Ideas for sustainable gif.webpt wrapping

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We don't have to tell you that spending on paper per person per year is enormous and that consuming excess paper, of any type (toilet, handkerchiefs, writing …) results in a huge ecological impact. However, although its pretty appearance can deceive us, one of the most harmful to the environment is gif.webpt wrapping paper. The poor quality of the paper and its chemical inks and pigments make it unsuitable for recycling. In fact, the more sophisticated the wrapping paper, the worse its environmental impact, not to mention how polluting the manufacturing process is.

Socially, we usually deliver wrapped our gif.webpts, but wrapping paper as we know it is by no means the last alternative we have to achieve a beautiful final result. We propose many initiatives for you to choose the simplest or the one you like the most, which will also make you appear with the most original packaging of the entire party. In addition to contributing to a more ecological existence if you make use of them, at the end of the year we will report savings by avoiding buying the rolls of paper for all those birthdays, parties and celebrations to which we are usually invited.

Reusable recycled paper

Wrap that gif.webpt to a loved one with reusable recycled paper. You will find them in specialized stores at a price slightly higher than the conventional one, but you can use it many times for your next gif.webpts. If you don't want it to be used again, at least make sure it has the organic certificate, fortunately more and more businesses have noticed this problem and sell them. In addition, with this initiative, you will be sending an important message to those who receive your presents.

The linen wrap

Without a doubt, one of the medals to originality is to use old fabrics to wrap our gif.webpts. The person who receives them will be delighted and surely you will easily find old fabrics at home that can be used for this purpose.

For example, from curtains to pull, jeans that no longer fit you, cloth napkins or tablecloths. It will even look great with a wool sweater that is too small for you! If you want to be even more original and practical, buy a nice scarf and wrap the gif.webpt with it, they will be two gif.webpts in one!

Decorate a simple recycled paper bag

Sure you have many bags from paper at home that although at first glance they may seem very ugly, they are apt to be embellished with a few steps and in a few minutes. To do this, you can stick a sheet on it (for example, with music notes, a collage made by yourself, pieces of fabric or colored paper …) and natural elements such as a small pineapple of pine nuts, a piece of rosemary or a branch of fir that you collect on the ground in the park.

Recycled paper and washi-tape

You have probably heard of washi tape, that adhesive cellophane of various colors and borders that offers you the most varied decorative compositions for furniture and objects. It will be our ally to decorate the gif.webpt packages to our loved ones. We only need any paper that is going to be thrown away (for example, the same paper bags from the previous example), preferably light in color and then give way to the imagination with two or three washi tapes. In addition, they will serve you to create multiple compositions in packaging.

Newspaper bags

Recovering the same bags from paper of the purchase (we also use the ones that they give us in the clothing stores), we suggest you cover them with old newspaper, magazines or similar. If you want to be even more original, rescue the crosswords from the same newspapers and create a gif.webpt wrap that will also entertain your loved one.

Cereal boxes turned into gif.webpts

It only takes a little tomorrow to re-use the boxes of empty cereals and turn them into clever gif.webpt wrappers. Print a scheme like the one shown below and cut it out on the cereal box. It is the ideal packaging to give small objects, details and chocolates! Even if you prefer, you can encourage yourself to make some artisan cookies.

Even more original: the cylinders

Think about the cylindrical containers that do not serve us and we can find at home (like the one with Pringles potatoes). They can be used to wrap our next gif.webpt. We just have to cover it with a nice paper that no longer works for us, with fabrics or with the previously mentioned washi-tape, and decorate it to our liking (recreating a figure or a doll, with fabric ties, labels, colored stripes, strips of comics, polka dots, inspiring words…) You'll see how it looks fabulous!

Passion for botany

A great idea to deliver your gif.webpt and, in addition, encourage to that person you love so much to try the experience of growing and watching a plant grow (if not already). You only have to buy a flowerpot and put your gif.webpt in it. Choose one of those that come with a plate so that the water does not leak and use this plate to cover the pot and close it completely as a gif.webpt. You can stick it with the help of rubber bands, another type of elastic, even fabric ribbons. It will not be difficult for you to find in the stores from gardening or drugstores the pot of the size you need.

Old maps or calendars

Why do we want a 1982 calendar or a map of roads that became obsolete years ago? We can take advantage of it to clean our house and, in turn, give rise to original gif.webpt wrapping. Simple as that!

Designing our own paper

This solution is one of the preferred and undoubtedly the most creativeWe only need an hour or two of our time (or much less!). It will be a lot of fun doing these Crafts with the children, in which we will use only simple materials that we all have at home. In addition, our creations will not only serve us to wrap gif.webpts, but we can make sheets with them to decorate the walls, t-shirts, frames and a long etcetera.

We will need:

  • Recycled paper or that no longer serves us.
  • Different household objects
  • Tempera type paints, etc.

Decorate the paper

Oddly enough, with the Forks and a little paint we can make beautiful drawings that will decorate our wrapping papers. For example, easily recreate trees or flowers.

The bottom of the bottles Coca-Cola and other soft drinks (those that are like in relief) are ideal for painting flowers. We just have to dip them in a little paint and put it on paper! Without a doubt, you will be able to make some beautiful gif.webpt wrapping in seconds.

Paint with potatoes

Also potatoes (especially those that have become a bit old) are ideal for painting on fabric or paper. We just have to cut it into the desired shape (you can even make stamps with them with a small and sharp knife and be very careful) and let the creativity flow.

We will never underestimate the possibilities that simple rolls of paper offer us. With just a few cuts at the bottom (in the way you want, stars, fringes …) we can create beautiful compositions. Likewise, the cork of a wine bottle acts as a seal and gives us great possibilities in terms of designs. Likewise, all the brushes that may be in the home (teeth or cleaning) that have become old, are perfect for making drawings on paper.

With four or five soda straws dipped in paint, we can create beautiful wrapping paper in a few seconds. Something simple, cheap and without a doubt very original.

And you? Can you think of any other ideas to get rid of polluting wrapping papers once and for all?

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