10 manual jobs that will hook you

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In the era of new technologies, it seems that entertaining crafts have taken a back seat. Which is a shame because manual jobs are simple and inexpensive, they relax us, make us feel better, and develop our creativity and that of our children. For this reason, we present you with ecological manual proposals so that you can put aside computers, video games and mobile phones for a while. Pay attention to this Green Ecologist article because we show you 10 manual jobs that will hook you.

Origami or origami

Origami is one of the most creative ways to entertain ourselves. It consists solely of fold different types of paper and to go surpassing ourselves obtaining more and more complex figures. Spectacular shapes can be achieved with a very simple technique. You can start with napkins and then experiment with colored paper. Remember two things before getting down to business: always use used or recycled paper and recycle it at the end and, above all, do not be impatient if you do not become an expert in a few hours! Everything good takes time, but even the least crafty can learn to fold paper creating beautiful shapes with this technique.

Origami is a Japanese art of great tradition as suitable for adults as for children. It is a beautiful activity that you can start today and that you can practice alone or in a group. You can use your creations to decorate school supplies, rooms, envelopes, gif.webpts or anything else you can think of. You can make all kinds of shapes: planes, flowers, animals, boats, houses and a long etcetera. You will never get bored because the shapes you can get are endless and all simply, folding paper!

If you are a beginner, start with these basic shapes: an airplane, a ship, an envelope that you can use for gif.webpts or to send letters, a mug, a penguin, a dog, a hat, a bow tie, a rose, a frog, a butterfly or a star …

After some practice, you can build things like a dragon, demon, swan, horse, or peacock with just a little paper and your bare hands. Create your own origami jungle! YouTube books and videos will make it very easy for you to develop this beautiful hobby.

Make your own soaps

An ecological and simple way to obtain natural soaps that your skin will appreciate. By making your own soaps, you will be able to take care of your health and that of theirs and give precious gif.webpts to those close to you. Making homemade organic soaps, you will save a lot of money and protect the environment.

There are many ways to do it, one of them is using used oils, with water, essential oils that give it fragrance and caustic soda. You'll see how simple it is. You can also integrate beads, glitter, branches or dried flowers during the process to make the result much more beautiful.

Ornaments with felt or eva rubber

The felt or colored eva rubber, which you will find in any craft store, leaves us countless options for create all kinds of ornaments. You can make fancy flowers to dress your parties, brooches to wear on your lapel, toys to give as gif.webpts or for your children to entertain themselves, bags and cases that will help you always keep everything in order … You can also make posters for your doors, floor mats for mouse, decorate pillows, decoration of boxes or covers.

It is very easy to work with felt, it is only a matter of beginning to master the basic techniques, of knowing how to make the most of each fabric and of displaying our creativity to the maximum.

Salt pasta crafts

Modeling and creating are two fundamental activities in addition to the motor development of children and that help adults to relax. Salt paste is a material that does not contain toxins, it is ecological and cheap, so you can start today to experiment with the modeling technique and create incredible figures. With the salt paste we can model to our liking until we find the preferred figure. Once dried, it will last us a long time and we can later paint it to our liking.

To make it, we will need a glass of fine salt, another of water and two of flour. We will also need tempera or colorants to paint the created figures.

First we will mix the salt and the flour and we will add the water little by little, while we do not stop kneading. At this time, we can introduce the paint if adults are going to model it, for children it is better not to do it, since they could put it in their mouth, so we would have to paint it after modeling. The leftover salt paste can be kept in the fridge, but well covered because this paste is air-dried. After making our artwork, we have to let it dry until it is totally hard.

Create our own jewelry

If you have a born designer within you, you can start create your own jewelry. You will only need beads of various colors, sizes and shapes, as well as strings or threads to insert them. You can make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, brooches, belts and all kinds of beautiful jewelry. A hobby that will occupy your afternoons and that you will not be able to stop practicing.

Create games and toys

With different recycled materials or used objects that we can reuse, we can create endless toys or board games.

It is a great idea to do with our children, who will enjoy making their fantasy toys like never before and also, with a little morning, you can have a great collection. There are people who even earn a living or get a bonus selling recycled artisan toys. What you can do is unlimited: decorations with egg cups, dolls with toilet paper cartons, ring toss games, table games, baskets, puppets, zoos with figures and much more.

Make our own perfumes

It would be a dream to be able to come up with the aroma that we want to accompany us. It is possible if we learn to make our own perfumes.

We'll start by simply experimenting with three scent notes starting at essential oils, such as rose, lavender, sandalwood or citrus, and then get to experiment with nine. If you want to know more about how to do it, check our post "how to make perfumes", which will explain it to you in detail.

Cross stitch

Cross stitching is a very entertaining craft that will guarantee hours of fun. You will get with it a collection of precious paintings that will allow your hands to decorate the walls of your house. You will only need a needle, colored threads and a fabric. With very few materials, you can be entertained for hours until you finish that painting on which you have been working for so long.

Make your own candles

Candles are a wonderful element for home decoration, they give aroma to our tables and provide color to our spaces. We can start by making simple candles, to later experiment with colored and scented candles. Do not forget to purchase vegan and non-toxic materials, so that your hobby does not contaminate the environment in any way.

Painting bandanas or T-shirts

Painting our own shirts and scarves is simple, although we will need a space for it. We will start by testing with a old white piece of cloth. You will also need a brush, cardboard to make the templates, another cardboard to stretch the shirt and special paint for fabrics.

The first thing you should do, once you have your idea clear, is to spread newspaper sheets on a table to avoid staining the surroundings. You should also protect your own clothes, because the paint is very difficult to remove.

Tuck the shirt into the cardboard so that the surface of the fabric is smooth and wrinkle-free. Then you can create paper and cardboard templates, place them on the fabric and fill them with paint. If you see yourself capable of freehand painting, you can do without stencils. T-shirts must be painted in layers. So you should let one color dry before starting to paint the other.

This is the simplest way to paint T-shirts, but there are endless techniques. For example, with balls of newspaper, making gradients, with different utensils …

For a very special gif.webpt, try painting a black silk scarf or shawl in light colors, such as white. Print flowers using templates and you will see how you love the result.

If you want to read more articles similar to 10 manual jobs that will hook you, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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