How to transplant the Poinsettia - Practical Guide

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The poinsettia, also called Christmas flower, Christmas plant, Christmas plant, Christmas flower, Christmas Eve plant, federal star, Poinsettia or Euphorbia pulcherrima, its scientific name, is a very typical plant of these dates in many countries. Its large red bracts give the plant the appearance of having very showy and large flowers, highly appreciated for their lively hue.

Unfortunately, many people believe that poinsettia is a seasonal plant and get rid of it after these dates, but your poinsettia can survive its bloom and even re-bloom in subsequent seasons with proper care. One of the most basic and necessary is to transplant it. If you want to learn how to transplant poinsettia, join us in this Green Ecologist article.

When to transplant the poinsettia

The first thing to consider is when are poinsettias transplanted, that is, what is the best time to do it. When winter ends, the poinsettia loses its flowers and leaves when it stops needing them, but this does not mean that the plant has died. After careful pruning, the poinsettia will have its resting period until the arrival of spring, which is when the poinsettia can be transplanted. By adding new suitable substrate, we will help the plant to develop new shoots, which will grow throughout the summer and autumn months.

If you just got your poinsettiaIt may also be a good idea to transplant it now into a suitable pot with a quality substrate, especially if you are not very sure which one you just purchased. These plants are sold a lot at this time, and at very cheap prices in some cases, so their substrate is designed to sustain them for only a short time. Even so, the poinsettia transplant it will be an aggressive process for this one, which is currently in full bloom. If your Christmas flower is not in bad condition, wait until February, when it loses the flowers, for the transplant.

Tools for transplanting the poinsettia

Before learning the details on how to transplant a Poinsettia plant or Christmas plant, we recommend making sure you have the right tools. This is the material to transplant the poinsettia:

  • Pot with drainage holes slightly larger than the previous one.
  • Gravel.
  • Coconut fiber.
  • Earthworm humus.
  • Peat.
  • Vermiculite.
  • Perlite.
  • A fine knife or spatula (no sharp edge required).

We will use gravel, coconut fiber, vermicompost (earthworm humus) and vermiculite and perlite to make a suitable substrate for the plant, something very important if we want it to survive flowering and accompany us for several years.

How to transplant the poinsettia step by step

With this short guide we will tell you how to transplant the Christmas plant step by step:

  1. The first thing, as always in these cases, will be sterilize the spatula or knife that we are going to use to separate the root ball from the pot in case it is very stuck. The idea is not to cut the roots of the plant at any time, but sterilizing it will prevent accidents that make your poinsettia sick.
  2. The new one pot for poinsettia It must be somewhat larger than the previous one, but it is not necessary that the difference is enormous: with 3 or 4 cm in diameter more than the ones it had, the roots will have enough space and soil to be able to continue growing and feeding. It is also vital that it has drainage holes, as good drainage is essential for the health of the Christmas flower.
  3. To elaborate the substrate for poinsettiaMix a part of coconut fiber with another of worm humus and another of peat. This substrate base creates a mixture that is very rich in nutrients and with healthy microorganisms, which is also very light and with excellent drainage.
  4. Prepare at the base of the new pot a bed of gravel to further improve drainage and avoid possible flooding. After this, separate the root ball from its pot very carefully, and remove large pieces of soil that are not held by the roots, always without damaging them.
  5. Place the root ball in the center of the pot and fill the space with the prepared substrate mixture, to which you must add the vermiculite and perlite to improve its properties with a final touch.
  6. Finally, place the pot somewhere away from drafts or heat and do not put a plate under it except to water it. If you're doing it out of necessity, be sure to empty it 10-15 minutes after you've watered it so it doesn't hold in excess moisture.

Although these are the indications for transplanting it to a new pot, it is also possible to transplant your poinsettia to the garden soil if there are no strong frosts in your area.

Poinsettia care

To finish, we will tell you how to grow the poinsettia with these basic tips:

  • Location: away from heat sources or artificial drafts.
  • Light: High brightness. It needs 12 hours of darkness a day after summer to flower.
  • Irrigation: every 3 or 4 days, when the substrate dries. It is best to water the Christmas plant by immersion using a dish of water for 20 minutes. Learn more about watering the poinsettia: how often and how to do it.
  • Temperature: between 16 and 22ºC approximately. It does not tolerate changes well.
  • Pass: only at the beginning of spring and in autumn.
  • Pruning: much needed after flowering. In this guide you will see more about when and how to prune the poinsettia.

Here we tell you more about the Care of the poinsettia or Christmas plant and also about How to make the poinsettia turn red.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to transplant the poinsettia, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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