Animal exploitation is one of the biggest problems we face. To this day, more than 3,000 animals are killed every second due to very cruel practices. Reducing this figure is in the hands of everyone and more than ever for governments. Unfortunately, few measures are carried out so that animals do not suffer as they are doing in the 21st century.
Next, we describe some of those practices that make there are animals that have only known fear and pain.
Animals have to live in freedom to be happy and carry out those activities that are natural to them. Cage their lives to that they work in circuses is to end their freedom, favor stereotyped behaviors and decrease their life expectancy. Some of these negative factors are the stress they suffer from being locked up, malnutrition, sadness and the mistreatment that many of them receive.
The theme of the skins it is a very sensitive issue. Millions of animals die from this cause. One fact is worth: 85% of the skin used in European production comes from farm-raised animals. These live in very poor conditions and die drastically to prevent the skin from deteriorating. Electrocution, suffocation and lethal injections are some of the procedures used to end the lives of these animals. Hunted animals such as seals, die from the strong blows they receive from hunters. A brutal death.
The Bullfighting "party" makes close to 20,000 bulls die a year in Spain. In addition, they do not die in a dignified way, they are tortured and killed by characters who make a very good living from it. The spectators are accomplices in a massacre that has to end. A lunge with a 1 meter long sword destroys the animal's lungs, liver, diaphragm or heart. If with this they have not managed to kill the bull, they use the so-called "lace" to destroy the spinal cord. A savage show that takes place in much of Spain with parties such as El Toro de la Vega in Tordesillas.
Buy animals that are for sale may seem like it is very good, but doing so inadvertently contributes to the increase in abandonment of animals, as well as the exploitation of these to raise and sell their offspring. It may be okay to buy or take in an animal, but as long as that animal is treated as it deserves and do not abandon yourself. There is no use buying a dog if when summer arrives it is abandoned in the middle of the road to starve or run over. Abandoning man's best friend to fate is to have no heart. Unfortunately, in Spain the number of dropouts is extremely high.
So much The hunt What Fishing they are totally reprehensible practices. While it is true that we can feed on meat and fish as omnivores that we are, it is no less true that we can do so without having to kill animals as hunters do and also choose to increase the consumption of vegetables much more than animal products, or we can even live without meat and fish.
For example, in Spain there are almost a million hunters. The hunted animals will be destined for gastronomy or illegal traffic merchandise, as well are the ivory tusks of elephants.
Experiment with animals It is something that has been done for a long time. Rabbits, rats, sheep, goats, dogs, pigs or cats are some of the animals that have to go through the laboratory to be experimental meat. During the time in which they are used, they undergo all kinds of torture and treatment that ultimately end their lives. Whether for hygiene products such as colognes or for medicines, animals are always the first to suffer the negative effects of chemical materials. Cosmetics, the chemical industry, pharmacology, psychology studies or the military use animals without compassion for their studies.
As with circuses, animals are cut off their freedom to remain in captivity throughout their lives. Although zoos and aquariums defend that they have animals as a matter of learning and research, the truth is that it is a business to profit at the expense of some animals living in unfavorable conditions. We do not say it because they are mistreated, we say it because all animals have to live in freedom in order to reach their maximum life expectancy. Although it is boasted that endangered species are kept in zoos and aquariums, the truth is that 66 of the more than 6,000 endangered species are found in these safe places.
The farms deserve special mention. It is perhaps the place where animals suffer the most during the time they are there. They are slaughterhouses that we could compare with the concentration camps of Auschwitz during the Second World War. The animals arrive there, are fattened to the maximum and slaughtered so that the meat can be used in the markets. The animals that live on industrial production farms they suffer during transport and during the stay. Many animals are agglutinated in very little space and are slaughtered using a method that guarantees to kill the largest number of animals in the shortest possible time.
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