Soil Pollution: Causes, Consequences and Solutions - Summary

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Soil contamination involves the alteration of the earth's surface with chemical substances that are harmful to life in different ways, endangering ecosystems and also our health. This alteration in the quality of the land can be due to very different causes and, in the same way, its varied consequences cause serious health problems that seriously affect flora, fauna and human health. They do it, for example, through agriculture or by affecting the balance of the ecosystem, polluting drinking water or irrigation water, either by coming into contact with these places or by the simple fact that it comes from them. Unfortunately, the problem cannot always be solved, and sometimes it is only partially recovered, with the consequent degradation of the area.

If you want to know the details about the soil contamination, its causes, consequences and solutions, from Ecologist Verde we invite you to read this article in which you will find the answers

What is soil pollution and its types

Soil contamination can be defined as the changes that alter the composition of the earth's surface or soil in such a way that it is harmed. Thus, the contamination of the earth impoverishes it, even causing it to lose all its fertility and it is impossible for vegetation to grow on it and inhabit it by different types of living beings. Therefore, the contamination of the earth implies that there are harmful results that endanger the ecosystems and the health of those who inhabit them. In addition, there are various types and examples of soil contamination. These are the main types of soil contamination:

Endogenous or natural contamination

It is the type of soil pollution that occurs naturally, since it is what occurs when there are natural phenomena that drag and filter natural chemical elements into the earth but in very high concentrations so that the soil remains healthy and fertile. .

For example, we find acid rain or rain that carries heavy materials, such as heavy metals, and volcanic eruptions or fires, which emit high concentrations of harmful gases and sulfur.

Anthropic, exogenous or human contamination

It is the type of pollution that humans produce, that is, it occurs when through human activities we introduce pollutants into nature. It occurs in the case of vehicular or car pollution, in the case of factories and industries, the use of air conditioning and heating, the undue exploitation of natural resources, and so on.

Chemical contamination

It is part of anthropic pollution, since it occurs when synthetic chemicals are introduced into the environment. This is the case of pesticides and pesticides, hydrocarbons and solvents. These substances negatively affect the entire environment, so they pollute the soil, but also the air and water and favor the ecological imbalance of the area.

Soil contamination by infiltration

The fact that the water on the surface infiltrates the soil into the soil is a natural process, but it is harmful in certain areas (due to the excess water that the soil releases too much) and whenever it is contaminated, since all the soil is deposited. water contamination in the soil.

Land pollution by waste

The accumulation of our waste, whether from home or from businesses or large industries, in a specific place generates a high level of direct contamination of the soil, since the waste degradation process occurs due to exposure to the environment and its leaching. This is the case of garbage dumps.

Runoff pollution

Pollution by runoff occurs due to the dragging through the land of certain pollutants, such as fertilizers, pesticides, oil, etc. This is due to water from snow and rain that seeps into the ground and erodes it and contaminates it with these agents.

Pollution from abandoned buildings

The abandonment of buildings and facilities that belonged to some industry or, even, populations, also produces environmental pollution, especially on the ground. The vacant lots are useless for animals and plants for a long time and in this period, in addition, they do not stop contaminating through the elements, among which even dangerous residues can be found.

Causes of soil contamination

Contact with the polluted area is not always direct. It is what happens when they bury toxic substances under the ground and these end up contaminating groundwater that is then used to irrigate, drink or end up poisoning us through the food or trophic chain, by eating contaminated fish, birds or any other animal. Incorrect storage of waste, its intentional or accidental discharge, the garbage accumulation on its surface or the burial of the same, as well as leaks in surface or underground tanks due to breakdowns or deficient infrastructures are some of its main causes.

However, the list is much longer. We can cite other causes no less important, such as radioactive leaks, the intensive use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, mining, chemical industry activities, heavy metals coming out of the tailpipe of road traffic and industrial smokestacks, construction materials, especially from water runoff that spreads harmful products, sewage old in bad condition or, without going any further, the same acid rain.

