New DB HR application guide Noise protection

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Practical manual for the DB HR application Protection against noise

The Application Guide for the Basic Noise Protection Document was born within the scope of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences under the collaboration agreement carried out between said Institute and the Ministry of Development within the strategy of this Ministry to generate a series of support documents that facilitate the application of the Basic Documents of the CTE.

Its purpose is to facilitate the practical application of the Basic Document DB HR Protection against noise of the Technical Building Code, CTE. Contains criteria for interpreting the DB HR, comments and application examples carried out with the intention of serving as support to technicians who participate in the building process, whether in the drafting of building projects, as well as in the execution and control of works, even if they are not familiar with strictly acoustic concepts.

We must remember the data of the types of noise with the following scheme:

We can understand a little more in a generalized way from the guide of works and examples of reforms before a catalog with extensive useful information.

Essential points of the LOE before the CTE (Technical Building Code)

Within the habitability requirements, the basic requirement of "Protection against noise", which consists of limiting, within buildings and under normal conditions of use, the risk of annoyances or illnesses that noise may cause to users as a consequence of the characteristics of their project, construction, use and maintenance.

Objectives of the Basic Document DB HR (Basic Document of Protection against noise)

In order to provide an adequate response to the basic requirement of protection against noise, in the preparation of the DB HR have been pursued, among others, the following objectives:

  • Raise the regulatory sound insulation levels in buildings in response to a generalized social demand, adapting them to the European average
  • Adequately consider the mechanisms of acoustic transmission between rooms, including the transmission of noise by edges, thus overcoming the deficiencies of the NBE-CA in the prediction of noise transmission between rooms.
  • Limit reverberant noise in rooms, such as classrooms and conference rooms, where it is necessary to achieve adequate levels of intelligibility, or dining rooms and restaurants, where background noise must be appropriately limited.

The Law of Noise and DB-HR

Within the national regulatory framework, in relation to protection against noise in buildings and apart from the LOE and the CTE, the Noise Law 37/2003. Bliss Law is the transposition of the European Directive on Evaluation and environmental noise management and its basic objective is the prevention, monitoring and reduction of environmental noise pollution produced by acoustic emitters of any kind.

The Noise Law has two complementary regulations that are:

  • RD 1513/2005, of December 16, which develops Law 37/2003, of November 17, on Noise, in relation to the evaluation and management of environmental noise
  • RD 1367/2007, of October 19, which develops Law 37/2003, of November 17, on Noise, in relation to acoustic zoning, quality objectives and acoustic emissions.

The drafting of the DB HR has been coordinated with the drafting of Law 37/2003, of November 17, on Noise and with its regulatory developments, regarding the protection of users with respect to noise from outside and from facilities. To obtain a global vision, the scheme is provided:

  • Dcc - HR - Document with comments from the Ministry of Development with the version 23 December 2016.
  • GUIA DB-HR - DB HR application guide Protection against noise with the December 2016 version. Contains 48 pages: Introduction, full section 1 and section 2 up to 2.1 Acoustic Insulation.
  • GUIDE DB-HR - DB HR application guide Protection against noise. It contains 417 pages: Introduction, sections 1, 2, 3 and annexes.

All documents can be accessed from HERE.

At this point we must remember the article … «Acoustics manuals and tools. The DB HR Noise Calculation Tool » Where we can identify more than 30 manuals and tools to complement our work and the PVC exterior carpentry article from HERE given its importance in the building envelope.

Note: The images in this post are extracted from the DB-HR User Guide from

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