28 WILD FLOWERS: names, characteristics and PHOTOS

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Would you like to learn a little more about the plant world? At Ecologist Verde we want to help you expand your knowledge about the different species of wild plants that you can see during your walks in the countryside, in specialized stores or in parks and gardens. Many of these types of wildflowers are valued not only for their beauty and perfume, but also for their medicinal and even culinary properties.

We hope that this selection of 28 wildflowers with names and photos It is most interesting for you and helps you choose which will be the next companion to decorate and bring life to your home. Go ahead and take a look at this list full of wild flowers known worldwide and discover photographs of beautiful flowers.

Allium ursinum or bear's garlic

It is a kind of garlic, specifically known as bear garlic. It is one of the edible wild plants used for its medicinal value as a natural antibiotic. Also, this is one of the field plants which is typical of humid forest areas, such as oak or beech.

Andryala agardhii or mountain sesame

Also belonging to the Compositae family, this plant, commonly known as mountain sesame, has alternate leaves of a greyish green color and with yellow flowers. It blooms during the summer, generally in rocky and rocky areas, as you can see in this image.

Anagallis or anagalis

Although the anagalis, which is how this plant is commonly known and is a name very similar to its scientific name, it usually produces flowers with a wide range of colors, is one of the pink wildflowers most recognized for their high aesthetic value. In the same way, it is also used as a medicinal plant to treat problems such as epilepsy. It usually grows in dry and sandy soils and is native to Europe.

Anemone ranunculoides or anemone

This wild plant that blooms from late winter to spring and is typical of Europe, especially the Mediterranean. It is commonly known as anemone and has white wildflowers, purple, blue, red and yellow.

Antirrhinum barrelieri or dragoncillo

Also known as narrow-leaved calf, bunny or dragonfly, is pink flower wild plant It belongs to the Scrofulariaceae family. Its stems are erect, its leaves are linear and its flowers have a characteristic deep pink color. It is typical of calcareous and stony soils. Its flowering season is quite long, from late winter to late spring.

Arenaria montana or arenaria

Popular name arenaria, thorny grass or fly wing, This plant is a herbaceous one that has its origin in the mountain areas of southwestern Europe. It is typical of stony and rocky terrain, being a species of low height, almost always less than 20 cm, and with a widely branched structure. Its small flowers, about 2 cm, are very striking for their clear White color, with a light green center.

Bellis perennis or daisy

The common daisy is one of the best known wildflowers of the world. It is typical of Europe and North Africa. It is generally used for its ornamental value but has also begun to be used in the kitchen. In addition, it has diuretic and healing properties. It usually grows in meadows and areas with abundant grass.

We encourage you to discover the different types of daisies, as well as the basic care of daisies.

Centaurea ornata or fist opener

Also known as fist opener, belongs to the Compositae family and has erect and folious stems, alternate leaves and flowers in terminal chapters of yellow color. This wildflower usually grows on the roadsides between spring and summer.

Chondrilla juncea or sweet chicory

It is known much more by its common name: sweet chicory. It is a wild plant which, more specifically, is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant, has reed stems, alternate leaves and flowers in chapters of yellow color.

Crocus sativus or saffron

The saffron is one of the most valued wild plants in the culinary world for its bitter taste and aroma. Growing them is a very delicate process, which is why it is one of the most expensive wildflowers in the world. Also has wildflowers purple snowdrops very characteristic despite its small size.

Diplotaxis erucoides or white dandelion

The wild caterpillar or white dandelion, common names of this edible wild plant, it tends to grow easily in orchards, roads and even vineyards. It was used for raw salads and for its digestive and detoxifying properties.

Erica erigena or heather of Ireland

Known as heather from ireland It is one of the wild plants with pink or purple campanulate flowers more characteristic of steep areas or ravines. In addition, its color stands out not only on the stone, but even in the snow as it is very resistant to frost when it blooms during winter.

Jurinea humilis or rock arzolla

This rhizomatous perennial wild plant, known as rock arzolla, is characterized by its whole very segmented leaves and tubular flowers of a wide variety of colors ranging from white to mauve. It is normal to find it in grassland or scrub areas. Its flowering season begins in early summer.

Ilex aquifolium or holly

The so-called habitually holly or false mistletoe It is a plant that has become a symbol of Christmas. It is a small, slow-growing tree that rarely exceeds 10 meters in height. It is best known for its little berries, which are toxic and you should prevent children or pets from ingesting. Its flowers, although less popular, are small in size, but very pretty, of a more pure white or spotted depending on whether they are male or female. Blooms in spring and welcomes semi-shadow locations.

