An example of perfect urban creativity - Green Ecologist

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Intelligence and examples of urban creativity

As original actions and results are given, concepts are renewed and we want to present a example of creativity It shows the importance of imagination. Originality is closely related to the term of evolution; a new discovery, a new creation, a new meaning, is a new step in the evolutionary journey of the human species to surprise, to provide examples of creativity that take the viewer's gaze.

Although the creativity concept is very broad and gives rise to a world of possibilities where the imagination Limitless can literally surprise the viewer in many ways. We want to provide a example of urban creativity where the idea breaks with the usual scheme, it breaks with what the passerby traditionally expects on their daily walk, demonstrating that a significant financial investment is not necessary to reach the audience.

We have to enter a multidisciplinary team FOS, interior designers and managers of art based in the capital of Spain and Barna (Susana Piquer, Eleni Karpatsi, Julio Calvo), created a fleeting installation that gives a different visual perception of urban space, that surprises, that reminds us that the social creativity is possible and that catching the pedestrian's gaze is feasible by combining a good idea, creativity and intelligence.

Jeff DeGraff (Advisor to Hundreds of Organizations) says… “All of us are creative, but in different ways and degrees. If we are to be a creative genius, you must exercise your inventiveness on five different levels and types of creativity » (More at a TED innovation conference HERE)

A creative project whose claim was to enter the observer into the illusion of artificial light. Two hundred and fifty meters of yellow ribbon, pine cones, painted pieces of art, garden furniture and a lamp, create a visual and creative spectacle from the perspective, volumes and colors. A example of visual illusion integrated into the multiple planes that make up the scene, a vibrant interplay of perspectives that catches the eye of any passerby on a "gray" street.

We believe that if someone embarks on the question of … What is creativity? This may be the result of a good model and a creative exampleoverwhelming. We recall that we have already entered into initiatives of a similar depth with the article Urbanize. We leave you the video of how the installation was carried out …

Inventiveness is an essential trait of the person and although there are some personalities that may have a more developed sense of inventiveness than others, we are all in some way capable of creating, imagining and inventing new things, creative formulas, ideas or transforming and improving the existing cultural base.

Three essential points of creativity:

1.- From awareness to the need for change, to face existing problems in search of desirable goals.
2.- From the perception about the possibility of creating change through the formulation of inconveniences, considering their different dimensions, from the search for a wide range of solutions and, from the ability to carry out the most recommended after an exhaustive study.
3.- Form the creative subject or creative thought (Here on the subject). The need for constant training and application of different techniques provides the imaginative mentality to create with coherence, we can all create, but what we create must have coherence.

The ideas they don't always show up when you need them. Use creative techniques To innovate or find original solutions is one of the great challenges of the modern world.

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