What is a NATIVE or NATIVE SPECIES - Definition and Examples

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The various native species play a fundamental role in maintaining the richness and balance of ecosystems in any corner of the world. Therefore, it is vitally important to ensure that all inhabitants have adequate knowledge of the fauna and flora of the place, as well as environmental measures and strategies to favor the protection and conservation of native forests and other ecosystems that host the natural wealth of the territories in which we live.

We probably know much better than we think the fauna and flora that surround us but sometimes we would not know how to differentiate between those native and autochthonous species of our region from those other species of plants and animals that were introduced by human action and that today they coexist and reproduce, making an unnatural territory for them, a perfect setting for their excessive growth and invasion.

Continue reading this interesting Green Ecologist article in which you will learn what is a native or autochthonous species.

What is a native or autochthonous species - definition

The native or autochthonous species are those species of animals, plants or any other type of living organism, that is, living beings, whose natural origin corresponds to a specific territory. This territory does not have to correspond directly to the geographical limits established for countries and continents, but rather, its territorial limits are marked by specific climatic conditions and a specific ecosystem.

Each and every one of the native species contributes great richness and importance to the correct functioning of an ecosystem, since its correct functioning will depend on an optimal abundance and stability of these species, as well as on positive interspecific relationships with the other native species of the region.

However, when new species arrive that have been introduced by man, this balance can be put at serious risk, and native species will be the main victims. Let's see in the next section what name and characteristics correspond to these species introduced into an ecosystem.

Difference between native and exotic species

Exotic species are characterized by having been transported and introduced into new territory unnaturally, that is to say, introduced by the human being. Various events throughout history have allowed these exotic species (both animals and plants) to have been introduced by humans in new territories, colonizing them and being very damaging to the ecosystems in which they are introduced, in most of the countries. cases.

Within the exotic species the occasional alien species (They appear punctually in certain territories and do not leave offspring), of the naturalized alien species, those that remain for a long time in new territory and produce offspring, becoming invasive species, characterized by uncontrolled growth of their populations, the modification of the previous balance and characteristics of the environment and resulting in numerous environmental problems.

Between these invasive alien species that arrive as pets and that escape or are intentionally released into natural environments and thus displace populations of native species, the current case of Argentine parrots stands out (Myiopsitta monachus), which, in many Spanish cities, are causing an imbalance in the native populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Turkish turtle doves (Streptopelia decaocto).

Learn more about the Introduction of exotic species, its causes and consequences in this other article.

Difference between autochthonous or native and endemic species

Another of the most used terms to describe the species of flora and fauna that we can find inhabiting a certain territory is the "endemic" species. The endemic species They are those that grow and reproduce only and exclusively in a given territory. Normally, endemic species are considered in turn native or autochthonous species However, a native or autochthonous species does not have to be an endemic species in turn, as long as its geographical distribution is not limited to a single territory.

You can learn more about endemic species in this Green Ecologist post on Endemic Species: definition and examples.

For example, the famous Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), it is considered an endemic species of the Iberian Peninsula (since it does not live anywhere else on the planet), and is also a native animal of the same region, since it finds its natural origin there. Instead, the brown bear (Ursus arctos) is not endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, since it also inhabits the mountains of other European countries, as well as in Alaska and Canada. However, it is a native or autochthonous species of the Iberian Peninsula, as this is its region of natural origin.

To see more clear cases, we recommend reading this other article on Examples of endemic species from Spain.

In the next section we will put more examples of native or autochthonous animals from different countries to continue understanding and better differentiating native species.

Examples of native or autochthonous species - lists of animals by countries

To finish, we show some lists of examples of indigenous or native species according to zones corresponding to countries.

Native or autochthonous species of Spain

  • Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus)
  • Wild pig (Sus scrofa)
  • Grizzly (Ursus arctos)
  • Iberian imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti)
  • Griffon vultureGyps fulvus)

Native or autochthonous species of Mexico

  • Coyote (Canis latrans)
  • Kangaroo rat (genus Dipodomys)
  • Axolotl or axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanus)
  • Rattlesnake (genus Crotalus)
  • Sapphire hummingbird (Trochilinae family)

Native or autochthonous species of Peru

  • Cougar (Puma concolor)
  • Calls (Lama glama)
  • Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)
  • Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
  • Peruvian cock-of-the-rocks (Rupicola peruvianus)

Native or autochthonous species of Bolivia

  • Alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
  • Andean deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus)
  • Chinchilla del Sajama (Chinchillula sahamae)
  • Short rhea (Rhea pennata)
  • Fish of the genus Orestias and Trichomycterus (Lake Titicaca)

Native or autochthonous species of Brazil

  • Amazon tapir (Terrestrial tapirus)
  • Dumb rattlesnakeLachesis muta)
  • Toucan tocoRamphastos touched)
  • Red thrush (Turdus rufiventris)
  • Salmon pink tarantula (Lasiodora Parahybana)

Native or autochthonous species of Guatemala

  • Jaguar (Panthera onca)
  • Black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi)
  • Central American tapir (Tapirus bairdi)
  • Quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno)
  • Ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata)

If you want to read more articles similar to What is a native or autochthonous species, we recommend that you enter our Biodiversity category.

  • Cozzo, D. (1994) The exchanges and interactions of exotic and native tree species in the complementation and diversification of their respective forest systems. Quebracho Magazine, Volume 2, pp: 39-46.
  • García, P. (2005) Invasive species in the Mediterranean. Revista Drosophila, Monographic issue: Mediterranean flora and vegetation, pp: 24-26.
  • Capdevilla-Argüelles, L; Zilletti, B. & Suárez, V. A. (2013) Causes of biodiversity loss: invasive alien species. Bulletin of the Royal Spanish Society of Natural History (GEIB): Biological Section, pp: 56-68.
  • Villwock, W. (1994) Consequences of the introduction of exotic fish on the native species of Lake Titicaca. Journal of the Institute of Ecology, La Paz (Bolivia), volume 23, pp: 49-57.
  • Nebel, J. P. & Porcille, J. F. (2006) Contamination of the native forest by exotic arboreal and shrub species. Buenos Aires' University, pp: 3-19.
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