Who is GRETA THUNBERG - Information, Phrases and Video

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In recent years, movements and actions have increased to take better care of the environment and, above all, those directly related to the acceleration of climate change and the invasion of plastic in the environment. More and more people, and in fact more and more young people, are joining the fight not to lose the planet, like Greta Thunberg.

By now, chances are you've already heard of this girl, but it's also possible that you're still not quite clear on who exactly she is. Keep reading Green Ecology and we will tell you all about who is greta thunberg.

Who is Greta Thunberg

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is an environmental activist who was born in Stockholm (Sweden) in 2003 and in 2022 became known to the whole world for her fight to improve the state of planet Earth, focusing mainly on the big problem of climate change, as we are dangerously approaching a point of no return.

She is the eldest daughter of the well-known Swedish actor Svante Thunberg and the opera singer Malena Ernman (who came to compete in Eurovision) and has a younger sister, Beata Thunberg, who is also an activist, but focuses more on social aspects, such as the bullying.

At age 11, Greta was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, OCD and selective mutism, something that some see as a limitation and that can make her see and live the current panorama in a very different way from reality, but she (and many other people) considers that, precisely, having Asperger's gives her the "super power" of not being as easily convinced or believed in lies as other people and to focus on what is important and fight for it.

Since he started promoting student movements for climate changeGreta has delivered a number of powerful speeches, held events and attended numerous events, and published a collection of her speeches in May 2022 titled "No One is Too Small to Make a Difference." It has moved both in Sweden and in other countries, to make the world population aware of the little time left to react and save the planet. In addition, on September 23, 2022, she was invited to attend the United Nations headquarters in New York and took the opportunity to deliver a speech and participate in the UN Summit on Climate Action in 2022.

Student strikes to stop drastic climate change

In the summer of 2022, Greta decided that she would not go to class until the Swedish general elections, which were held on September 9, to protest about the environmental situation in Sweden at that time because there was a historic heat wave and various forest fires.

He started this strike by demanding that the government reduce CO2 emissions, that is, to reduce the carbon footprint in Sweden, in order to comply with what was established in the Paris Agreement. To do this, he was sitting, along with more colleagues, in front of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) every day during class hours and with a sign that claimed that it was a school strike for the climate (Skolstrejk för klimatet).

After the elections, she returned to class, but on Fridays she continued to miss her to continue with the protest in the same way. For this reason, it began to attract attention beyond Sweden, becoming a viral phenomenon that has inspired more young people and children, and later also adults, getting the celebration of the "Fridays For Future" movement. Thus, on Fridays, a large number of people around the world claim the right to have a future, through concern and action to stop climate change and take care of the planet. The student mobilizations, to which are added the general mobilizations attended by people of all ages and professional sectors, have spread to a large number of countries around the world, including great powers such as Japan, Germany or the United States.

Greta Thunberg has become a global icon of environmental struggle, since with his speeches and actions he seems to leave no one indifferent and he has managed to unite people even more to improve the current situation on the planet.

In this other Green Ecologist article you can learn everything about the Causes and consequences of climate change.

Greta Thunberg quotes - the most shocking!

These are 10 of the most known phrases of Greta Thunberg:

  1. "Do you come to us young people for hope? How dare you?"
  2. "They are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden is left to us children."
  3. "My asperger helps me not to believe lies."
  4. "I don't want you to have hope, I want you to panic."
  5. "We are facing the sixth mass extinction and the rate of extinction is 10,000 times faster than normal."
  6. "Our parents argue about the end of Game of Thrones while the planet burns."
  7. "It is the most important crisis humanity has ever faced."
  8. "I want them to listen to the scientists. And I want them to unite behind the science. And then I want them to act."
  9. "Please save your compliments. We don't want them."
  10. "When I can be a politician, it will be too late to act."

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