13 animals in danger of extinction in Chile and how to help them - Photos

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Chile is a country with great biodiversity thanks to its variety of temperatures and ecosystems. However, in recent years, the degeneration of ecosystems and increasing pollution are putting a large part of the indigenous fauna of Chile in danger of extinction. It is estimated that there are around 120 Chilean animals in danger of extinction. In this Green Ecologist article, we collect some of the endangered animals in Chile and we give you some tips on how we can help them so that they do not become extinct.

Arica Hummingbird (Eulidia yarrellii)

With 8 centimeters approximate lengths, it is the smallest bird in the country and one of the smallest in the world. It has a purple throat on the side and black on the front. Its population is estimated at 300 copies around the city of Arica and the Antofagasta region, for this reason it is considered that the Arica hummingbird is one of the Chilean animals in danger of extinction. Its main threat is the application of pesticides in the areas where it lives.

Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)

The loggerhead turtle or loggerhead turtle belongs to the superfamily of sea turtles and is critically endangered. It lives in the north and center of the country in subtropical and temperate sea regions. This turtle is on average about 90 centimeters long and has a average weight of 135 kg. In addition, it has a wide reddish-brown carapace and five pairs of shields.

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

The vicuña is a South American camelid that weighs between 40 kg and 50 kg, has a height between 75 cm and 85 cm and a length between 1.4 m and 1.6 m. Their fur is beige or light reddish brown on the back and white on the ventral areas and legs. It lives in the Arica and Atacama region. The main threat to the conservation of this species, and the main reason why it is one of the endangered species in Chile, is the hunting and commercialization of its fiber to make all kinds of textile fabrics.

Although the vicuña is a kind of wild camelid, its domesticated counterpart is known as alpaca. Another related camelid is the call.

You can find out the Differences between llama and alpaca here.

Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus)

Also know as huemul from Patagonia It is a species of deer with a robust body and short legs. They can reach 165 centimeters in length (females are somewhat smaller). This animal has a thick and dense coat of beige or dark brown color, which varies according to the time of year. It lives in small subpopulations in the regions of Los Lagos, Aysén, Magallanes and Biobío. The biggest threat that causes the huemul to be on the list of endangered animals in Chile, are parasites and dog attacks, but also the destruction of their habitat for urbanization and industrial land uses.

Andean cat (Leopardus jacobitus)

Its about feline with fewer specimens in the world. In fact, it was believed to be extinct in the center of the country in the late 1990s, but several populations were found in 2013 in the Salamanca Mountains. It lives at altitudes between 3,000 and 4,000 meters above sea level, which makes it difficult to study. One of its most characteristic features is its long tail, which can reach up to two thirds of its body length, which measures between 60 and 80 centimeters. Although there are many more, one of the main threats that make the Andean cat is in danger of extinction in Chile it is illegal hunting.

If you are interested in knowing the causes and consequences of poaching, do not hesitate to read this article by Green Ecologist.

Chinchilla cordillerana (Chinchilla chinchilla)

The chinchilla cordillerana It is a small, medium-sized rodent (its total length varies between 220 and 250 mm) and has a really long tail. It lives in the Andean mountain range and in the Nevado Tres Cruces National Park. It has a highly coveted skin for coat making and that is precisely its main threat. Another threat is the construction of roads and mining projects in the areas where it lives. The IUCN estimated a 90% reduction in its population in just three generations, which is why it has long been in the list of the most endangered animals in Chile.

Tricahue Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami)

This bird is the Chile's largest parrot. It has a size between 43 cm and 37 cm long and a very colorful plumage, with an olive green head and back and a white periocular ring that differentiates it from other similar species. Its chest is greyish brown with an irregular whitish band on its upper part. It inhabits the Maule and O'Higgins regions, although the exact size of their populations is unknown. Its main threats and that have led to Tricahue parrot to be in danger of extinction in Chile are their use as pets and illegal trafficking of species.

