Traffic lights on the ground for mobile users - Green Ecologist

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Traffic lights on the pavement for mobile users

There is a trend that is unstoppable, addiction to mobile phones and smartphones, and possibly urban planning such as city infrastructures must adapt to new challenges in order to protect passers-by from a possible accident. Some urban planners claim that it is no longer a matter of common sense, but rather an obligation of administrations to save lives in cities.

If we give a little review of the trends in the number of mobile phone and smartphone users in the world, we will realize that the figures are unstoppable. The number of mobile devices worldwide reached approximately 7.9 billion, actually more than there are people on our planet. If we look at the trend graph, it shows that the evolution will not stop.

So urban planners must begin to imagine, redirect and adapt part of the urban infrastructures dedicated to the city passer-by on a new technological actor that focuses the gaze of pedestrians on a specific point. Of interest the article on the city without traffic lights.

Large cities such as Tokyo and New York have already started from the perspective of signage on the sidewalks to mark certain limits and signals to users "addicted to mobile" redirecting them and warning them if necessary.

Although many professionals warn that a signaling is not effective if behind it there is no legislative basis that regulates its application and therefore, this supposes a social and political debate about what will be the correct routes in a future where technology will undermine our streets. (See also how to respect traffic signs)

From a small town in the Netherlands, Bodegraven, they are determined to warn smartphone users when crossing traffic lights. So a Dutch company, HIG Traffic Systems, has devised an LED lighting system to warn pedestrians whether or not to cross the road.

In short, the project consists of installing traffic lights on the pavement. A strip of LED lights on the ground, located at the foot of the street, will warn us if we can cross the street or not. Apart from the unusual location, the operation is the same as the traffic lights (Green pass and red wait) interacting with the traffic light.

Although apparently the idea may be wonderful, some road safety associations do not agree with the project … "With this system, a bad habit can be caused to mobile users whose obligation will always be to look at the vertical or corresponding signage and see around them before crossing any step"

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