How to take care of the planet for children

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Despite the fact that more and more films are being made about human life on other planets, the reality is that today we only have ours to live, Earth. However, we are not treating it as it deserves, as we are causing it many problems that are threatening to destroy many of the life forms that inhabit our planet, in addition to us. Therefore, it is very important that everyone, both adults and children, be aware of this problem and know how caring for the planet for kids, explained in a way that everyone can understand. From Ecologist Verde we tell you some ways to do this. Attentive!

How to take care of the environment: the problems

Our planet is currently in serious difficulties. The first step to be able to help you is to know what problems exist today in order to be aware and take action on them. Between the main problems facing the environment we find:

  • Overpopulation: in urban areas there is a very high number of people. In addition, consequently, these areas are continuously increasing, causing effects on climate change by modifying the natural environment through all the activities that take place in these environments.
  • Overexploitation of natural resources: like water or energy. These resources in the not too distant future will be insufficient to supply the entire human population and life on Earth.
  • High levels of pollution: air pollution is responsible for one in eight deaths according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and many other health conditions such as respiratory diseases. However, not only the air presents these levels of pollution, since the land or water have also deteriorated in their quality.
  • Deforestation: the felling of trees continues to be a very serious problem despite its importance on our planet. Deforestation is increased with the arrival of farmers, miners, loggers or builders to natural territories on which they intend to develop these activities. However, deforestation also occurs with the premature death of trees due to air, soil or water pollution, droughts or sudden variations in temperatures.
  • Desertification of natural spaces: among its causes are drought and poor management of water sources, the growing effect of climate change or practices such as intensive agriculture. Desertification affects approximately 168 countries, highlighting the areas of China, Africa and Indica, according to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought.
  • Elimination of water sources: the drought caused by high temperatures has been responsible for many water sources such as rivers, lakes or lagoons being depleted and polluted by not seeing their amount of water renewed.
  • Biodiversity loss: the extinction of various species around the world is increasing due to causes such as climate change, air pollution, rivers, seas and soils, or the action of man through activities such as industrialization, which influences all of the above.

Why we should take care of nature - for children

Well this is an obvious question isn't it? As we mentioned, although lately it is fashionable to look for life on other planets or to look, instead, for planets where life can develop, the truth is that for the moment we only have planet earth to live, our planet, our home. Our planet is home to many different and unique life forms in addition to all the other wonders that we can find on it. Our planet has its own history, its own mysteries still unsolved … But if we neglect them and are unconcerned and, instead of curing it, we seek to evict it surely without realizing it, we will be evicting ourselves and, finally, we will end up without a home to live in.

How to take care of the planet for children

We can all contribute to taking care of our planet. You know, the desert is made up of little grains of sand. If all of us contributed our little grain of sand, the results would be as great as these deserts. Therefore, to help take care of the planet you have many options, here is a summary about how to take care of the environment:

  • Recycle, do not throw things away, things that can be fixed, reduced, reused or recycled.
  • Separate the garbage to try to recycle the garbage as much as possible.
  • Use recycled paper and use both sides of each sheet.
  • Try to reduce the use of packaging that is not biodegradable. Use containers that are made of glass or ceramic, avoiding cans, food packed in plastic or “white cork” trays, as these containers of these materials are hardly recycled. For this reason, buy products and foods in bulk, also providing your own biodegradable bags or containers.
  • Do not throw out expired medications in the trash. Take them to your pharmacy and they will take care of them there.
  • Do not throw waste to the street, use the bins and containers correctly.
  • Avoid buying unnecessary things to reduce your waste.
  • Use rechargeable batteries.
  • Remember not to waste water in your day to day.
  • The water you use in cooking can be saved and reused, for example, to water your plants, always avoiding the hours of sunlight so that it does not evaporate.
  • When you wait for the water to come out hot you lose a lot of cold water, so if you can, use it whenever possible.
  • Use a double-flush system in your toilet, since between 10 and 20 liters of water are lost with each cistern.
  • Always use the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full to avoid wasting water.
  • Fix leaky faucets, which in addition to saving water will help you save money.
  • Take a shower instead of bathing and turn off the tap while you lather, as you will save many liters of water.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances when you are not using them, do not just turn them off as some of these appliances continue to consume energy in "stand by" mode, that is, even if they are turned off they continue to consume, so it is better to unplug them.
  • Avoid buying unnecessary appliances that in the end will only generate more electronic waste and, until then, will only increase energy consumption.
  • When you buy household appliances, take into account their certification based on their consumption and energy savings.
  • Replace your usual bulbs with low consumption LED bulbs that, in addition, tend to last longer.
  • Remember to always turn off the light or electrical appliances when you leave a room. Likewise, avoid using artificial light during the day if it is unnecessary.
  • Do not overdo using the heating or air conditioning, because with these devices polluting gases are released and a lot of energy is consumed.
  • Use public transport whenever you can or non-polluting means of transport.
  • If you have to use the car, try to share it and take it full to reduce the emissions of polluting gases that would occur if each of us took our own car with a single occupant.
  • Avoid buying and using aerosol products such as deodorants, insecticides, etc.

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