Sea cat (Lontra felina)

The sea cat is a species of otter that has its habitat from Valparaíso to Tierra del Fuego. It is the smallest species of the genus Lontra and the only one lives in the sea. Its size ranges between 70 and 80 centimeters, to which are added 50 of its tail, and its weight is close to 5 kg. Its study is difficult due to its reserved and elusive character. The greatest threats that have led to this endangered animal in Chile are fishermen's nets and hunting to use its skin.

Chilean frog (Calyptocephalella gayi)

This frog endemic to the central area of the country is the largest anopluro amphibian that lives in the country, reaching twenty centimeters in height, and specimens of up to 75 centimeters have even been seen. The Chilean frog is considered to be one of the endangered species in Chile and is highly threatened due to the fact that its meat is highly valued as food and the introduction of competing species in their habitat are their main threats.

Volcano Growler (Pristidactylus volcanensis)

The volcano growler is a very rare lizard endemic to certain regions of the Rio Maipo and the Rio Clarillo National Park. This robust and massive looking lizard does not present sexual dimorphism (sexual differences) between males and females, measuring between 85 and 95 mm in length between head and cloaca, that is to say without counting the tail. Its main threats are destruction of their habitat for tourism, mining and hunting purposes, placing it among the Chilean animals in danger of extinction.

Image: LaderaSur

Culpeo fox (Lycalopex culpaeus)

The Lycalopex culpaeus or commonly known as culpeo fox, red fox or red fox is the second largest canid from all over South America. Its conservation status is of Least Concern according to the IUCN, but it is nonetheless an endangered animal. This Chilean animal can weigh up to 9 kg and has a variety of colors on its body: reddish legs and head, white mouth, neck and belly, and gray back combined with black stripes. As a curiosity, it should be noted that the culpeo fox was highly persecuted by farmers, since in some areas it fed on the sheep of the flocks. What these ranchers did was sacrifice them or poison them with carrion.

Chilote fox (Lycalopex fulvipes)

Like the culpeo fox, the chilote fox is a canid. The biggest difference between one and the other is that the chilote fox is currently the canid species most at risk of extinction in the world. In addition, it does not have subspecies either. It is also known as Darwin's fox since it was Charles Darwin in 1834 who first described it. It is small in size, since it only weighs between 1.8 and 4 kg and is not more than 25 cm in height. As for the length, it measures between 50 and 70 cm.

It is currently believed that there is a total population of between 650 and 2,500 copies. The main causes of their extinction range from the destruction of their habitat, dog attacks and the persecution of poultry farmers, to kidnapping by tourists in national parks.

Image: Fernando Bórquez

Andean deer (Hippocamelus antisensis)

Also known as taruca or northern huemul, the Andean deer is a Chilean animal found in a vulnerable conservation status globally, but specifically in Chile it is in danger of extinction, according to the IUCN. It can be confused with the southern huemul due to its physical resemblance, but the taruca is much slimmer and smaller in height. Even so, it can weigh between 45 and 60 kg. They are generally sand-gray or grayish-brown in color, but what stands out about this Chilean species are the black marks on the face and in the form of V or Y in males. It is estimated that only between 12,000 and 17,000 copies of Taruca since their main threats are excessive hunting, competition with domestic livestock and changes in their habitat.

How to help endangered animals in Chile

Some measures to help the animals of Chile in danger of extinction that can be taken both by individuals individually and by the government, in order to ensure the survival of these species and prevent their situation from worsening are:

  • Implement policies that limit hunting activities, illegal trade in species, illegal exhibitions or animal exploitation activities and sanction these activities.
  • Adoption of plans that protect these species by the authorities of the country.
  • Take care of the environment.
  • Do not encourage the trafficking of species, avoiding buying wild animals.

You can take a look at this video from Ecologist Verde to understand the importance of protecting animals that are in danger of extinction. If you are still curious to know more Chilean animals, in this other post you can also consult 40 native animals of Chile.

If you want to read more articles similar to Animals in danger of extinction in ChileWe recommend that you enter our category of Endangered Animals.

  • Barrio, J., Nuñez, A., Pacheco, L., Regidor, H.A. & Fuentes-Allende, N. (2022). Hippocamelus antisensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022. Available at: e.T10053A22158621. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T10053A22158621.en
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