Under the scientific name of Chironex fleckeri what is considered the most poisonous animal on the planet, the sea wasp, hides. A single specimen of these jellyfish contains enough venom to kill up to 600 people, so that since 1954 it is estimated that these jellyfish have been responsible for more than 5,500 deaths. Its mortal potential has also been reflected in the cinema, where it appears as the cause of the death of some characters in some films.
If you have ever wondered which is the most dangerous jellyfish in the world and you are interested in knowing more about it, from Ecologist Verde we give you the answer through this article in which we talk about the sea wasp, its characteristics, where it lives, what it eats and its sting.
These are the main characteristics of the sea wasp jellyfish:
After knowing some of its most important characteristics, another question that usually assails us is to know where is the sea wasp found, that is, where can we find it?
Sea wasps mainly inhabit tropical waters of Northern Australia, generally displaced towards the coast due to the marine currents. Here they cohabit with one of their close beings, the Irukandji (Carukia barnesi), a tiny jellyfish of the same order as the sea wasp and which is known to cause irukandji syndrome, a rare disease first detected in 1922 that causes severe pain, rapid heartbeat, nausea, sweating and hypertension ending with the death of the victim.
The box jellyfish also inhabits the entire indian and pacific ocean. However, specimens have also been detected in areas of New Guinea, Vietnam and the Philippines. Although the sea wasp has a wide geographic distribution and can move great distances, adults tend to stay in small restricted areas. Even so, the presence of this jellyfish is still being studied elsewhere in the ocean.
In addition, during the months of October and May, the sea wasps approach the shores to breed and, due to this event, in many places such as, for example, Queensland in the northwest of Australia, bathing is prohibited during this period. Here you can learn a little more about how jellyfish reproduce.
Like other jellyfish, sea wasps feed on plankton and small marine animals. In general, their diet is limited to what reaches them, since they do not hunt and therefore do not go looking for food. In some occasions, in addition to eating plankton, some of the small marine animals that we have mentioned that eat can also be smaller jellyfish, so they become predators of other species of jellyfish. Through their stinging tentacles, these jellyfish manage to catch and kill their prey easily.
Regarding the sea wasp predators, the green turtleChelonia mydas) can feed on sea wasps, since their thick skin prevents them from being seriously stung by this dangerous species.
Along their tentacles, sea wasps have millions of microscopic hooks (up to five billion), called cnidocytes, full of venom inside. A single sting results in skin necrosis and extreme pain, and this venom contains a complex mixture of proteins and toxins that is myotoxic, hemolytic, dermonecrotic and lethal. attack the heart, nervous system, and respiratory system, in addition to the skin and muscle cells themselves in the area that receives the bite.
In humans they can cause death from cardiac arrest or paralysis from pain within minutes. In fact, the pain caused by the slightest touch with the jellyfish is so intense that it can cause shock in the victim and, being in the water, they drown, as they usually do not have time to reach the shore.
Relative to other jellyfish, it has been determined that pain caused by the poison of the sea wasp It is at least 10 times more powerful than that of the Portuguese caravel (Physalia physalis) and at least several orders of magnitude more powerful than that of sea nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha). It has also been seen that, with very light contact with sea wasps and in which the victim has managed to survive, this poison causes significant scarring marks on the skin similar to those left by a deep lash.
Interestingly, in the middle of last year, researchers from the University of Sydney, in Australia, discovered a antidote to the sting of sea wasps jellyfish, with which they are in the process of developing a topical application for humans.
Now that you know this jellyfish well, we encourage you to meet others with this other Green Ecologist article about Cnidarians: characteristics and examples. Also, here you can see a video about these jellyfish.
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