec: It stands out for having air conditioners (portable tubeless coolers) at affordable prices. They are widely accepted in the market, with good design and colors (white, gray, black, etc).
  • HTW: International Masca specialized in air conditioning.
  • LG: They are launching products with a thousand technological options and various affordable accessories and even some very high-end inverters.
  • ARGO: Italian company specialized in air conditioning and heating of all kinds. It has very good designs.
  • Worldclimate: Spanish brand with a long history in all types of domestic, commercial and office equipment.

Best-selling portable air conditioner models

You have to compare prices! from large surfaces such as Carrefour, The English Court, Leroy merlin, Mediamark, Bricomart, etc. To online offers to compare, for example, Amazon, without stopping to see the neighborhood stores. I already told you that they launch very good price offers!

In my opinion, I do not see the second-hand viable, mainly because the difference with the new ones is very low and when we talk about technology, you have to be very careful!

Good and cheap equipment, forget it! It is worth buying a fan, you save, and next year go for a better device!

By the way, good and cheap, forget about it! … Please, do not buy these devices on Amazon. I've been reviewing a bit, and have been very disappointed. Just to compare prices, if you can find the exact model. You can see some examples from HERE on Amazon, which are:

1. Olympia Splendid

  • An appliance that has refrigerant gas with a power of R290 and with a moderate environmental impact.
  • It can be used as a fan, a refrigerant to cool the environment, and a moisture absorber.
  • Is a low noise air conditioning and very good cooler. It has a remote control, has a timer and night mode.

2. De´ Longhi Pac N90

  • It's another cooler kit that kids love. Amazon customers and for that reason it is in great demand.
  • This model is a easy to transport air conditioner, it has a high potential, it is low noise and very aesthetic.
  • It is made up of a system for removing condensed water. Serves as a fan and refrigerator.
  • It has an integrated function thermostat, a timer that reaches 12 hours and a remote control, apart from the control panel.

3. De´ Longui Penguin N77

  • It consumes little energy and is of great power, in addition to having a 2.1 kilowatt motor, offering up to 8,200 btu / h.
  • In addition, it is a fast-cooling appliance that is easy to transport, since it has wheels and adaptable handles.
  • It protects the environment by being eco-friendly and also offers a fan function. It also has a remote control and a digital control panel.

4. Infiniton PAC-93CB

  • It offers a range of 3000 frigories and is energy certified with a type A classification (optimal energy consumption).
  • In addition, it includes a remote control to turn it on / adjust it. It also has a led reader in the upper area.

5. LG LP1419IVSM Inverter Smart Wi-Fi Portable Air Conditioner

  • High-end equipment with cooling capacity, adjustable thermostat and a timer that can be programmed. That is, it can be regulated between 16 and 31 ° C.
  • This model is adaptable to any window and its wheels facilitate its movement. Its maximum noise emission is 55 decibels, and depending on speed, it can be reduced to 44 dB.

Summary and installation

Summary on in which situation it will be better to use them:

Portable air conditioners are suitable when:
They are suitable for rooms where we cannot use traditional air conditioning due to some circumstance
They are suitable as reinforcement to the air conditioning of the house to cool a certain room
No construction is required to make them work. Depending on the model, just place the tube in the window to expel the hot air.
They work best in temperate and cold climatic zones. And when our house is well insulated
They are more suitable when we talk about second homes or use in short periods of time
We can turn them on directly to the standard plug of the house
It can be used in any room in the house, but for large spaces, they are not the best option. They are mobile and we can move them around the house
Depending on the model, it can heat and cool rooms so it can be used both in summer and winter
Depending on the model, apart from providing cold - heat, they can also have the ability to dehumidify the air or fan
They are easy to use and practically all come with a remote control, electronic timer and thermostat

As a quick summary of the main features and how to install a portable air conditioner, the following video is great:

  • The monoblock or monotube portable models: easy to use and low cost. It has a duct that evacuates the hot air and must be installed in a window.
  • Portable models with double tube (Double hose technology): Evacuates the air through two channels (one for intake and one for discharge of air), providing it with greater power and, therefore, greater cooling. It must be installed in a window.
  • Portable split portable models: Its design is recommended for large rooms. It has a compressor and one or more separate Splits.
  • Portable tubeless models: Ideal for small spaces. They are recommended for spaces of approximately <15 m2. It is an integral refrigerator (From a technical perspective, they are evaporative coolers or air coolers).

Care must be taken with the hot air evacuation tube and its position so that the machine works properly. Look at the following image:


Sometimes we can have a problem with the equipment, some will be easy to solve and others, we will need technical support. For now, we can consult the following diagram that reflects the problem - cause - solution:

Creating cold in a home artificially is not always good for health, and more, if we go overboard. In this article on negative and dangerous effects of air conditioning on people's health you can find information.

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