Philodendron plant care

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The philodendron It is a plant whose name comes from the Greek and which means "plant that loves trees". It belongs to the Araceae family and its genus has some 120 species They originate in places like Colombia, Guyana or Brazil, although they can be grown anywhere in the world if the ideal conditions are achieved for it.

The best known species of this genus are the climber, selloum, speciosum, giganteum, imbe, sanguineum or hastatum. It can be a herbaceous plant or a long-stemmed shrub, and the shape of its leaves is different depending on the species, they can be toothed, lobed, pointed, oval or elongated, all with a bright color that ranges from dark green to light, passing through various shades.

Main cares of the philodendron plant

If you want learn to care for the philodendron plant You just have to follow these steps that we indicate below:

  • Location: it needs to be in a very well lit place but where it does not receive direct sunlight. In fact, slightly shady areas or with artificial light are very good.
  • I usually: use a universal substrate or a mixture made of 1/4 garden soil, 1/4 sand and 2/4 heather soil.
  • Transplant: if it is necessary to do so, always wait for spring and do it only if the pot is already too small, since it is a plant that does not support transplants much.
  • Irrigation: it needs to be watered every 4 days during spring and summer, always using water without lime. When autumn arrives, reduce watering as the water lasts. It is good to spray the leaves every two days so that they maintain constant humidity.
  • Pruning: do a training pruning to control its growth.
  • Pass: apply a mineral fertilizer every 15 days during spring and summer. In autumn, add a little compost to the soil a couple of times, stirring only the surface part.
  • Plagues and diseases: If the humidity is very low, it will be easy to be attacked by the spider mite.
  • Multiplication: it must be done from cuttings in each of the pruning you do.

If you want to read more articles similar to Philodendron plant care, we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants.

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