Recycling and waste containers; Types, colors and what goes in each one

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The recycling bin

Respect for the environment requires a series of commitments and actions to be carried out that serve to preserve nature and the landscape environment. And for that, among many tools, are the cubes andrecycling containers with its variants for the different types of waste.

Practicing the recycling we can avoid the creation of new waste and its accumulation. It represents significant energy and economic savings, in addition to reducing management costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In short, it is one of the greatest challenges that modern society must face to fight against the degradation and destruction of the environment. And if you don't believe it! Well, look at the following image …

For all this, we have spoken with people who know about manipulation and waste containers, we spoke with to tell you how to learn to recycle with coherence in the face of trash bins. So take note!

It is necessary to become fully aware of the importance of recycling. Sometimes we forget that any product, material or substance that is manufactured is suitable for recycling and, therefore, can be reused.

The three r; Reduce reuse recycle

The law or rule ofThe three r, which, although it was coined by Greenpeace, is already a worldwide insignia. It has always been advocated to use the RRR formula (Reduce, re-use, Recycle), a formula that as far as possible should be the way of acting of today's society.

Although generating waste cannot be avoided, the impact on the environment will be minimal if these rules are followed in the correct order.

First, reduce rather than reuse, the next recycle, and lastly, avoid. They are the keys to keeping the planet ecologically healthy and in the best conditions for future generations.

Remember!… First, reduce before reuse, next recycle, and lastly, avoid.

We cannot always practice reduction and reuse of materials, components, objects, etc. everything we would like, we still have to practice recycling. This is where we find a unique opportunity to contribute our grain of sand to preserve nature.

The recycling symbols They are varied and the meaning is essential to give a correct treatment to the waste and thus avoid the dumping of inappropriate waste that will harm the recycling system.

We can access this GUIDE (From page 44) with the explanation of all the symbols, but the four most representative are: Möbius Circle, the European eco-label, the green dot and the Tidyman.

Now, it's time to learn! … In which container does each waste go? What types of waste containers are there? or in what trash can Should we deposit the waste according to its type and origin? …

As they are designated by colors, the different types of recycling bins and garbage are:

  • Yellow containers
  • Blue containers
  • Green containers
  • Organic containers
  • Gray containers
  • Special waste containers

As you can see, there are few types of garbage containers, so let's see each one and its types of waste.

Yellow container

And yes! … We can recognize that you know that the yellow container is for plastic, but, as we will see, there are some interesting aspects that we should remember.

The recycling of plastic packaging represents approximately between 11 and 12% by total weight of the waste we generate. Fortunately, we are increasingly aware of its use, especially with the plastic bag, but even so, we still have a lot of work ahead of us.

Among all trash cubes, the yellow recycling bin It is the most complicated due to the amount of waste that we can throw. But let's see …

Broadly speaking, we can deposit in the container all kinds of Plastic bottles Y metal containers, cartons, plastic bags, the "white cork" or "polystyrene" of packaging or small wooden boxes such as wine, strawberries, cigars, cases, etc.

Remember, empty the containers well and reuse the shopping bags!

Although it can be tedious to read the following list, it is very useful … What can we throw in the yellow plastic container?

Briks of milk, cream, juices, wine, smoothies, broth, etc.
Plastic containers for food:
Plastic bottles (water, milk, juice, soft drinks, edible oil, vinegar, sauces …)
Plastic packaging of dairy products, including their lids (dairy, cheese, butter, etc.)
"White cork" trays and boxes (those for fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken, etc.).
Plastic caps and plugs.
Disposable plastic plates and cups.
Plastic egg cups.
Plastic baby bottles without nipple.
Plastic nets and nets for oranges, potatoes …
Plastic containers for cleaning and cleaning products:
Plastic jars of non-aerosol hygiene products (deodorant, toothpaste, creams, gels, soaps, etc.)
Plastic jars of empty cleaning products (liquid detergents, cleaners, fabric softeners, etc.)
Bottles of drinks (beer, soft drinks).
Canned food (vegetables, meat, fish, food for pets …).
Aluminum plates and trays (e.g. ready meals).
Metal plates and caps.
Plastic and aluminum bags and wrappers:
Plastic bags for food (milk, frozen, fruit, etc).
Aluminum bags and containers for food (soups, purees, pasta, coffee, snacks, etc.)
Bags that are found in stores, supermarkets, etc.
Aluminum foil for the kitchen.
Vacuum packaging of delicatessen products.
Plastic wrappers (the one used to protect cardboard and plastic boxes, which accompanies trays of meat, fruits, etc.)
Transparent polyethylene film (the one that is cut from the rolls).
Aluminum and plastic blister packs (they are the containers where batteries, razor blades, etc. come from)

