Benefits of pine bark for the garden

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Did you know that Pine bark is it one of the most used materials to make up padding? The fact that this is so has a very simple explanation: this practice is very beneficial for all the plants that inhabit that land, in addition to helping the substrate to conserve moisture and to prevent the development of weeds.

To keep the garden soil in good condition you can use two kinds of pin barkor: raw (as it comes out of the sawmill) or sieved (which has undergone a filtering process and is made up of only small parts). Both have innumerable benefits that we explain below.

Keep moisture

One of the benefits of pine bark is that helps retain moisture, preventing the ground from getting too hot. In addition, the growth of the lawn is prevented. All this causes that the irrigation needs of the garden are lower.


Another advantage of this material is that prevents the development of weeds. If it were the case that despite the mulch the weeds managed to grow, it will be much easier to identify and, therefore, eliminate.

A resistant material

On the other hand, pine bark can be walked on without problems, since it is a very resistant material, unlike what happens with grass, which is better not to put your feet on it to ensure its best growth and development.

Other advantages

In addition to all of the above, it must be taken into account that pine bark generates nice contrasts with the green of the specimens. Of course, it also allows the formation of paths and the separation of different areas of the garden.

As if all this were not enough, pine bark generates a good smell and is totally ecological.

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