Easy-to-make eco-friendly Christmas decorations

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Christmas centerpieces are a decor very traditional for these dates. They not only have great power as elements transformers from atmospheres, which create a magical Christmas feeling, but also allow us to dress up a whole room for a party, and even the whole house without having to fill everything with decorations.

In this sense, if we wish, the centerpieces help to make the most of a minimalist decoration, which translates into a more sustainable decoration. But not only that, because we also have the opportunity to make them ourselves, taking advantage of recycled elements or natural elements such as pinecones, dried or freshly cut leaves, flowers, twigs …

Leaves, pinecones, twigs …

The grace of these crafts is how attractive they are and how easy it is to make them and, on many occasions, also redo them a thousand times. In fact, giving them a new look is as easy as take advantage of infinity from little ones objects such as old Christmas decorations, candles, bows, live plants, and other small objects.

Pine cones give a lot of play if we want to make a simple center, although we can make it as complex as we want. It will be enough to place several pineapples in a glass container, without further complications, to give a christmas air to a table or room. If it also has a top and is made of quality glass, bohemian type, the result will be much more elegant.

From this center it will be easy to do all kinds of variationsEither adding decorations such as natural fruits, tinsel, balls or, for example, flavoring the pineapples with organic essential oils so that they also become a subtle natural air freshener.

Imagination to power

If the table is long, the candles on a bed of pinecones, plants or other recycled items they will be a great solution. In these cases, it will be helpful to have a base that can be from a tray or a large plate or drawer to a cork or sheet metal support that is invisible.

The green leaves Large ones are very beautiful, as can be seen in the image above, and the small ones are also very decorative. As long as the result is harmonious Or, at least, original and fun, fit all the materials that we can think of.

If we dare, the dried flowers could be beautiful, and we can make the candles in a natural container, such as the furs from Orange, for example. In fact, in Christmas centers, poupourris are also great, mixing citrus peels with dried fruits with spices such as cinnamon sticks, cloves or dried aromatic herbs.

In the same way, although with such ingredients the center is usually aromatic, we will intensify its smell with a few drops of our favorite essential oil. It will also be wonderful to mix ranges of colors with taste: browns and reddish tones of cinnamon, walnuts, hazelnuts, along with yellows and oranges of limes, lemons, grapefruit, orange, tangerines …

The typical Christmas wreaths

The typical Christmas wreaths they are also a handy way to have a centerpiece almost instantly. This time around, recycling can work wonders. And, continuing with the same idea of reuse, small pots are a fantastic raw material to make a center.

The only condition for them to be great is that they are well cleaned, and it is also advisable to have a couple, at least. For the rest, one option is to take advantage of them plants as a green element from which to create a center or, why not, let's use the empty pots, only with their soil, to "plant" in them some candles. When possible, we could even place a candle, combining both ideas.

If you want to read more articles similar to Easy-to-make eco-friendly Christmas decorations, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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