23 Animal Sounds in the Last Rainforests - Green Ecologist

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The latest animal sounds in the wild

Listening to the jungle in its purest form is a pleasure for the ear. The project Fragments of Extinction gathers theAnimal sounds in the jungle of the last few equatorial forests that still stand intact on our planet.

It is the sound heritage of millions of years of evolution in the face of ecosystems that are rapidly disappearing. The sound investigation covers the tropical forests from the Amazon, from Africa and Borneo.

The purpose of the project is to raise awareness about "The stealthiest catastrophe of our time", called by some as the Sixth Extinction, and that many rulers do not seem to be very interested in the subject.

The project is carried out by David Monacchi, an Italian sound artist who promoted the O.N.G. by trying to preserve what little we have left of the world virgin ecosystem. Artist, researcher and composer eco-acoustic sound.

In addition, in the Macaulay Library there is a collection of 150,000 audios on more than 9,000 species

He is a pioneer in the composition of soundscapes with 3D recordings of the ecosystems to promote discourse on the crisis of the biodiversity through its state-of-the-art music and sound installations.

Fragments of Extinction, in collaboration with Greenpeace collects for the first time the"Sound portraits" in high definition of a tropical ecosystem intact. It is part of the work of the artist who for 15 years has been recording different fragments of sound in the jungles of the world.

The project makes up a total of 23 recordings aboutnature soundswild with different durations and undisturbed taken in the middle of the forest, in theforests of the Amazon, Africa and Borneo.

As examples of some jungle sound that we can find in the Fragments of Extinction portal. A pleasure for the ears to hear what many of us will never be able to visit.

  • Since the sounds of the Amazon forests… HERE.
  • Since the sounds of the forests of Africa… HERE.
  • Since the sounds of Borneo forests… HERE.

And if you want more, don't worry! On the same page and looking for the animal sound, but this time from the largest library of sounds about animals in Macaulay Library HERE (New York). He is bigger scientific archive of audios and videos of animals on the planet.

From the Macaulay Librar we can enjoy a collection of 150,000 audios (about 7,500 hours of recording), free of charge on the web. Around 9,000 species are represented in the collection, with special emphasis on the sounds of birds, but also includes audios of elephants, whales, primates and frogs, among many other species.

Fragments of Extinction, is a multidisciplinary research process that encompasses the jungle animal sounds from a different sound exploration, not only from the theories of acoustic ecology of Bernie Krause, but also in the participation of diverse explorations around the field recording in-situ and the interpretive acoustic.

The humidity could be in the jungle at 99%, with sudden storms or the absence of electric current, has turned this recording project into a feat for the preservation of the animal sounds around the Earth. (We can learn more in the article tools for noise, although it is intended for architectural aspects)

In a few decades, possibly these recordings of the jungle noises become a living testimony of the sound heritage that one day we had and that, due to the greed of many, we will have no more …

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