How to PLANT a LEMON TREE - Complete Guide to Gardening

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The lemon tree is one of the most popular fruit trees when planting at home, since the care of a lemon tree They are not very demanding and grow very well in quite a few climates. In addition, having a lemon tree at home is the best way to have a source of organic lemons with incredible flavor in each season.

If you want to learn how to plant a lemon tree at homeJoin us in this Green Ecologist gardening guide in which we teach you how to do it step by step from a seedling or a germinated seed and from a branch, as well as various tips and information on when to plant it and how long it is normal for late in giving lemons, among other things.

What is the best time to plant a lemon tree

The fact of when to plant a lemon tree It does not have much of a secret, and it is that this tree shares the preferred planting times of most fruit species: spring. Within these months, most amateurs and experts recommend sowing or planting the lemon tree between March and April, given that in a Mediterranean climate these months already offer temperatures that are mild enough for the plant to grow properly.

However, you can also plant in June if your area is not excessively hot. If you have passed spring and you want to try to plant in autumn, you also have a good chance of success, although keep in mind that the lemon tree does not feel very well from the cold: if your climate is very cold and you plant it outdoors in autumn, the tree could have serious problems and die.

How to plant a lemon tree step by step

If you wonder how to plant a lemon treeKeep in mind that the process is much longer because you have to germinate the seed and wait for it to grow enough to be able to plant the lemon tree in its final place in the ground or in a larger pot. Here we explain how to germinate a lemon seed, but as a summary we can indicate that the simplest way to germinate a lemon seed is to take it from a lemon, clean it thoroughly and, very carefully, open its pointed end with your nails to facilitate germination. Open it a little, without tearing it and only at the end. After this, wrap the seeds in moistened absorbent paper and store them in a dark and somewhat warm place, moistening them again when they dry. Once they have germinated, they are ready to be planted.

At the time of plant the lemon tree, it is best to always do it from a germinated seed or from a small seedling, which you can buy in a nursery.

  1. You can plant the tree outside directly or in a pot, since the lemon tree is one of the fruit trees that can grow in pots. If you are not very sure of your climate, start by planting it in a pot, so that you can better control its growth and conditions and transplant it later if you are interested. If you still decide to plant in its final location now, keep in mind that the location to plant a lemon tree It should be as sunny as possible.
  2. Prepare a container with coconut fiber and worm hummus, which will form a very light and highly draining substrate in addition to being rich in nutrients.
  3. Locate the seedling being very careful not to damage its roots and spray with water after doing so.
  4. After this, place the pot in a protected location, where it receives at least 4 hours of light a day.
  5. Keep the soil moist but never puddled or soggy, and water often and sparingly.
  6. When the plant is big enough, you can transplant it to a larger pot if it was in a seedbed or in a pot that is too small.
  7. When the plant is one or two years old, you should move it to a location as sunny as possible, since this plant needs a lot of sun to grow well and give flowers and fruits.

How to plant a lemon tree from a branch

This fruit can be reproduced very well from cuttings made with branches, so if you have someone you know with a healthy tree that you like, you can ask them make a lemon tree cutting to plant.

  1. You will need a semi-woody branch, from the last year, that is not yet hard like wood. A sucker, which must also be removed for the proper development of the tree, is in fact your best option.
  2. Cut the branch to about 20 cm in length and leave it with only two or three leaves.
  3. You can help the success of the cutting by soaking its lower part in rooting agent, which you can make in an ecological way at home, which will also be much cheaper.
  4. Plant it in a substrate of worm humus and coconut fiber, moisten it and, if your climate is very dry, cover the cutting with a plastic bag to help it retain moisture. Of course, it is very important to lift the bag every 48 hours so that the plant is ventilated and fungal problems do not appear.

How long does it take for a lemon tree to grow?

Lemon trees are fairly fast growing trees if you are in a mild winters climate. In a year your lemon tree could reach about 30 cm planted outdoors, and from there its growth will be given by the climate and the available space.

These fruit trees can reach heights of up to 6 or 7 meters, with the first two decades of life being the ones with the highest growth. Keep in mind that, planted in a pot, the lemon tree will have a slower and limited development.

How long does a lemon tree take to give lemons?

When you want a lemon tree to bear fruit quickly, the most common is to resort to the grafts, with which we can have lemons in just a few 2 years. However, when planting from seed this process takes much more time and it is common for us to take 4 years or more in starting to see fruit in a certain quantity. Also, cold winter climates will make the tree grow more slowly, as will its potted crop.

Here we explain when and how to graft a lemon tree. In addition, we recommend you to know the pests and diseases of the lemon tree and learn how to care for a potted lemon tree.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to plant a lemon tree, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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