How to make an ecological nativity scene

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If the other day we were talking about how to do recycled ornaments For the Christmas tree, today it is the turn of the nativity scene, a more classic motif with a lot of tradition, especially in Catholic countries. In the markets and shops, these days mosses and lichens are sold to decorate the crib. Should they be purchased? It depends on the origin, and, as it is not easy to know where they come from, it is not easy to decide if it is ecological buy them.

Cardboard, paper and container lids

Use cardboard and paper that will otherwise go to the container corresponding, it is a good choice. In fact, at the end of Christmas, it will end up in the trash anyway. You just have to save, the days before the holidays, some newspapers, cardboard boxes of food such as cookies or others, rolls of toilet paper, the advertising paper that is in the mailbox, etc.

The tapas from packaging, which are round, can be used to simulate the faces of the different characters, painting them.

Other motives

Stacking two or three balls of yarn (better if it is white or of a very light color), you can create funny snowmen to to complete the manger. Other materials to make figures can be old wood, toothpicks or matches.


As always, it is best to reuse objects that act as the Virgin Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, the animals (an ox and a mule), the star that guides the Magi, these with their camels, a stream and other typical motifs of the manger. In other words, the most ecological thing is to resort to the much talked about DIY (Do It Yourself, do it yourself). In addition, it is a way to spend time and do crafts, especially with children, either at home or at the college.

To substitute moss, they can be used various materials. For example, if it is possible to access it, you can use wood sawdust from a factory, a material that is usually thrown away. Many people use silver foil, but doing so is not a good idea. Both at the time of manufacture and at the time of disposal, it is a material little ecological and polluting. If it is used for the crib, then it will be very difficult to find a use to reuse it. Therefore, it becomes trash no recyclable, which is precisely what we want to avoid. A lesser evil could be to use cotton, which, at least, is a natural and biodegradable material, although it is better to save it for what it has been manufactured.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to make an ecological nativity scene, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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