How to purify water at home for drinking - the best methods

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Purifying water to make it drinkable means eliminating waste and organisms that are harmful to health: bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and impurities. There are several methods of purifying water, some of which can be developed at home. Having a water purification system at home is a way to save money by not buying bottled water and to take care of the environment.

In this Green Ecologist article we will see some methods on how to purify water at home for drinkingFrom filters and methods used for centuries to the use of all-natural chemicals.

Disinfect drinking water with filtration systems

The methods based on water filtration they are widely used throughout the world and very effective. These methods are based on placing a filter through which we manage to separate the microorganisms that can be found in the water. They are long-lasting, simple and effective methods.

The filters used must be changed from time to time and can be made of different materials: ceramic, activated carbon, cloth or sand. The ceramic filter has a very fine pore, although it can grow microorganisms on it, while the activated carbon filter has the ability to remove chlorine, bad odors and unpleasant flavors.

These are the different filtration systems to purify drinking water at home:

Filter cartridges

It consists of the installation of a filter holder at the water outlet and one or more filters along the way. The installation is done by simple fixing and its maintenance is simple, you just have to change the filters when they are saturated.

These systems can be installed directly on the faucet (must be changed in 3 to 6 months) or under the sink. The under-sink filtration system has many advantages, since it works continuously, without noise and is connected directly to the water outlet pipe.

Filter jugs

This jug has a capacity between two and five liters. If we use this method, it is convenient to change the filters monthly and clean the inside of the jug with water without impurities.


The osmotizer is the most efficient system, since it manages to eliminate 99% of bacteria, viruses and other harmful elements. The process is to separate harmful substances by pressing against a semi-permeable porous membrane. However, its biggest drawback is that it can remove mineral salts from the water and maintains the lime content, so the water can be subsequently remineralized. The assembly of the osmotizer is done from a kit in the sink. System maintenance consists of changing the membrane every two years and the filters annually.

For more information, check out this other Green Ecologist article on How to Make a Homemade Drinking Water Filter.

How to purify water at home by boiling

Boil the water to purify it for drinking it is the most traditional and ancient way of doing it. By boiling the water for 15 or 30 minutes, it is possible to eliminate almost entirely the microorganisms that can live in the water, although there are microorganisms that even resist temperatures of 120ºC. After boiling the water, let it cool for a while before pouring it into the bottle (especially if it is made of glass, as it can explode due to the high temperature).

However, one of the drawbacks of this method is losing a high concentration of mineral salts due to evaporation of the water.

How to purify tap water at home with the sun

The ultraviolet radiation or UV rays are able to eliminate microorganisms because they directly affect their DNA, causing mutations that cause their death or preventing them from reproducing and infecting. Therefore, it is a method that takes place in nature. For example, when rivers have water suitable for drinking, it is thanks to this natural process.

This method of UV exposure to purify can also be used at home. You just have to put the water in a transparent container with a lid and leave it all day in the sun, at night or the next day you can drink it. To this method of purifying water at home for drinking it is also called SODIS method.

Water treatment with natural chemicals: chlorine and iodine

Two of the most effective chemical elements when it comes to purifying water are chlorine and iodine. Currently, there are some available on the market chlorine dioxide and / or iodine tablets that serve to purify the water.

The method is simple, you just have to fill a container with water and add a pill. This pill will take effect in a period between 30 minutes and 4 hours, depending on the amount of water, leaving the completely drinkable water. An amount of chlorine can also be added to the water, usually no more than three drops per liter. Although it is advisable to let the water stand for at least an hour after applying this method.

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