Remember that when we carry out the disinfection and cleaning of the house, and we have empty containers, they go here!

A long list of products can be deposited in the yellow containers to recycle and that, sometimes, we just can't remember.

The Plastic bottles They can be recycled to manufacture plastic bags, urban furniture, or to obtain new non-food packaging (bleach, detergent, etc.) but on this type of garbage …What can we NOT throw in the yellow container?

Beware the yellow bucket versus metal plastic products that are not containers; videotapes, CDs, or all kinds of plastic toys.

Remember that we have an excellent article on how to make a machine to recycle plastic at home, very interesting!

Blue container

The utility of blue recycling bins it's huge. The recycle cardboard and paper represents approximately 18% by weight of the total waste we generate.

For each sheet of standard-size paper (DIN A4) that is deposited and recycled, energy is saved equivalent to running two 20-watt energy saving light bulbs for 1 hour. So the recycling bins for paper and cardboard They are very important!

By recycling one ton of paper, between 12 and 16 medium trees are saved, 50,000 liters of water and more than 300 kg of oil are saved. So…What can we throw in the blue paper and cardboard container?

Whenever possible, cardboard and paper containers should be folded to take up less space within the Blue container and if we can, we eliminate the metallic and plastic elements (clips, staples, spirals of notebooks, etc).

Remember! … the cardboard and paper elements must be folded

What happens when we have a mixed container of paper or a cardboard box with plastic?… This always happens with toys, and within our possibilities, we will try to separate it to deposit it in the correct container.

But…What can we NOT throw in the blue container?

Here you have to be careful with the famous Briks or the napkins that sometimes we do not deposit them in the corresponding bucket.

Green container

What most users practice is recycling glass, and for this we have the famous green containers.

Glass is 100% recyclable and never loses its initial qualities. For each bottle that is recycled, the energy necessary to have a television on for 3 hours is saved.

glass is 100% recyclable and never loses its qualities

The glass recycling It represents approximately 8% by weight of the total waste we generate. A glass bottle buried in a landfill takes 4,000 years to degrade, that is, to completely disappear.

To facilitate recycling, remember to put them in the green container without caps or lids, which must be deposited in the yellow bucket. So take note of …What can we throw in the green glass containers?

According to environmentalists, using the green container for recycling glass It means a 20% decrease in air pollution, a 27% decrease in energy consumption and a 50% decrease in water pollution. Is recyclables to 100%!

For him green cube, enter all kinds of glass bottles, the jars of the colognes and glass cosmetics or the jars of preserves and jam. And touch see …What can we NOT throw in the green container?

The flat glass of pictures or windows, the glass-ceramics and the mirrors should be taken to the nearest clean point.

Note: clean points, They are special areas where waste is collected and deposited free of charge that, due to its danger or size, cannot be deposited in the authorized containers located on our street.

Organic container

Although most of us are not used to organic containers and actually, in many cities we don't see them either, they are intended for organic waste that we produce at home.

Sometimes he organic container is brown in color dark but others, it is assigned the orange color to organic garbage. Be careful with this!

The organic waste is all waste of animal or plant origin that decompose easily in the environment. In general, it is the remains of meals and foods like; fruits, bones, leaves, etc. And vegetal remains of plants like; branches, flowers, leaves, roots, etc.

And it's time to see … What can we throw in the organic matter containers?

