Mugwort Care - Complete Guide

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Mugwort is a beautiful plant highly valued for its medicinal properties that has risen to fame, especially thanks to its use as a remedy against malaria. Even so, in addition to its medicinal properties, mugwort is a very decorative ornamental plant with very simple care, so it is a good option to decorate our home. If you want to know the mugwort care in a pot or in the garden, do not hesitate to continue reading this Green Ecologist article.

Mugwort characteristics

Scientific name Artemisia annua, although also called sweet absinthe or Chinese absinthe, it is a annual herbaceous plant which has its origin in China, where it is called Qing Hao and grows naturally and spontaneously. The Sagebrush annua It can also be found in Korea, Vietnam, Russia and the Caspian and Black Seas and, planted in soil under the right circumstances, can grow to heights of 2 meters, although in pot its size is much smaller.

It is a very fast growing plant, with bright green leaves that give rise to small but beautiful yellow flowers. The medicinal properties of mugwort They are very numerous, including:

  • Anti-cancer capabilities.
  • Antiparasitic capabilities.
  • Antimicrobial capabilities.
  • Strengthening capabilities of the immune system.
  • Affective capacities as digestive and intestinal regulator.

Due to these properties it is very normal to use its dried leaves and flowers to make infusions, but its use is also industrial: Sertal, a well-known medicine, is made from mugwort. On the other hand, studies about the effects of this plant against malaria earned Dr. Tu Youyou the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015.

Here you can find more information about Herbaceous Plants: characteristics and examples or Phytotherapy: what is it and how to use medicinal plants? in these two articles that we recommend.

Location for mugwort

The Sagebrush annua needs a very sunny locationWhether it is planted in a pot or when it comes to caring for mugwort in the garden. In the northern hemisphere, it is grateful to be oriented to the south, although it is not essential. You can place it in full sun if you live in an area with a temperate climate, but the direct insolation in very hot climates It could remove too much moisture from the plant, being better in these cases to place it in semi-shade, protected from the most intense daylight hours.

Check out this Green Ecologist article on the perfect plants and flowers for very sunny gardens.

Climate for mugwort

Regarding the climate for mugwort, we find different specifications:

  • Cold season: in the wild the plant is capable of Stand the cold relatively easily, although even under these circumstances it dries up completely as soon as the first frosts arrive.
  • Hot season: its humidity requirements mean that it does not carry very high temperatures too well, although with enough watering and covered from the worst hours of sun it can develop.

Perhaps you may find this article by Green Ecologist interesting about cold and heat resistant outdoor plants.

Watering sagebrush

The so-called Chinese wormwood usually grows next to rivers or very humid areas, since it needs to high amounts of moisture. This can be achieved with frequent waterings, especially in the warm months, but always without exceeding the quantities and avoiding flooding. To support this, it is usual to place the pot on a bed of pebbles partially submerged in water, so that the humidity rises towards the plant. On the other hand, if we plant it in a pot it is vital that this pot has drainage holes.

Learn more in this post on Drainage in pots.

Soil for mugwort

The plant is very undemanding to the soil and its nutrients, being able to adapt without problems to poor and even clay soils. The only important thing in this sense is that the soil offers the best possible drainage, avoiding accumulations of water that could damage its roots.

In this other Green Ecologist article you can find more information about Clay soil that may be of help or interest you.

Mugwort compost

Since it is a plant that is commonly used for human consumption, it must be paid always with organic fertilizers to prevent chemicals from reaching people. Adding compost or worm castings to the soil before planting and with the arrival of the warm months will help the plant to grow more and form more leaves.

In these other two articles that we recommend on the Types of compost and How to make worm castings you can find more information.

Mugwort cultivation

The most common is to sow mugwort seeds at Start of Spring, planting in a seedbed to ensure the growth of small and weak seedlings. Once the roots of the seedlings appear through the seedbed drainage holesIt will be time to transplant them to their final location outdoors or in a pot, in a moist and enriched soil.

We leave you this other idea of How to make a seedbed in Green Ecologist.

Mugwort Harvest

When collecting mugwort, it is usual to do it when the leaves of the plant are richer in artemisinin, the main active component of the plant. This occurs when the plant flowering process, so it is the best time to collect the leaves and apical branches, always leaving the semi-woody stems so that they can sprout later. Some of the considerations that must be taken are:

  • Always use properly disinfected tools and allow the tools to dry. leaves and stems in the shade before use in infusions or other types of applications such as ointments.
  • Frequent watering will help both the production of the plant and its regrowth, as well as a photocycle of at least 12 hours of light per day.

If you want to read more articles similar to Mugwort care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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