Mammals in danger of extinction

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Like many other species of flora and fauna, there are mammals found in a endangered situation. Perhaps due to their size, their beauty or some famous documentaries, some of these mammals have become symbols of the importance of conserving nature, such as the panda bear, the polar bear, the koala or big cats that live in Asia. Africa or America. In this Green Ecologist article, we show you what are the endangered mammals.


Mammals have survived two mass extinctions on the planet. The question to be asked is: will they be able to survive humans? They have lived on this planet for more than 200 million years. Some scientists believe that millions of years from now, there will only be a few species of mammals.

Among the endangered mammals, we find several big cats. It is calculated, for example, that there is only slightly more than 200 specimens of the great white tiger, the majority, in captivity. They are a white-skinned variation of the Bengal tiger. It is very rare to find a white tiger in the wild. The first capture of the white tiger occurred in 1951.

Another big cat in danger is The jaguar, the largest feline in America. He lives in an area that goes from Mexico to the north of Argentina. It is a large predator and needs large areas of land to maintain its way of life. Its population has seriously decreased in recent years, especially due to the destruction of the jungle, its natural habitat.

In Spain, the Iberian lynx, the most threatened feline in the world, is being recovered. Their populations are scattered and their territories divided.

Mythical animals

The koala It is a symbol of the country it inhabits, Australia. There is a poaching that seeks to obtain specimens to get their skin. In addition, their natural habitat, the eucalyptus forests, whose leaves constitute their diet, is declining.

The polar bear it is left without areas to live due to the thaw caused by global warming. For decades, it has been hunted indiscriminately. The panda bear it is, perhaps, the paradigm of an endangered animal. In their natural state, they only live a little more than a thousand, in reserves created in China.

Lemurs They live in Madagascar, an island that suffers from terrible deforestation, with 90% of the original forests having disappeared. Other causes that contribute to their disappearance are hunting for their meat, capturing to sell them as pets, and climate change.

There are many other cats, primates, cetaceans, elephants, rhinos, etc., in danger of extinction. All of them are essential to maintain the balance of ecosystems and to conserve the planet's biodiversity.

If you want to read more articles similar to Mammals in danger of extinctionWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

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