The art of destroying to create portraits and murals - Green Ecologist

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How to create portraits on the walls with destruction

If you are an urban artist from head to toe and your pockets are short of money, all you have left is the imagination to survive. Some begin with the urban recycling of all kinds of objects and utensils, others refining their graffiti until they become a work of pure art and those who have very restless minds, explore the immense possibilities of the city in search of a different look.

Here the Portuguese urban artist Alexandre Farto, better known as WHILS, comes into play with the act of destroying the walls to create looks, portraits, murals and silhouettes on the forgotten walls of the city.

The art of creating portraits!… It is expressing your deepest feelings on the canvas of a wall that a priori hides no secret, it is using the city as raw material to scratch the surface in search of a feeling, the anonymous portrait of those people who live in the city and are worthy of a memory.

Vhils, normally divides the portraits of the walls based on three colors to create a depth and three-dimensional effect, coloring in a darker color what is the outline of the drawing and leaving the base of it with the initial color of the base surface . He uses power drills and chisels to deftly manipulate the hard walls, and in extreme cases the artist even uses small explosives to shape his representations. An example can be seen from the music video called MIRIAM …

Simply amazing!

“I like the idea of working with the city in order to expose the fragility of what we take for granted to be indestructible or simply immutable. Using the urban environment to create a part of the work and involve all the people who live in the neighborhood, anonymous people … »

In the following video we can see how he works in the creation of his work from the beginning to the final result …

The artist has exhibited in galleries and participated in events in various countries, and in some of the most renowned contemporary urban art projects.

The VHILS work is a revolution in the use of unusual tools. Old papers, wooden panels, worn posters, brick walls … They are attacked with chisels with a singular mastery trying to give a new face to the city that is, for him, a source of continuous inspiration.

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