Solar Eclipse: explanation for CHILDREN

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Eclipses are one of the most striking celestial phenomena that exist. This is for a number of reasons, partly because of their own spectacular nature, partly because of how rare they are. In any case, it is a phenomenon that can sometimes be difficult to explain to children, since they do not quite understand in words what happens when a solar eclipse occurs and the consequences it has.

If you want to know how a solar eclipse takes place and meet a explanation for children So that you can tell them easily, keep reading this Green Ecologist article in which we give you this information and also teach you how to see one properly.

What is a solar eclipse

Although most adults may be clear What is a solar eclipseIt should always be remembered to consolidate concepts and avoid possible mistakes. It is called a solar eclipse eclipse in which the Sun is hidden. This occurs when the Moon is placed between the Sun and the observation point from which the Sun is seen on the earth's surface. This detail is important, since, as everyone knows, the Moon is considerably smaller than the Sun.

However, due to the closeness of the Moon and the Earth, and the distance of the Sun from our planet, this makes it possible that, when the Moon is aligned with the Sun and the observer's point on Earth, it gives the feeling that the Sun is completely hidden behind the Moon. In reality, this occurs only in a specific region of the Earth's surface, so although the appearance of a solar eclipse is the concealment (total or partial) of the Sun behind the MoonIn reality, it is an effect that is achieved thanks to the specific distances of each celestial body in relation to the others.

What is a solar eclipse explained for elementary school children

Without a doubt, the best way to explain to an elementary school child what a solar eclipse is is to do it with a practical and visual example. To do this, it is best to use models of the Moon and Earth (a globe would be the most advisable), as well as a bright light and easy to direct to a specific point, such as the one provided by the lamp on the desk lamps. However, if you do not have this type of object at hand, you can always do it with any round object that can fulfill the function of the models, for example pieces of fruit or a soccer ball.

To explain it, it is important to place the "Earth" and the "Sun" static, while we rotate the model of the Moon around the model of the planet. In this way, we will place the Moon in such a way that it casts the shadow on the surface of the model of the Earth. Being a geographical model, it will be perfectly visible that the eclipse will only be seen in its entirety in some areas, those that will be in the shadow of the Moon, while the rest of the planet will not appreciate it. In this way, the child will be able to have a mental scheme of what really happens in a solar eclipse, which will facilitate understanding better than any explanation without tactile and visual examples.

How to watch a solar eclipse

One of the most common reasons it can be explained to a child What is a solar eclipse It is because, indeed, the situation in which one of them will be able to be seen occurs. However, if we want see a solar eclipseIn addition to the fact that the phenomenon occurs naturally and that we are located in a geographical region from where it can be observed correctly, a series of important safety factors must be taken into account.

You should never observe a solar eclipse directly. Even though the Moon is positioned between the Sun and the Earth, the sun's rays are still too strong to be directly observed. If this is done, there is a very high risk that our eyes will be damaged by UVA rays. Therefore, to see a solar eclipse, you will always have to do with a few special glasses for it. In fact, not even the usual sunglasses are suitable to see this type of phenomenon, because they are designed to filter a certain amount of light and that, in general, indirectly affects our eyes, but not so that we place ourselves perpendicular to the light source.

Therefore, before observing a phenomenon as spectacular as a solar eclipse, we must remember that it is necessary to prepare with the appropriate equipment. Otherwise, it is best to simply avoid looking at it, since we could seriously endanger the health of our eyes.

If you want to read more articles similar to Solar eclipse: explanation for children, we recommend that you enter our category of Curiosities of the Earth and the universe.

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