How to PLANT PEPPERS Step by Step - Practical Guide

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The Capsicum annuum, better known as pepper, is the most popular plant of the Capsicum genus, whose use has now spread throughout the world thanks to the well-known nutritional value of its fruits. Thanks to its high productivity and the enormous number of varieties it offers, today the pepper is one of the most common and popular crops in the gardens of gardening and horticultural enthusiasts.

If you want to enjoy your own peppers at home, join us in this Green Ecologist article in which we are going to see how to plant peppers step by step.

When to plant or sow peppers - ideal season

At the time of plant peppers, the most accepted method that provides the best results consists of sow pepper seeds in seedbeds protected, for approximately 2 months after transplanting to its definitive pot or garden area, where it will be able to develop safely.

For this process, it is recommended to plant the seeds between February and March. It is about the plants avoiding the most intense cold season, but having enough time to develop enough to be transplanted and produce in summer.

The transplant should be done approximately two months after sowing, between April and May. The ideal thing here is to observe that the minimum temperatures remain above 15ºC and that the plant already has about 6 leaves.

How to plant peppers step by step: sow the seeds

As we have already said, the best option to ensure the survival and development of your future peppers is to plant them in a seedbed in a protected environment. This is done because this plant does not tolerate cold well and germinates somewhat slowly. To prepare your seedbed and sow the seeds of peppers follow the next steps:

  1. Prepare a tray or container with a certain depth, at least 15 or 20 cm deep.
  2. Fill the container with the substrate. It is recommended here to use compost or manure and cover the container with a transparent plastic or glass, so that the fermentation creates a warm bed effect and keeps the temperature of the container above 20 degrees. If you want your pepper seeds to germinate, it is important that the temperature does not drop below this point.
  3. Place the seedbed in a sunny area, since this vegetable requires daily sun. You should start to see the seedlings 8-20 days after planting.
  4. Two months after planting, your peppers should be plants about 15 cm tall. At this point, they are ready to be transplanted to their final location.

How to plant peppers step by step: transplanting the seedling

Now that you've seen how to sow peppers, it is time to transplant them so that they can begin to bear their tasty fruits. The pepper can be located both outdoors and in a pot of sufficient depth, but you must bear in mind that it is a plant of hot climates which is very sensitive to cold. For this reason, many people plant it annually despite being a perennial vegetable, since in some climates it can be difficult to make it survive the winter, especially if it is grown outdoors. For transplanting the pepper seedlings follow these directions:

  • Choose a suitable location. The pepper will need a soil with very good drainage, both outdoors and in a pot, since excess moisture is very detrimental to the plant. Although they are plants that appreciate light and heat, if you live in a hot climate, you should choose a location where they receive a few hours of shade a day, especially in those with more intense heat.
  • If you are going to plant outdoors, dig holes leaving a space of between 40 and 50 cm between them, to give the plants enough space so that they do not compete with each other.
  • Whether you plant in a pot or outdoors, the plant will appreciate a soil or substrate with a high contribution of organic matter. In this other post you can see How to make homemade organic compost for plants. For pots you can use a substrate based on earthworm humus and coconut fiber, while outdoors you can use manure and compost. Once the flowering begins, renew the fertilizer every 15 days to obtain a greater quantity of fruits.
  • When it comes to irrigation, it is important not to overdo the amount of water. It is recommended to water them every three or four days after transplanting them, which is when they need more moisture, but then reduce the doses to a single weekly watering.
  • As a final detail, if you want to increase the production of your peppers even more, pay attention to the shoots that grow in the area between the petiole and the stem. If you remove them from your plants, the fruits will receive a greater amount of nutrients and will grow larger and tastier.

Recipes with organically grown peppers

Finally, we want to offer you ideas so that you can enjoy your new organically grown peppers. We recommend you try these ideas of recipes with peppers that are delicious:

  • Fish recipe with onion and peppers.
  • Microwave roasted peppers recipe.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to plant peppers, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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