Renewables generate 8 million jobs in the world - Green Ecologist

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8.1 million people working in the renewable energy sector

This week the annual report of REN21 has been published where the sector of the renewable in detail, verifying the thrust of the same with8.1 million people working in the world, generated thanks to the field of renewables, which represents a continuous growth that contrasts sharply with the depreciation of the labor market in the energy sector in general. Data that confirms the good health of the sector in some countries on the planet, given that not all are on the same line and are committed to clean energy.

How much work do renewables generate?… In the following graph we can see the data and the estimated direct and indirect jobs around the world, by Industry. It's actually a 1 Million more jobs than established for 2014, we can see it from HERE.

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Government leadership in the energy sector continues to play an important and decisive role in managing the growth of renewable energies and new jobs, particularly in wind and solar power. As of the beginning of 2016, 173 countries had established and fixed renewable energy goals in place, while 146 countries already had supportive policies.

But not only employment has led to a spectacular rise, other news from the renewable sector increase its size. The 2015 was a record year for renewable installations. The generation capacity of this type of energy experienced the most spectacular growth of all time, estimated at 147 gigawatts (GW) added. Similarly, modern heat generation capacity from renewable sources continues to rise, while the use of renewable energies has spread in the transport sector. The distributed renewable energy It is moving rapidly to reduce the disparity between those who have and those who do not have access to energy. The ten Top Ten countries can be seen in the following graph …

2015 was a record year not only for new facilities, but also for investments, which reached almost $ 286 billion dollars globally in renewable energy and fuel. Likewise, if investments in large hydroelectric plants (> 50 MW), in heating and cooling were taken into account, the total would be even much higher. With China accounting for just over a third of the world total, it could be said that Developing countries outperformed developed countries for total renewable energy investments for the first time. The increase in investment also triggered an increase in technological advances, in sources of employment and in the reduction of costs.

The evolution by country - region can be distinguished in the following graph. If we look at Europe, it is experiencing a significant slowdown, the important characteristics of which are discussed in the article on the collapse of renewable energy in Europe.

Although the trends are generally positive, the The report highlights the various challenges that remain to be resolved, if governments are willing to meet their commitments to achieve a global transition away from fossil fuels.

These challenges include: achieving the effective integration of a greater participation of renewable energies in the grid, addressing problems of political and regulatory instability, regulatory barriers and fiscal restrictions. On the other hand, there is a less regulatory focus on transport and, particularly, on heating and cooling, which is why these sectors are progressing more slowly.

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