Organic waste is used to make compost through its decomposition, a natural fertilizer that provides nutrients to the earth. The slow decomposition of organic matter it is a biological process in which fungi, bacteria, worms and others intervene.

And remember… What can we NOT throw in the organic waste bin?

As you can see, it is not that difficult

Gray container

This is the metal container of … Who can save themselves! And it is the most used in Spain. Out of habit, here we throw everything that our mind is not able to separate into the previously named cubes.

But in reality, gray containers are for general waste What:

When you have questions about garbage, before throwing it away without knowing it, you can call your city council. It is a moment!

Special waste containers

There are a number of tanks for recycling specifically designated that are matched to a specific type of waste based on its reuse or treatment characteristics. The most common are:

  • Containers for clothing, accessories and footwear. They come together with a non-profit association or NGO. They are for the selective collection of clothes and accessories.
  • Battery containers. They are intended for depositing small batteries and batteries that are no longer useful. Some small trash cans that contribute a lot to the environment.
  • Medicine containers. They are for the deposit of pharmacy products and expired medicines, those that we no longer use (The boxes and plastic containers are also introduced)

Note: Sometimes we can see a red container, are used to store hazardous waste such as batteries, insecticides, oils, aerosols or technological products.

Recycling goes much further than we think. A clear example are the houses made with containers that present a different way of building, but that brings benefits to the environment and a palpable utility for society.

Buy recycling bins

Here, the most comfortable is buy recycling bins stackable by sections. They are perfect for home; They take up little space, are comfortable, easy to handle and with recyclable colors.

As we always comment! You have to compare prices. From neighborhood stores to large stores such as Ikea, Corte Ingles, Leroy Merlin, Carrofour, Amazon etc.

For our part, We recommend buying the following garbage cans for home for having a consistent price and that they are made of steel:

  • Steel pedal bin with 3 sections of 15 liters of Leroy Merlin. Although it is not the cheapest, being made of steel, it lasts! And in capacity it is normal. Stacking is horizontal and you can see it from HERE.
  • The stackable cubes vertically, the plastic ones are cheaper but the steel ones, a little more expensive but they last and aesthetically they are great. Take a good look at the measurements you need. On Amazon there is a great offer of container sets that you can check from HERE.

If you are looking for a removable type and that they fit well. We directly recommend that you visit the store (Remember, you have to measure the interior dimensions of the furniture)

Buy steel recycling bins without being for your home. In time … You will appreciate it!

For the exterior, garden or terrace, we already need more capacity. We have to go to the 50L or 60L buckets perfect for terraces or the 80L, 100L or 120 liters more destined for the garden and made of hard plastic.

  • For garden and outdoor: In this aspect, for quality and comfort, directly this waste container with pedal on Amazon. In addition, we can even buy different ones to separate the waste. You can see it from Amazon HERE.
  • For an attic-style terrace: We choose this 50L steel pedal trash can that also fits in with any decorative style. You can see it from Amazon HERE.

The green or clean dot

The clean points (They are used in Spain), they are special areas - usually outside the city - where waste is collected free of charge that, due to its dangerousness or size, cannot be deposited in the garbage containers enabled on the street.

In the end, they are all bulky garbage and hazardous waste that need special treatment. They carry the label that we can see in the image, in most cases.

The clean point is for bulky garbage and hazardous waste from special treatment

They are mainly classified into four types of waste, and they are the selective collection from:

  • Toxic and Hazardous Waste (RTP). They are those manufactured in industrial processes and that must be managed in a special way, due to their danger, their toxicity or their degree of concentration. In homes there are also; bleach, paints, resins, solvents, etc.) RTP is considered both the substance and the container that has contained it.
  • Chemical wastes. Its management is carried out separately, such as fertilizers, phytosanitary products, etc.
  • Construction and demolition waste (RCD). Those produced in construction and construction activities (They do not undergo biological or physicochemical transformations once discharged).
  • Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE). They are the devices that work with batteries or connected to the electrical network and that indicates the symbol that they cannot be poured into the Dumpster.

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