Free course on environmental impact assessment by the UPV - Green Ecologist

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Environmental impact assessment training

According to many experts, Spain will be one of the modern countries that will be most affected by climate change. Although time will speak for itself about what will happen, the reality is that the policies of the European Union are being strongly directed to preserve the environment and mitigate climate change.

In case someone has not found out, the European Union no longer spends a penny in financing, both in public and private initiatives, if an environmental evaluation of the possible plans and programs that are intended to be carried out has not been carried out.

Without detracting from that; In order to implement a work, a project or an activity, we generally must request an environmental permit, at least in Spain.

The environmental impact assessment is the most appropriate instrument for the preservation and defense of the environment

But… What is the objective of conducting an environmental impact assessment? The main function is to ensure that plans, programs or projects that may have effects on the environment, first, are submitted to an environmental review, before their approval or authorization by the appropriate person.

The environmental impact assessment is the most appropriate instrument for the preservation and defense of the environment, taking into account the principle of sustainable and sustainable development at all levels. A summary example of the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) According to the FAO Field Project Guidelines document:

At this point, begin to understand how an environmental assessment works and its different mechanisms, is presented as a necessary and mandatory reality for many companies.

To begin to clarify this issue, the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) has just launched a free course on environmental impact assessment (EIA) starting this month.

Course features

The course is in MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) format, that is to say, autonomous learning management is allowed, but, also, throughout the year 2 or 3 courses are tutored with teachers (according to demand), and now, we are at that point.

In order for us to start the training, no special requirements are needed. Obviously we will have to have an Internet connection to be able to enjoy the classes and, of course, you win.

The duration of the course is 7 weeks and begins this month. The teacher is Inmaculada Romero, with a degree in Chemical Sciences from the University of Valencia (UVEG) and a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)

Main objectives

The objective of this course is raise awareness about the need to study and adequately foresee the consequences of human actions on the environment. And as an example of how far human beings can go, I always like to put the following image from this article:

After the training, the student will be able to develop the necessary tools and documentation in decision-making, analyze, prevent and mitigate / compensate for the environmental damage caused by the projects to be developed, thereby allowing a development compatible with the maintenance of quality. environmental.

Environmental impact assessment course classes

As we have already mentioned, the training will be over 7 weeks with the following agenda per week:

  • Week 1: Introduction. Legislation and basic knowledge.
  • Week 2: Description of the project
  • Week 3: Environmental Inventory
  • Week 4: Environmental Effects
  • Week 5: Measures and Environmental Surveillance Plan
  • Week 6: Synthesis Document
  • Week 7: Final exam

For all those who want to sign up for the free environmental impact assessment course, you just have to access from HERE and register.

NOTE: We have seen that the call is closed, but it seems that it has been transferred to a MOOC format from the UPV - Valencia course HERE and the complete course is also uploaded to the UPV YouTube Channel.

Along the same lines, not long ago we presented the free course on geographic analysis of natural risk by the University of Alicante. And if we want to start training in other interesting topics with several courses to choose from, we have: free excel online courses and online BIM courses that are also free.

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