How to make liquid soap with washing nuts

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Although less and less, washing nuts are a product that the general public is unaware of. From EcologiaVerde we want to help make them known, since their benefits are not only focused on the care of our clothes, but also cover aspects as broad as the economy, social progress and environmentalism.

There are many ways to use this natural product and in this article we are going to tell you about them. Looking for opinions on washing nuts? Keep reading and we will explain its uses, its benefits and how to make liquid soap with washing nuts.

What are wash nuts

Although they are gaining more and more followers and popularity, there are still many people who do not know what washing nuts are and are looking for opinions about this natural way of washing. The reality is that it is the fruits of the soap tree, a tree native to countries such as India and Nepal, which produces some fruits similar to hazelnuts or walnuts -from there its name- rich in saponin. Saponin is a natural substance that has great characteristics as a detergent. This element dissolves when it comes into contact with water, producing a completely natural soap with the ability to clean without damaging fabrics.

Much of the fame that washing nuts are acquiring, beyond the enormous benefits that we will list later, has to do with the simplicity of their use. Usually, simply placing 6 or 7 peel halves in a cotton sack inside the washing machine, along with the clothes. Later you must turn on the washing machine as you always do. In addition, these shells can serve you between two and three times for washes at 30 or 40 degrees and twice in washes above 60 degrees.

In some cases, when you wash white clothing, it may leave behind a slight layer of gray. However, just apply percarbonate to avoid this. The softener is not necessary either, the saponaria is capable of leaving the clothes soft by itself. However, since the washing nuts are unscented, we can add a few drops of lavender essence or another plant, to obtain the perfume that we like the most.

So far we have explained how to use washing nuts in the normal way, however, there are other uses that can be very useful, for example, making liquid soap from washing nuts. If you want to learn how, we will explain it to you in the next section.

How to make liquid soap with washing nuts

So far we have explained how whole washing nuts are used, however, that way they can only be used for the washing machine or dishwasher. Now we will explain how to make liquid soap with washing nuts, a way to expand the range of uses, being able to use the washing nuts as shampoo, dish soap or to clean your home.

The ways to get this liquid soap are many and diverse, but from Green Ecologist we have chosen 2 that can be very useful for their simplicity. For the making 2 and a half liters of soap, for both recipes you will need the same ingredients. We detail them below:

  • 15 whole or 30 halves of washed walnuts.
  • 3 liters of water.
  • Optionally you can add a few drops of an essential oil.

Beyond the nuts you need, you can also reuse nuts that you have used in the washing machine to take advantage of what is left.

Simple recipe for liquid soap

  1. Put the washed walnuts and two liters of water in a pot on the fire.
  2. When it reaches the boiling point, reduce the intensity of the heat and let it cook for 60 minutes.
  3. After that time, turn off the heat and let it rest for a minimum of 8 hours.
  4. When that time has elapsed, which may be more, strain the water and set it aside.
  5. Take those nuts and cook them with another liter of water for half an hour.
  6. After 30 minutes, turn off the heat and let it rest for another 8 hours.
  7. Finally, strain the nuts, mix the two liquids and you will have the soap ready.

Concentrated liquid soap

The previous recipe is surely the easiest to prepare, however, the one that we will explain below takes much more advantage of the capabilities of the washing nuts:

  1. Put the walnuts and a liter and a half of water in a pot and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  2. After time, turn off the heat and let everything rest for 1 hour.
  3. Strain it and store it in a bottle.
  4. In the same pot, with the same nuts, add another liter and cook again for 20 minutes.
  5. Repeat the same operation, let it rest for an hour and strain the content and then mix the two liquids: this one and the one you had saved.
  6. Put the walnuts in a tall container and add a liter of water.
  7. Grind them carefully so that the foam does not overflow.
  8. Cook it for 20 more minutes and see stirring.
  9. Let it rest for 1 hour, mix it all together and you will have it ready to use.

This liquid soap with washing nuts lasts for about a month up to three months, depending on whether it is kept in good or bad condition. The best thing to do to extend its useful life is to keep it in the fridge to preserve it as well as possible.

Do washing nuts work?

Yes, laundry nuts not only work, they are a better alternative to traditional detergents in many ways. Some of the numerous advantages of washing nuts are:

  • It is a completely natural product that deeply cleanses and makes fabrics soft.
  • Unlike chemicals, it is not aggressive with fabrics.
  • They do not alter the color of clothing.
  • They are highly recommended in the clothing of people with sensitive skin, allergies or for newborns.
  • You save money, since with a 1Kg bag you can do up to 3 washes a week for a year.
  • It is completely ecological.
  • They have not been tested on animals.
  • No need to add fabric softeners.
  • They can be used in any type of washing machine.

If you have already tried them you can leave us in the comments your opinion on washing nuts.

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