Shrimp plant care

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The shrimp plant has its origin in Mexico and it is a tropical plant It has many species, although only the so-called guttata can be grown indoors. Its scientific name is Beloperone and it has other common names such as chuparrosa, indoor hops or eat me. It belongs to the Acantáceas family and its cultivation is very simple, so it is a great option to decorate any environment since it is very beautiful and original.

If you want to know everything about shrimp plant care, don't miss this Green Ecologist article.

How is the shrimp plant

This tropical shrub is of evergreen and blooms all year round, so it is widely used for its large ornamental size.

Its inflorescences form a spike in the shape of a shrimp that makes them very attractive, and it is advisable to put tutors when it begins to grow a lot since this way it becomes a climber and is much more spectacular. Although it is very leafy, does not need a very large pot.

Main cares

The main care of this plant are:

  • Location: it needs to be in a very well lit place, and it can withstand a couple of hours a day in direct sunlight, but no more. If it is outdoors, during the summer it is better to be in a semi-shady area.
  • Irrigation: in the hottest time of the year you should water abundantly but without watering it, while in the cold season you have to water the essentials so that the soil does not dry out, but with very little amount.
  • Plagues and diseases: if it is not properly cared for, it can be attacked by spider mites and aphids.
  • Multiplication: It has to be done in spring and by cuttings, cutting them about 10 centimeters and removing a few bracts so that they can root better.
  • Transplant: there is no limit, but let it be during the spring.
  • Pruning: it will only need training pruning so that it takes the path that you want.

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