Given the variety of sources of contamination, the causes are often difficult to identify, as contaminants can reach the soil, plants, animals or water for many different reasons that are not always obvious. In any case, what we can say is almost all of them have to do with human action and industrial activity. Summarizing, and schematically, the causes of soil contamination are:

  • Dumping of waste and garbage.
  • Intensive use of chemicals.
  • Radioactive leaks.
  • Smoke from cars and industry.
  • Old sewer.

Types of soil pollutants

The sources of soil contamination are many and very diverse. By way of summary, we can highlight that main soil pollutants are:

  • Urban waste that pollutes water and soil.
  • Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides).
  • Mining.
  • Large accumulation of garbage, both in public or natural areas and in landfills and industrial areas.

In this other EoclogíaVerde post we talk extensively about What are the soil pollutants and, therefore, we recommend it if you want to expand this information on soil contamination.

Effects and consequences of soil contamination

The loss of soil quality It involves a series of negative consequences that range from its devaluation to the impossibility of use to build, cultivate or, simply and simply, to house a healthy ecosystem.

The consequences can be suffered silently, causing a constant trickle of victims, whether human or animal and plant species, as stated. In this second case, it is an abrupt contamination that causes real environmental catastrophes and many victims.

The radioactive leak from the Japanese power plant in Fukushima is a clear example, since the contamination of the land or soil has affected agriculture, livestock and fishing. Radioactive cesium has even been found off the coast of Fukushima, specifically in the earthy seafloor from those same spills, according to a recent study by the Institute of Industrial Sciences at the University of Tokyo, the University of Kanazawa and the National Research Institute. .

On the other hand, together with a logical deterioration of the landscape by the ecosystem impoverishmentOften an irreversible loss, the contamination of the land represents millions of dollars in losses by preventing the exploitation of this natural environment by the indigenous population or industrial investors.

Thus, among the consequences of soil contamination we find:

  • Loss of flora and its variety.
  • Difficulties for agriculture and farming.
  • Pollution and loss of fauna.
  • Deterioration of the landscape.
  • Global impoverishment of the ecosystem, whether marine or terrestrial.

How to avoid soil contamination

Prevention is the best solution, there is no doubt about that, but it is also true that this type of contamination cannot always be avoided. Sometimes accidents occur or are caused by acid rain, which is difficult to control, if not impossible.

Going directly to the roots of the problem, a drastic change in the production model or a prohibition of certain practices such as mining extraction, industrial activity that produces toxic waste or, for example, the use of artificial fertilizers and fertilizers.

As it is, these premises are nothing but pure utopia. Therefore, in the face of fait accompli, solutions are sought ranging from cleaning the area to the simple delimitation of the damaged area and the prohibition of its use for certain activities. In severe cases, such as Fukushima, one of the most polluted places on the planet, the affected areas are unsuitable for life.

And, since pollution has increased in recent decades as a result of industrialization and urban development, the solutions come precisely from the control of these sources. Usually, the actions focus on improving the recycling plants to reduce the contamination of the land or soil and, at the same time, of the water, since it ends up polluting it.

Soil bioremediation is a strategy that seeks restore polluted ecosystems using living things, such as bacteria, plants, fungi … Depending on the type of contamination that you want to combat, one or another bioremediation agent will be used. Its application is wide, with interesting results in soils contaminated by radioactivity or, for example, by mining activities.

As good practices, an adequate recycling of garbage and waste treatment, the promotion of renewable energy and industrial and domestic waste or the promotion of organic farming would help keep soils free from pollution. Maintain the sewage networks in good condition and improve the treatment of gray or residual waters, as well as the treatment of industrial discharges that are returned to nature.

Thus the things, the soil pollution solutions go through:

  • Prevention and awareness.
  • The prohibition of harmful practices.
  • Improvement in recycling processes.
  • Improvement in water purification processes.
  • I use renewable energy.
  • Renovate the sewer.

Here you can read more about How to avoid soil contamination and below you can see a video about this environmental problem and also, after this, you will find more images of soil contamination

More images of soil contamination

In this photo gallery you will find some examples of soil contamination with images that speak for themselves.

If you want to read more articles similar to Soil pollution: causes, consequences and solutions, we recommend that you enter our Pollution category.

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