Here you can learn more about Holly Care.

Rhododendron or rhododendron

The rhododendron It is a plant of Asian origin, specifically from the Himalayan area. It is one of the purple, pink and white wildflowers most valued for its high ornamental value. However, planting in public places is not recommended as its flowers release a certain harmful toxin for the little ones.

Reichardia picroides or cosconilla

Commonly known as tickle, this wild plant It flourishes during all year and its flowers are always yellow. In addition, it is typical of meadows and open or open places. Cosconilla is used in traditional natural medicine to heal and protect the liver.

Smyrnium olusatrum or horse celery

Commonly known as horse celery, this herbaceous plant, typical of ravines and riverbanks, is one of the edible wild plants widely used both for its diuretic properties and vitamin C. In addition, its fruits are used as a flavoring for dishes such as salads or rice.

Tagetes erecta or Cempasúchil flower

The Cempasúchil flower or tagete, common name of this species native to Mexico and Central America, it is one of the most representative flowers of the Day of the Dead. This bright yellow to red flower blooms in fall. It is one of the edible wildflowers most consumed in Mexico. It can be eaten raw as a topping for tamales, in soups and even as infusions. Its flavor is quite characteristic, with a sweet and citrus touch.

Taraxacum officinale or dandelion

Other of the best known wildflowers is he dandelion, which belongs to the Asteraceae family. Although many call it weed, it has yellow flowers with healing properties. In addition, its form of seed dispersal is very characteristic. Its fragile cypselas are blown by the wind creating an almost magical atmosphere.

In this video you can learn more about dandelion and its health properties.

Tribulus terrestris or thistle

Perhaps it is one of the least known wild plants in the world. It is known as thistle and has compound leaves and solitary flowers up to 5 petals of yellow and white color. This wild plant blooms all year long on the roadsides.

Tussilago farfara or horse foot

Known as horse's foot or claw is one of the yellow wildflowers used as an ingredient in salads for its aroma and flavor. In addition, it can also be used in infusions to improve respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Ophrys lutea or beehive orchid

Belonging to the Orchid family, this wild plant with yellow flowers it can grow up to 9 centimeters tall. The flowering time of the beehive orchid It is in spring and usually grows in environments of meadows or scrub areas.

Papaver rhoea or wild poppy

The wild poppy is one of the best known wildflowers due to its striking red flowers intense and bell-shaped. They grow to almost 50 cm in height. In addition, it is from it the opium latex is extracted, which is used to produce morphine.

Parentucellia latifolia or algarabía

This annual herbaceous plant belongs to the Labiatae family. Its common name is hubbub and it has simple, reddish erect stems. Its flowers are very small, they are grouped in inflorescences and go from red to purple. They usually grow in grasslands and in stony areas during the spring.

Portulaca oleracea or purslane

This plant is used for its medicinal properties. Among them, it stands out its richness in omega-3 and its use as an anti-inflammatory. Even if purslane, its common name, usually has yellow flowers showy and small, there is a variety, Portulaca oleracea grandiflorun, which features even more striking and multi-colored flowers.

We encourage you to learn more about it with this other post about Purslane: properties and what it is for.

Lavandula officinalis or lavender

The lavender, also sometimes known as lavender, is a semi-bush type wild plant. This plant is very characteristic for its purple wildflowers and by her scent. It is a plant capable of adapting without problems to any type of soil and can be grown both in gardens and in pots. In addition, it has medicinal properties.

If you like this plant, here you can discover 12 types of lavender.

Lupinus hispanicus or alberjón

Are blue wildflowers They belong to the Legume family. They are also called hostel, lizard bean, wolf bean and titons.

This plant has erect, hairy stems, compound leaves, and flowers arranged in whorls of up to 5 flowers. These can vary their coloration from blue to light purple. It is also typical of the roadsides and blooms during the spring.

Thymus vulgaris or thyme

The thyme it is a wild plant native to the Mediterranean. Also shrub-like like lavender, it can grow up to 40 cm in height. It is very easy to grow and produces some small white flowers quite showy. If you like this plant, we encourage you to learn how to plant thyme and thyme care.

Now that you know these names and have seen these pictures of wild flowers, you may be interested in discovering 22 spring flowers.

If you want to read more articles similar to Wild flowers: names and photos, we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants.

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