How much employment does renewables generate

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Renewables employ 7.7 million people worldwide

The continued growth of investment in renewable energy is causing an unprecedented deployment of Job positions in the sector. This job growth is helping governments tackle a fundamental economic problem that plagues developed and developing countries alike. Betting on renewable energy instead of benefiting fossil fuels is reducing greenhouse gases and other types of environmental pollution that maintains the threat of a sixth great extinction.

It should be noted that job growth in the renewable sector It is exceeding all the possible omens predicted by many professionals in the sector. Faced with a new report from theInternational Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) highlights that around7.7 million people now work in the renewable energy sector globally in 2014, 18% more than that established for 2014, with 6.5 million workers who already reported in the article the greatest benefits of renewable energy where we delved into different reflections on the subject.

Jobs according to renewable energy technology

As can be verified, the bulk of employment is established in the solar energy sector with around 2.5 million (The reason for this situation can be clearly seen in the article five graphs show that solar energy takes over the world ), followed by biofuels that employ the most people in countries like Indonesia and wind power.

Jobs by country in the renewables sector

The renewable energy sector is breaking into Asian countries in a forceful way causing thousands of jobs. The production of solar panels increases considerably at a low cost and is mainly focused on China and Japan. Brazil, the United States, India, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, France, Bangladesh and Colombia are also world leaders when it comes to employment of renewable energy and job growth.

Renewable sector employment in Europe.

If we focus on Europe. Renewable energy use declined in 2013 in the European Union, reflecting a sharp decline in overall investment, as well as adverse political conditions (EurObserv'ER, 2014). In 2013, around 1.2 million jobs were established in the 28 member states of the European Union, down from 1.25 million the previous year.Germany remains, by far, the European country with the highest use of renewable energies (371,400 jobs). More than double the number of France (176,200), which in turn is far ahead of other member states such as Italy or Spain.

Although the map above does not appear Spain, in the report a review is made where it is designated that EurObserv’ER (2014) puts of employment in Spain with 60,250, much lower than the estimate of 94,800 presented by the APPA (2014). Apart from the deviation indicated in terms of number of jobs according to statistics, what I do want to show is the map of the 2013 IRENA Report.

Whether we like it or not, what we can confirm is that in recent years there has been and there is a systematic destruction of jobs in the renewables sector in Spanish territory when employment is created in most countries…. Who are we looking at? Who do we have to pull by the ears?

Access the 2014 report International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) HERE

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  • The environment in pictures (The decadence)
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  • Images for projects
  • Art and architecture

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