What is eutrophication?

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Eutrophication is the nutrient enrichment in an aquatic ecosystem. Basically it begins when the water receives a discharge of nutrients, such as agricultural or forestry waste, which causes it to favor the excessive growth of organic matter, causing an accelerated growth of algae and other green plants that cover the surface of the water and prevent light solar reaches the lower layers.

The proliferation of algae that appears with the first phase of eutrophication causes a clouding of the water that prevents light from penetrating to the bottom of the ecosystem, and as a consequence, the vegetation dies due to not being able to carry out photosynthesis, generating other microorganisms As bacteria, they feed on dead matter, consuming the oxygen needed by fish and mollusks, and at the same time generating toxic algae and pathogenic microorganisms that could cause disease. Do you want to know more about what is eutrophication and its causes? If so, in this Green Ecologist article you will find the answers.

Causes of eutrophication

The main causes of eutrophication are as follows:

  • Urban pollution through organic and inorganic waste, such as phosphate.
  • Air pollution by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen that react with atmospheric water to form sulfate ion and nitrate ion.
  • Agricultural contamination such as fertilizers or excrement.
  • Forest pollution by abandonment in the rivers of forest residues.

The causes can be diverse, but it is mainly due to the agricultural pollution (diffuse contamination of soils and aquifers with fertilizers) but also due to forest contamination, that is, throwing wood-related forest residues into rivers. Air pollution plays another determining role in this process, as well as polluted urban effluents in the event that there is no purification.

In conclusion, eutrophication generally produces a natural increase in biomass and a reduction in diversity. Caring for the environment and promoting filter systems and water cleaning can be a partial solution to the problem.

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