The violinist spider is well known for the violin-shaped marking that it has on its body, although it is sometimes more noticeable than others, since, as another curious characteristic trait, this species is capable of changing color to camouflage itself. The fiddler spider bite is very annoying and even hurts. Therefore, it is convenient to know this animal well, as this way you can identify it and prevent it from biting you, in addition to leaving it alone in its habitat. If you find it at home, you can also identify it, catch it and remove it outside, for example, by leaving it in a tree.
Whether you are curious about these arachnids or if you are worried about their possible bites by disturbing them inadvertently, keep reading this article by Green Ecologist and discover the Characteristics of the fiddler spider, images and symptoms of its bite, enter more details.
The fiddler spiderLoxosceles rufescens) it is an arachnid with the following characteristics:
In this other Green Ecologist article we invite you to get to know these beings better and we explain everything about The importance of spiders.
Below, and throughout the article, you can see images of the violinist scratch and its bite.
The fiddler spider bite or sting it is very dangerous, since it causes immediate cell death in the tissue, with high proteolytic and necrotic activity. Main symptoms of fiddler spider bite do not differ from those of other insect bites:
In severe cases, and due to the aforementioned proteolytic activity, tissue necrosis can occur, giving rise to a black eschar. Likewise, there may be systemic symptoms common to other poisoning processes: fever, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, headache … In these cases, the symptoms usually start before 24 hours. Although it may seem a long time, the best thing is go to a medical center as soon as possible, as symptoms may get worse. Let us also not forget that a bite is an open wound, so at the same time, although in principle it is not serious, symptoms of infection can be detected, such as liquid discharge and pus.
It should also be borne in mind that not all bites are of the same severity, even if they have been caused by the same agent. The reaction depends largely on each person, that is, on the reaction that the poison causes in their immune system. It also depends on the weight or size of the person and the amount of poison that has been injected, that is, the reaction also depends on the proportion.
A fiddler spider pick It should be treated in the same way as other serious bites. Although we leave you here some tips, remember that diagnoses and treatments should always be done by a doctor in person, so you should always go to a medical center. In this situation, follow these Tips to Relieve Fiddler Spider Bite Symptoms:
As we have mentioned, we can find this spider in collected or hidden and dirty places. The best for avoid fiddler spider bites it is without a doubt, keep our homes and workplaces clean and leisure. Although spiders do us many favors, such as reducing the number of insects around us, it is not convenient to have many spiders around, especially if they are dangerous. A good cleaning helps us to live with them with minimal risks.
Of course, when you go to clean, we recommend wear gloves and any other type of protection that you consider necessary. If there is a spider and you start to destroy the web that it has carefully made to try to hunt and feed, it is likely to feel attacked and more likely to bite. Therefore, care must be taken when carrying out cleaning tasks.
If you want to read more articles similar to Fiddler spider: bite characteristics, pictures and symptoms, we recommend that you enter our Wild Animals category.