We have all used the colloquial expression "to be a vulture" or the adjective "scavenger" in a negative way to refer to someone who takes pernicious advantage of a certain situation, analogously to that typical scene in which vultures come in a group for the remains of an animal to feed. Well, neither vultures are "bad" animals for acting in this way nor are they the only scavengers. In Green Ecologist we are going to help you get to know these living beings well by explaining what are scavengers and their examples.
The scavengers or ghouls They are animals that feed on carcasses of animals that hunt and leave other predatorsTherefore, by not participating in their hunting, they are considered opportunistic animals. Due to the danger of attack that can come close to the hunted prey of another predator, scavengers can wait hours until the prey has been used and abandoned by the animal that has hunted it to come and eat it.
In general, they move in small groups whose individuals fight frequently to get the best pieces of the corpse they are consuming. Not all animals are strictly scavengers. Some of them just turn to carrion in situations where live prey is scarce.
Scavengers play a vital role in remove organic debris from ecosystems, contributing to the recycling of nutrients and the return of energy to the system.
On the other hand, they play a very important role in trophic chains, since they are the link that accelerates the transformation of dead organic matter in the form of corpses, with decomposing organisms being able to act after them.
With all that, maintain a healthy habitat by eliminating dead animals that may pose a danger to the health of other living beings, for example, by the spread of possible diseases that may affect live animals when exposed to corpses.
On occasions when prey and food sources are scarce, scavengers have a great advantage due to the flexibility in their diets, finding food more easily than other animals with more specific diets, which means a better adaptation to new environments .
Not all animals are strictly scavengers like typical scavengers, such as vultures, but others, although they have more varied diets, can turn ghouls when the opportunity presents itself, such as hyenas or lions.
There is a great variety of scavenger species (strict or not) from various groups of the animal kingdom. Some examples of them are invertebrate animals and other vertebrates. Below we will detail several of these groups offering examples of each one. For starters, these are examples of invertebrate animals that are scavengers:
Another group of animals with some well-known species for this type of diet are birds. These are examples of scavenger birds, surely some of you already knew:
Also in the water we can find more animals that eat carrion apart from sea urchins and crabs. These are some good examples of scavengers or who occasionally eat carrion:
Among the reptiles we can also find several examples of this type of diet. Take note of the various examples of reptiles that eat carrion:
Surely, the best known is the Komodo dragon, as it is one of the most feared for its lethal bite, which can cause death due to the cocktail of bacteria found in it. It is primarily a scavenger, although it can hunt in a group. Other examples of reptiles that may include carrion in their diet are the crocodiles, The aligators, freshwater turtles and the ocellated lizard.
Although they are not strict scavengers, they can consume carrion if the situation leaves no choice. Some examples of scavengers are as follows:
Other examples of mammals that can be occasional scavengers are lions, foxes, badgers, bears, hedgehogs, or wolves.
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