What are green jobs

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You hear more and more about companies that are committed to the environment through the implementation of new green jobs in some of their divisions. In some cases, we can even find companies whose activity is entirely focused on these types of jobs. But nevertheless, what are green jobs exactly and what requirements must they meet to be classified as such? If you want to know a little more about one of the labor sectors that has the greatest future projection, keep reading this Green Ecology article and we will tell you about it.

What are green jobs

The green jobs are all those who develop an activity that has as a background the reduction or compensation of human impact on the environment. In this way, one can speak of green employment as any job that is focused on reducing pollution, but also those that carry out their activity taking care not to affect the environment.

On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that, although when thinking about green jobs, it is most likely to think about jobs related to renewable energy, in reality it is a much broader sector. In fact, although renewable energies play a fundamental role in terms of green jobs (mainly because the energy sector is one of the main polluting sectors and, therefore, also one of the ones with the most changes and possibilities for job creation green has), can be found green jobs in almost any sector of the economy, from the energy sector to tourism, through fashion, food, as well as other sectors such as legal or educational.

In the following article we will talk about what are the most important renewable energies.

What types of green jobs exist

Broadly speaking, two types of green jobs can be distinguished according to the focus of the activity they carry out:

From a product point of view

Green jobs that are green from the point of view of the final product are those in which said product is designed from the ground up to be "ecofriendlyIn other words, respectful with the environment. Some examples that could be cited in this section would be ecological food and cosmetics, ecological tourism, or sustainable architecture among many others. In these cases, we are talking about final products that, In its own design, the environmentalist approach has been one of the reasons that have made these products come into being as such. That is, they are products explicitly thought to be Respectful towards the environment. All jobs whose job is the implementation of these products would be green jobs in this category. A clear example would be ecotechnology.

From the point of view of environmental protection

On the other hand, beyond jobs whose action is the creation of a final product that respects the environment, we can also find jobs intended for the protection of the environment without the company where they are carried out having this objective among its main ones. An example of this would be found in the case of works that deal with investigating technologies that allow get cleaner energy. In this sense, renewable energies would be a type of green job that would fall into this category. These would be green jobs because they aim to reduce the impact on the environment, but the impact on the environment comes from a previous activity, which is the production of energy, which would be the main activity of the company. In this way, all the works that are focused on improve from an environmental point of view the impact of the company, they would also be considered as green jobs.

Beyond these two categories we could mention a third, which would be characterized by being a mixture of the previous two. In this case, it would be jobs that, both from a final product and environmental protection perspective, meet the characteristics of both categories. In this way, it would be green jobs difficult to limit to a single category, so one could speak of mixed green jobs.

What training is necessary to work in a green job

In general, due to the wide variety of green jobs that can be found, it would be very difficult to limit training to a single track. In general, green jobs could be considered to be specializations within any sector. In other words, if we take an entrepreneur as an example, this person will have to have training in corporate culture. However, the moment the company you develop makes a green end product, it would automatically become a green job. The same would happen with formations as varied as engineering, law or design.

Consequently, except for very specific cases of explicit training (for example, environmental careers or masters or specializations in ecology), it can be stated that the training necessary to work in a green job will be the green specialization within each work sector. In this way, an engineer who specializes in renewable energy will have a training proper to a green job, a lawyer who specializes in environmental law will also have this training, an architect who specializes in sustainable construction may also be considered as such.

For example, in this other Green Ecologist article you can learn what is environmental engineering.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are green jobsWe recommend that you enter our Environmental Education category.

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