Characteristics of the different irrigation systems

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Having a garden or orchard can bring us many satisfactions but, of course, it also requires that we dedicate the best care to plants, trees and shrubs. One of the best things you can do to facilitate and improve the maintenance and care of your plants is install a suitable irrigation system, Since it will save you work and will help you not to waste water in excess. Of course, the irrigation systems are installed before placing any landscaping work (grass, plants …).

So if you plan to install a garden in your home, you may be interested in knowing the different types of irrigation systems that exist in the market. We list them below.

Sprinklers and diffusers

The most common systems They are those with sprinklers (6 meter water diffusion radius) or diffusers (2 to 5 meter water diffusion radius). In addition, we can also divide the sprinklers into pop-ups, which are the ones that come out when they are activated and are saved when they are turned off; and mobile phones, the classic ones that are put in the mouth of the hose and punctured on the ground.

Underground irrigation

On the other hand, we can find the underground irrigation system, which consists of placing a series of buried pipes at a depth of between 5 and 50 centimeters. It must be taken into account that in this way a large amount of water is saved and the proliferation of weeds is avoided.

In addition, it allows recycle wastewater without disturbing odors. Of course, you have to watch out that there are no problems with the lime in the water and with the roots of the bushes and trees.

Drip irrigation

In places where water is scarce the best option is drip irrigation, in which the liquid, which comes out of devices called emitters, reaches the very base of the plants. It is the ideal system for planters and large gardens. Although it is a ecological method and it does not flood the ground, the emitters can get clogged with lime and impurities.

Other systems

In addition to the above, we can find exuding hoses, porous surface for dry and sandy soils: micro sprinklers, ideal for small extensions; and the classic hose of a lifetime.

Of course, there are also automatic irrigation systems, They can be programmed and even have humidity sensors that activate when the earth needs water.

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