Why the condor is in danger of extinction - With VIDEO

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Large animals are usually the ones that suffer the most from human actions and, among them, the condor is one of the species that has suffered the most during the last century from human persecution and harassment. This has led it to be among the most threatened bird species, placing it, today, in danger of extinction. However, thanks to various protection programs, as well as programs for their breeding and subsequent release, it is possible that this situation could be reversed, guaranteeing this South American bird a future. If you want to know why the condor is in danger of extinction, as well as the different programs that are being carried out to protect it, read Ecologist Verde to find out.

Characteristics of the Andean condor

The condor, condor of the Andes, Andean condor or, as it is scientifically called, Vultur gryphus is considered as the greater scavenger bird of the planet. You can learn more about this type of animal in this other EcoloíaVerde article on What are scavengers: examples.

It is characterized by its black plumage, accompanied by white feathers in the most extreme part of the wings, as well as in the part of the neck, which form a whitish collar around it and which, without a doubt, is one of its most characteristic features. This bird feeds on carrion, that is, on dead animals. In fact, it can go up to several weeks without eating a bite, although, once it finds food, it can eat up to five kilos of meat in one sitting. It is a bird that nests in steep and mountainous areas. Its main habitat is in The Andean region, extending its natural territory from Colombia and Venezuela to Chile and Argentina.

Why is the condor in danger of extinction - the causes

This large bird is currently among the threatened species. In fact, it has been on the list of Endangered Species since 1970. This is due to several reasons, including some natural and others due to man-made.

Regarding natural causes that make the condor endangeredIt is worth noting its low reproduction rate. The condor is a species that reproduces at a very low speed. On average, it is considered that each pair of condors will lay an egg every two years, which makes the birth rate of new specimens really low.

However, this low reproduction rate, is offset by exceptional longevity. Andean condors reach their sexual maturity at around 5 years of age, and can live for more than 50 years, in the case of some specimens that have reached 75 years in captivity. In this way, despite its low reproduction rate, each individual can have a considerable offspring.

However, the most pressing problem that the condor faces is not due to its slow reproduction, but to the actions of the human being that has persecuted and destroyed its habitat for years. These are the main Human-related causes of the condor being in danger of extinction.

One of the main problems that the condor has faced comes from the hand of some farmers, who place poisoned carrion because they consider that these birds pose a threat to their livestock. Likewise, hunters constitute another sector that has systematically persecuted the condor, which meant that in the 20th century its population was so diminished.

Finally, another factor that cannot be ignored is the destruction of their habitat Due to deforestation and urbanization of the land, which means that finding food is much more complicated, which, at the same time, produces added difficulties for the survival of this South American bird.

In summary, the main causes of the danger of extinction of the condor are:

  • Low reproduction rate.
  • Food poisoned by conflicts in livestock.
  • Hunters
  • Destruction of habitat.

Conservation and repopulation projects of the Andean condor

Currently, various projects are being carried out to protect the species. First of all, the listing of the condor as a protected species It helps to avoid actions that could skew the number of copies even more. In this sense, one of the projects that is being carried out is that of raising awareness among farmers so that they stop seeing the condor as a possible threat to their way of life, which avoids a large part of the deaths that occur due to poisoning. .

On the other hand, since 1989, the release of specimens born in captivity in order to support local condor populations. This is done without the chicks having any interaction with humans, which are fed with special gloves that mimic the appearance of adult condors. This prevents that, once they have grown up, they may not identify the human being as a threat, which would lead to an excessive approach to urban centers and would be dangerous. In this way, it is possible to breed new specimens as best adapted as possible to life in freedom, which is part of the final objective of the project.

Here below you can see a documentary video about this species and its current state.

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