How to make homemade soap without caustic soda - ecological recipes

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More and more people are joining in to make their own hygiene products, both personal and household, to save money and contribute to less polluting and improving the environment, in addition to doing so because they tend to be more respectful of our health. For example, it is common to make soap to wash hands, body and hair, but many recipes use caustic soda, which can be harmful to the skin, especially while making the soap, and to the environment. To replace this ingredient you can use other products such as some plants, such as saponaria, which are respectful both with our body and with nature. You can also use neutral vegetable glycerin to make homemade soap, which is a product widely used for this because it is not harmful.

Therefore, in this Green Ecologist article we offer you to know how to make homemade soap without caustic soda using organic recipes and even using a recycled ingredient. Do you dare to try these recipes at home?

How to make homemade soap without caustic soda and with aloe vera

One of the best options to make this homemade and ecological product, with the intention of taking care of ourselves and the planet is to aloe vera soap, as it cares for the skin both outside and inside. But, it must be borne in mind that to make this product without using soda, an alternative must be found.

A good natural substitute for caustic soda is the plant known as saponaria. These plants are known as soap plants or soap dishes, since its properties and effects are very similar to those of soap; in fact, for centuries it has been used to make homemade soaps. Specifically, they contain saponins that are triterpenoid or steroid glycosides and are soluble in lipids and water, making a lather like the commercial soap we know and achieving the same cleaning effect. To extract them from the plant, it is necessary to boil or infuse them for a minimum of 15 minutes. In addition, so that the soap remains solid in a bar instead of liquid, when using sapnaria it is necessary to add some vegetable oil, such as olive or sunflower, if not only with the soap plant it remains liquid.

In addition, a homemade soap should include other plants such as yarrow, as it has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, astringent properties and helps soothe and regenerate the skin. Yarrow It has an action similar to aloe vera or aloe vera, since this other plant is also calming, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and highly hydrating. So, to do this homemade aloe vera soap without caustic soda you just have to follow this recipe:


  • 50 g of powdered saponaria root.
  • 450 g of neutral vegetable glycerin.
  • 1 tablespoon of yarrow leaves and flowers.
  • The gel of 2 or 3 aloe vera leaves.
  • 100 ml of olive oil.
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. Prepare the vegetable glycerin in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. At the same time put the water to heat in a pot or saucepan and as soon as it starts to boil remove it from the heat.
  3. Add the herbs, including the saponaria, and cover the pot, letting it rest for half an hour to an hour.
  4. Strain the infusion into a large bowl and add the aloe vera gel and olive oil while stirring.
  5. When the glycerin and herbs are ready, mix everything well, pour it into the mold and let it dry and harden in the refrigerator for as long as necessary, until it has the desired consistency.

You can use it both to wash your hands and body and for your hair for a month, since this is what this amount usually lasts.

How to make homemade soap with used oil

A recipe that many people look for when preparing organic natural soaps is the one that indicates How to make homemade soap with recycled oil, since it is a way to reuse this food and reduce environmental damage.

To do this, so that it remains an ecological option we will not use soda, but we will opt for saponaria. It is recommended that you use olive oil, as it deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin, but you can add other oils such as coconut or rosehip, which also nourish, hydrate and repair the dermis. Therefore, the base of olive oil and saponaria is ideal to make homemade coconut soap without soda, an increasingly popular product, as well as rosehip or even calendula. Follow these steps to do homemade soap with olive oil and soda-free:


  • 50 g of ground saponaria.
  • 450 g of neutral vegetable glycerin.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 200 ml of olive oil. It has to be one that has hardly been used, and it has been used for frying it does not work if it has been burned.
  • 75 g of coconut oil.


  1. Prepare the vegetable glycerin, you can do it in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. In parallel with the preparation of the glycerin, bring the water to boil in a saucepan and remove it from the heat as soon as it reaches the boiling point.
  3. Add the saponaria, cover the saucepan and let it rest for between 30 minutes and 1 hour.
  4. Strain the infusion into a large container and add the oils, stirring well.
  5. When the mixture is uniform and everything is well integrated, mix the mixture with the glycerin in liquid state and stir.
  6. Pour into the mold and let it cool in the fridge.

How to make homemade soda-free oatmeal soap

To make organic natural soaps And homemade, many people choose to add oats, since it is a cereal that has great properties for the skin. Oatmeal is perfect for taking care of sensitive skin, psoriasis, acne and oily skin. In addition, it also helps exfoliation of the skin

If you are interested Make Homemade Oatmeal Soap Without Caustic Soda, take note of this simple recipe:

Ingredients and material

  • 450 g of neutral vegetable glycerin.
  • 1 cup of rolled oats.
  • 907 g or 2 pounds of Shea butter.
  • 2 tablespoons of natural honey.
  • 2 tablespoons of almond oil.
  • Silicone mold.
  • Pot or saucepan.


  1. Prepare the neutral glycerin, either in the microwave or in a water bath.
  2. In parallel with preparing the glycerin, melt the shea butter in the pot over low heat.
  3. Add the oats and stir to mix well.
  4. When you get a homogeneous mixture, add the honey and the almond oil.
  5. Stir until, again, the ingredients are well integrated.
  6. Add this mixture with the glycerin and mix well again.
  7. Pour the mixture into the silicone mold and let it cool for about 5 hours. If you want it to take less time, you can let it cool for a few minutes and when it is warm, store it in the fridge or refrigerator, not in the freezer, and in this way it will take only about 3 hours to cool down and harden well.
  8. Gently unmold the soap and cut it to the size you want the bars to be and let it continue to rest in a cool place.
  9. You can start using it after 12 hours.

How to make homemade soda-free soap with glycerin and lavender

Another option for making hygiene products, which is also very popular, is to use neutral glycerin instead of caustic soda. But nevertheless, not a really eco-friendly option even if it is done at home, something that should not be confused. The reason is that glycerin comes from both vegetable and animal fats and oils. Anyway, as there are those who prefer how homemade soap made with this material looks, we show a simple recipe.

To make this soap you can use different plants or medicinal and aromatic herbs, separately for each tablet that we want to make or put together some that combine well. For example, if you are interested in knowing how to make natural handmade herbal soaps We recommend that you try the following recipe for homemade lavender soap without caustic soda, one of the most used herbs both for its aroma and benefits:


  • 450 g of neutral glycerin. It can be in pills or liquid.
  • 20 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • A handful of dried lavender or lavender flowers.


  1. If you use the neutral glycerin tablets, you can heat them in a container in the microwave or you can melt it in a water bath. In case you use the liquid you will have to heat it with water and wait for it to thicken.
  2. Remove it from the heat when it is ready if you have melted it in a double boiler or if it was liquid, or remove it from the microwave carefully.
  3. Begin to stir it and add the flowers and drops of the essential oil.
  4. When everything is well mixed and uniform you can pour it into the mold.
  5. Let it cool down to room temperature and place it in the mold, keeping it in the fridge until the next day.

For all these natural soaps, even keeping them in the fridge for a whole day may not be enough and you have to leave them longer. Watch the consistency of the pills and remove it from the fridge when you see that it is well hardened.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to make homemade soap without caustic soda, we recommend that you enter our category of ecological products.

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