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Faced with an insatiable society, the UN created the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were established within the action plan of the 2030 Agenda, with the hope of ending poverty and global inequality, in addition to protecting the environment.

Know with this article by Green Ecologist, what is the 2030 Agenda, what are the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and why these SDGs arise.

The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development

The United Nations member states they committed to him 2030 Agenda action plan, with the main purpose of ensuring the protection and prosperity of people and the environment. It is one of the most ambitious climate action plans promoted by the UN.

In 2015, after Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed in 2000, the UN created the new 2030 Agenda agreement. This agreement was signed by the 193 Member States and combat 17 Sustainable Development Goals, made up of 169 goals to be endorsed. These purposes should be approached both internally in each country and globally.

By fulfilling its objectives, it is intended to guarantee a sustainable economic and social development, responding to an ecofeminist social justice that serves all ages. Many of the objectives are closely related since to meet them it is necessary to meet another. For example, to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (goal 11); it must achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (goal 5); in addition to adopting urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects (objective 13) since those who will suffer the most will be the people who are in the most vulnerable situation.

Get to reach the SDG targets implies responsibility, active participation and commitment of the three levels of government: public administration, private sector and civil society. Each sector must become aware and take responsibility to achieve this.

If you want more information, in this other article we talk more about What is the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

Goal 1. End of poverty

Achieving this goal implies ensuring a sustainable social justice by decreasing the economic inequality. According to the UN, the number of people living in a situation of poverty fell from 36% in 1990 to 10% in 2015. extreme povertyto. This means that 700 million people are still living in poverty, with problems meeting their basic needs.

In Spain, the Environmental Sciences Association (ACA) has calculated that 11% of Spanish households are in a situation of energy poverty. We also encourage you to read this other article in which you will see 5 recycling projects against poverty.

Goal 2. Fight against hunger and improve sustainable agriculture

About 135 million people suffer severe hunger, according to the World Food Program. To achieve a food safety It is necessary to encourage both an agrarian and food reform that does not overexploit and degrade the environment. This approach also helps to continue to extract food resources over a long period of time.

Objective 3. Healthy life and well-being

Without this principle, it is difficult to achieve the rest of the SDGs, so it is one of the bases. One of the great advances that have been obtained is having lengthened the Life expectancy and have reduced infant and maternal mortality.

Goal 4. Equal education

About 260 million children in 2022 were not in school. It is still a big task to end illiteracy, improve the state of schools or the preparation of teachers.

In addition, we want to emphasize the great importance of environmental education and, therefore, we recommend you enter this link to another post on our website in which we discuss this issue.

Goal 5. Gender equality

The fight continues to reduce patriarchal injustice around the world. Many laws and social norms are still in force so it is over disrespecting women. There are still countries where female cutting is practiced, girls are forced to marry prematurely, they are excluded from education to take care of the family, it is asked if they have children or if they are married during job interviews, they are objects of consumption sexually or are underestimated at work, among other facts.

Access to education and the empowerment of women and girls will help them decide, reflect and act in social, political and economic decision-making.

Objective 6. Availability of water, its sustainable management and sanitation

It is still a problem worldwide access safe drinking water. Thousands of people continue to die from diseases associated with pathogens present in water. The lack of sanitation systems and measures causes some water sources to be contaminated.

We also recommend reading these other articles on What is drinking water and its characteristics and about Water Conservation, its importance and techniques.

Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy

The clean or green energy have to be more accessible to everyone, as they are necessary both for avoid increasing climate changeAs in order to reduce environmental pollution and mitigate diseases associated with pollution, the energy model based on fossil resources has to be changed. Furthermore, a large part of the world's population cannot meet their basic needs due to the lack of energy accessibility, limiting their opportunities.

Here you can learn more about What are clean or green energies and the Importance of clean energies for the environment.

Goal 8. Sustainable economic growth

Millions of people work in an extremely precarious and undignified situation, whose health and dignity is lost by earning some money to survive in a bad way, so it ends up being a subsistence economy. Furthermore, in most places the most precarious jobs are always carried out by women and girls.

Objective 9. Resilient infrastructures

Achieve a inclusive, resilient and sustainable industrialization it is everyone's job when it comes to sharing knowledge and turning the tables. The countries of the North must facilitate trade to the countries of the South through economic measures such as the reduction of tariffs, since those of the South are generally poorer than those of the North or their wealth is worse distributed, or even absorbed by other countries.

Goal 10. Global inequality

Faced with the same problem such as climate change or COVID-19, the countries of the North and those of the South will face differently due to the inequalities that exist between them, generally generating advantages in the countries of the North and disadvantages in the countries of the North. from the south. Even within the same country there are very pronounced social inequalities.

Objective 11. Cities and settlements

All spaces must be safe and inclusive for all the people who form it, in addition to ensuring respect for the environment and the health of its inhabitants.

There are large migrations to the cities due to the rural exodus, the lack of employment in these ends up hindering the quality of life and brutalizing the cities. social, economic and gender inequalities.

Objective 12. Respectful production and consumption

The uncontrolled style of consumption and production of the last century has generated the big environmental problems: climate change, lack of resources, pollution of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity … It should be approached through a more sustainable model with a vision of circular and local economy.

Goal 13. Climate change

They are already living devastating effects associated with climate change and it is estimated that if the objectives of the Paris Agreement of not exceeding two global degrees are not achieved, environmental catastrophes will be more severe and irreversible, in addition to affecting those people who have fewer resources to face it.

Here you can learn about the causes and consequences of climate change and in this other post and in this video you will learn more about how climate change affects us.

Goal 14. Conservation of the oceans

It must end the uncontrolled overfishing, the presence of plastics in the sea, the increase in ocean acidification and pollution, both in order to preserve its biodiversity and to continue living off the oceans.

Here we talk about World Oceans Day.

Goal 15. Forests and desertification

A year, 13 million hectares of forests can be destroyed by industrial, agricultural and livestock exploitation, promoting desertification. In addition to causing losses in biodiversity, generate village displacements who live in them, such as the Batwa of Burundi or the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.

In this link you will see more information about Desertification, its causes and consequences.

Goal 16. Fair and inclusive society

For this you must continue fighting culturally to end xenophobia, machismo, homophobia, aporophobia, gerontophobia, gordofobia, child abuse, sexual abuse, etc., as well as continue with the creation of more suitable spaces for people with functional diversity.

To expand this information, we recommend you read this other article by our colleagues in Psychology-Online about What are social values, their types, examples and list.

Goal 17. Global Partnership for the SDGs

If it is sought that it does not remain in empty words, there must be an understanding and understanding between the sectors involved such as, governments, private companies and citizens, Worldwide.

After learning about the different objectives pursued by the 2030 Agenda (the SDGs), we will help you discover more about Sustainable Development: definition and examples with this post. In addition, we also recommend you read these other articles on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sustainable Development and the Difference between Sustainable and Sustainable Development.

If you want to read more articles similar to 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, we recommend that you enter our category of Sustainability and sustainable development.

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